DUI teen doing 70 mph in a 40 zone kills 4 - GETS PROBATION

The incredible highway carnage in america (100 killed EVERY DAY) will continue as long as we keep coddling highway killers. This monster deserved life wo parole.

I understand your frustration with the situation, but did you ever stop to think that this kid probably has some issues, substance abuse most likely being one of them? It's unfortunate that this had to happen, but people like this need to get help and learn how to monitor their own behavior. They don't need to be thrown into the prison industrial complex where they'll receive little to no rehabilitation, just so you don't have to worry about them or what they may do next. That's exactly the type of lazy ass ignorant mentality that so many people in this country seem to hold. Treat the problem later by locking people up and throwing away the key, instead of attempting to prevent the problem from happening in the first place.

To some degree, yes. But part of a sentence is to make sure others don't do this. One casualty, he can get off with probation. Laura Bush had a vehicular homicide in her past. The judge let her go, the right decision in my view. One, or maybe two.. he can get probation . six, caslties (four dead, two in the hospital for life) he needs 20 years behind bars. Especailly with the drugs involved, and the level of alcohol. He isn't recoverable.
The two in the hospital and all the family members a year from now can see that little bastard drive past them. This is just wrong on so many level.
The incredible highway carnage in america (100 killed EVERY DAY) will continue as long as we keep coddling highway killers. This monster deserved life wo parole.

Ethan Couch crash: Drink driving teen who killed four is spared jail 'because he's rich' | Mail Online

11 December 2013

A judge has let off a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving drunk after the teen's lawyers claimed his rich parents spoiled him and never taught him about consequences.

Ethan Couch of Keller, Texas, had faced 20 years behind bars but walked away with 10 years of probation Tuesday, something that angered his victims' families.

Couch's blood alcohol reading was .24 and he also had a Valium in his system after he and a group of friends stole alcohol from Walmart, drank it and later piled into his pick-up truck. Driving 70 miles in a 40 miles per hour zone, he struck and killed four pedestrians as well as injuring two of his own passengers who remain paralyzed.

Sadly, Texas loves to go lite on drunk drivers.
But they jail you for having two joints in your car?
The incredible highway carnage in america (100 killed EVERY DAY) will continue as long as we keep coddling highway killers. This monster deserved life wo parole.

11 December 2013

A judge has let off a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving drunk after the teen's lawyers claimed his rich parents spoiled him and never taught him about consequences.

Ethan Couch of Keller, Texas, had faced 20 years behind bars but walked away with 10 years of probation Tuesday, something that angered his victims' families.

Couch's blood alcohol reading was .24 and he also had a Valium in his system after he and a group of friends stole alcohol from Walmart, drank it and later piled into his pick-up truck. Driving 70 miles in a 40 miles per hour zone, he struck and killed four pedestrians as well as injuring two of his own passengers who remain paralyzed.

I understand your frustration with the situation, but did you ever stop to think that this kid probably has some issues, substance abuse most likely being one of them? It's unfortunate that this had to happen, but people like this need to get help and learn how to monitor their own behavior. They don't need to be thrown into the prison industrial complex where they'll receive little to no rehabilitation, just so you don't have to worry about them or what they may do next. That's exactly the type of lazy ass ignorant mentality that so many people in this country seem to hold. Treat the problem later by locking people up and throwing away the key, instead of attempting to prevent the problem from happening in the first place.

Of course he had issues, he was never told no and he has never been held accountable. So now let's let him back into society, where he can kill again.
Rehabilitation? What about the 4 innocent pedestrians that were killed? Do they get a chance at rehabilitation? What about their family members? What kind of justice did they get?

So now we have a new approach here. Let's just forget about providing justice to the 4 victims and their family members, it is far more important that we concern ourselves with rehabilitating the criminal.

And tell me how imprisoning someone for the rest of their life brings any justice to the victims? Does it bring them back from the dead? I don't think so. So your argument is redundant. I'm not saying he should have walked away scott-free. I'm just saying that examining and treating the underlying factors of atrocities such as this is a lot more efficient as far as prevention goes than just throwing someone in a hole and forgetting about them. Though your argument leads me to believe that you're not at all concerned with preventing these instances, you just want people to suffer if they've caused suffering to someone else. Ever hear the saying an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind?

What you are saying is, no killer should get life for killing someone.

This kid is thinking, I actually killed 4 people, so NO MATTER what I do, I will get away with it.

seriously, what could he do worse than kill four innocent people? As he now knows, he can kill and get probation because you know, he is rich and stuff.

Pretty valuable lesson, if you are rich, you can kill and get no penalty.

Siddy needs to go riding with the kid and help him as he drives drunk.
OJ was found not guilty because the police were caught planting evidence and perjuring themselves. I'd have said NG too.

Utter bullshit. The DNA proved his guilt.

The DNA was planted as were the gloves. Everybody but you knows that.

Everyone with a brain knows that fir that to happen, hundreds of police would have to be in on it and of those hundreds that are in on it, not one has come forward to this day? The gloves? Come on, don't take your arthritis medicine for a week and they wouldn't fit. Only an idiot would believe his innocence.
Teen uses 'affluenza' defense in deadly drunken driving case - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This story has me more shocked and just...in complete denial that there is hope for our society.

This rich kid drove drunk, and killed 4 people. The state pushed for 20 years in jail. What did he get? 10 years probation, NO JAIL TIME.

His defense?

"Affluenza". Yes, "Affluenza", meaning he was raised so rich, that he though being rich meant he faced no consequences for his actions.

And after driving drunk, and killing 4 people, he gets NO JAIL TIME......I suppose his disease is proven correct. If you are rich in America, you are just a different breed. The elite. And we should all worship you all, I suppose. And God forbid we dare try to hold you all accountable, and suggest you should suffer consequences for your actions.

Oh, but don't worry. He will face a consequence. His lawyer said the rich kid will learn a lesson.........because his dad is spending $500,000 to send him to a pricey 'rehab' center in California

Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.
I can't get over this.

The defense of "Your honor, my client is such a spoiled brat fucking rich kid, that he feels he is above consequences for his actions, because his filthy rich parents convinced him wealth can buy anything, including a half-million dollar stay in rehab, if you'll simply excuse him from his DUI that killed 4 innocent people. Afterall, he's rich, it would be cruel to hold him accountable for actions that he felt he was too rich to be held accountable for.....your honor".

And it fucking worked.

4 people dead.

And his "punishment' is Daddy sending him to a ritzy California rehab for half a million dollars.

OWS has a point sometimes.
The parents of the deceased should take it to the supreme court. And the judge that gave that stupid sentence needs to be removed from the bench.
There are a shit load of people in TX that are in a high state of pisstivity. I know a guy that got 10 years for hurting a person while driving drunk. This kid should be put under the freaking jail, this was his second offense. There is no excuse for what that judge did.

I hope mommy and daddy have a shit load of money to offset the wrongful death suits that will be coming their way.
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And this isn't a Republican/Democrat thing, because there are both rich and poor people in both parties.

But, the ability in this country to have your wealth literally get you out of consequences the rest of us would suffer is getting to sickening levels.

Here in SC, a Felony DUI, where someone dies, is almost guaranteed a 10 year sentence. Unless, of course, you're rich it seems.

Im sure most states are the same.

But this filthy rich kid killed 4 people driving drunk. And wont spend a day in jail. FOUR people dead.

And he claims "Affluenza"???? Literally "Im too affluent to be held accountable for this"??? And it WORKS?

I could NOT be the father of one of the victims. I couldn't. I'd end up in jail.
There are a shit load of people in TX that are in a high state of pisstivity. I know a guy that got 10 years for hurting a person while driving drunk. This kid should be put under the freaking jail, this was his second offense. There is no excuse for what that judge did.


"Affluenza"??? "Im too rich to be held accountable"?

And it WORKED?
This story has had me pissed off all evening. How being a spoiled rich kid can be a defense for killing four people is beyond me. How incredibly stupid is it to say that it's not his fault because nobody ever held him responsible for his behavior, and then proceed to not hold him responsible for his behavior?
This story has had me pissed off all evening. How being a spoiled rich kid can be a defense for killing four people is beyond me. How incredibly stupid is it to say that it's not his fault because nobody ever held him responsible for his behavior, and then proceed to not hold him responsible for his behavior?

I watched a rich kid's lawyer on TV say "There is a difference between being innocent and being not guilty."

They should shoot those guys right there.
This story has had me pissed off all evening. How being a spoiled rich kid can be a defense for killing four people is beyond me. How incredibly stupid is it to say that it's not his fault because nobody ever held him responsible for his behavior, and then proceed to not hold him responsible for his behavior?

I watched a rich kid's lawyer on TV say "There is a difference between being innocent and being not guilty."

They should shoot those guys right there.

Im disgusted. Im looking for links to email for local politicians of that state and county. I know it wont help, but we should flood it with our protests.

Im seriously stunned by this story.

This is WORSE than the George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony story. At least in those two, there was enough debate to warrant a trial- even if you don't like the outcome.

THIS? A rich kid drives drunk, kills 4 people, and gets NO JAIL TIME with the defense "I'm too rich to be held accountable"?
They should shoot those guys right there.

Its why I could not go through what the family members of the victims of this case are going through. I couldn't let that lawyer and piece of human garbage who killed those people get away with this.
Teen uses 'affluenza' defense in deadly drunken driving case - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This story has me more shocked and just...in complete denial that there is hope for our society.

This rich kid drove drunk, and killed 4 people. The state pushed for 20 years in jail. What did he get? 10 years probation, NO JAIL TIME.

His defense?

"Affluenza". Yes, "Affluenza", meaning he was raised so rich, that he though being rich meant he faced no consequences for his actions.

And after driving drunk, and killing 4 people, he gets NO JAIL TIME......I suppose his disease is proven correct. If you are rich in America, you are just a different breed. The elite. And we should all worship you all, I suppose. And God forbid we dare try to hold you all accountable, and suggest you should suffer consequences for your actions.

Oh, but don't worry. He will face a consequence. His lawyer said the rich kid will learn a lesson.........because his dad is spending $500,000 to send him to a pricey 'rehab' center in California

Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

This story has had me pissed off all evening. How being a spoiled rich kid can be a defense for killing four people is beyond me. How incredibly stupid is it to say that it's not his fault because nobody ever held him responsible for his behavior, and then proceed to not hold him responsible for his behavior?

I watched a rich kid's lawyer on TV say "There is a difference between being innocent and being not guilty."

They should shoot those guys right there.

It's pretty bad when some rich kid gets away with killing someone and only gets a slap on the hand, or less.

Laura Bush drove through a stop sign and killed someone. She got off because her daddy was an important man in town. She was never accused of anything, there was never a trial, she didn't even get a slap on the hand. A kid from an average family would have spent time in jail. In my high school, two guys, best friends, were messing around with a hunting rifle and one of them accidently shot the other and killed him. The shooter spent a few years in prison for manslaughter. Laura Bush didn't even get a slap on the hand.
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