DUI teen doing 70 mph in a 40 zone kills 4 - GETS PROBATION

In other news, Obama the 1%er killed a bunch of innocent civilians in another country... again. And the left goes silent.

Now that story should be in politics, and it was... Look it up and feel free to comment.

Who cares, its another country. Don't we love projecting military power onto other countries, while demonizing the "militarization of police" here on our soil?

/blinks... wtf did you just say? Oh, I get it... you are ok with Black Presidents killing brown people in other countries. Great, just a run of the mill racist you are, fantastic!

Obama killing people does not even make it to page 2... White kid get's let off and mindless lemming go fucking nuts and post bullshit in the politics section.

That's right. This is America.

We tolerate a LOT of really bad shit that we as a nation do overseas.......that we'd never tolerate here.

We are outraged when US police wear military style equipment and guns to patrol our streets for violent people, but PRAISE it when US men wear the same gear to patrol foreign streets for violent people. I doubt THEIR people like it much either. But, we do it. We bomb the shit out of other countries. Its what we do.

Its not news that we would never tolerate half the shit we do overseas to other people if we did it here, to our own people.

That's news to you?

Or, is our NATION suffering from "Affluenza", that our country is just too rich and powerful to be held accountable for things we do overseas?
In other news, Obama the 1%er killed a bunch of innocent civilians in another country... again. And the left goes silent.

Now that story should be in politics, and it was... Look it up and feel free to comment.

Who cares, its another country. Don't we love projecting military power onto other countries, while demonizing the "militarization of police" here on our soil?

/blinks... wtf did you just say? Oh, I get it... you are ok with Black Presidents killing brown people in other countries. Great, just a run of the mill racist you are, fantastic!

Our nation has a long list or presidents who have bombed people of all color overseas. Most times it was justified. Sometimes its not. Sometimes it was well intended, but bad effects.

We have a double standard for our behavior HERE, vs our behavior overseas.

Just like the double standard for the rich in America.
Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

So the stupid actions of one rich family and their jackass of a son is cause to hate all rich people?
Who cares, its another country. Don't we love projecting military power onto other countries, while demonizing the "militarization of police" here on our soil?

/blinks... wtf did you just say? Oh, I get it... you are ok with Black Presidents killing brown people in other countries. Great, just a run of the mill racist you are, fantastic!

Our nation has a long list or presidents who have bombed people of all color overseas. Most times it was justified. Sometimes its not. Sometimes it was well intended, but bad effects.

We have a double standard for our behavior HERE, vs our behavior overseas.

Just like the double standard for the rich in America.

You're fucking dumb.

So because we have a history of something it makes it ok... Ok you fucking bigot, lets go with that piece of shit made up on the spot to suck Obama's dick logic.

People have been getting off the hook by being rich since the beginnings of America. I win, and you made the argument for me. STFU and plz stop spamming the political boards with NON political chit.
Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

So the stupid actions of one rich family and their jackass of a son is cause to hate all rich people?

He's kinda a bigot, dude. Now if the guy were black, like Obama, then mass murder of innocents is pretty much "thumbs up" in his ass backwards book.
/blinks... wtf did you just say? Oh, I get it... you are ok with Black Presidents killing brown people in other countries. Great, just a run of the mill racist you are, fantastic!

Our nation has a long list or presidents who have bombed people of all color overseas. Most times it was justified. Sometimes its not. Sometimes it was well intended, but bad effects.

We have a double standard for our behavior HERE, vs our behavior overseas.

Just like the double standard for the rich in America.

You're fucking dumb.

So because we have a history of something it makes it ok... Ok you fucking bigot, lets go with that piece of shit made up on the spot to suck Obama's dick logic.

People have been getting off the hook by being rich since the beginnings of America. I win, and you made the argument for me. STFU and plz stop spamming the political boards with NON political chit.

Wow. You don't even see yourself and what you just said.

Yep. We have a history of it. Seems it just became a problem when the 1st black guy started doing what we've always done.

And yes, they have. Doesn't make it right, and doesn't mean we have to sit back and accept it. Like I said, that piece of shit who did this crime is lucky it wasn't my family he killed. Im sure millions feel the same way.
Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

So the stupid actions of one rich family and their jackass of a son is cause to hate all rich people?

He's kinda a bigot, dude. Now if the guy were black, like Obama, then mass murder of innocents is pretty much "thumbs up" in his ass backwards book.

So whose picture is in the middle when you and him meet up: Rand or Ron?
And this isn't a Republican/Democrat thing, because there are both rich and poor people in both parties.

But, the ability in this country to have your wealth literally get you out of consequences the rest of us would suffer is getting to sickening levels.

Here in SC, a Felony DUI, where someone dies, is almost guaranteed a 10 year sentence. Unless, of course, you're rich it seems.

Im sure most states are the same.

But this filthy rich kid killed 4 people driving drunk. And wont spend a day in jail. FOUR people dead.

And he claims "Affluenza"???? Literally "Im too affluent to be held accountable for this"??? And it WORKS?

I could NOT be the father of one of the victims. I couldn't. I'd end up in jail.

It is certainly a conservative/liberal thing. A conservative judge would have never made that ruling. For example, a liberal judge would take into account poverty when sentencing a violent offender. A conservative could care less. A liberal judge would take into account affluenza when sentencing a rich kid. Once again, a conservative judge could care less. That kid had to make at least a hundred different decisions that he consciously knew was wrong. No non-corruptible conservative judge in the world would bestow such a sentence. However, sense the judge decided to give the kid a pass via affluenza, shouldn't the parents then be culpable by the same methodology?
Our nation has a long list or presidents who have bombed people of all color overseas. Most times it was justified. Sometimes its not. Sometimes it was well intended, but bad effects.

We have a double standard for our behavior HERE, vs our behavior overseas.

Just like the double standard for the rich in America.

You're fucking dumb.

So because we have a history of something it makes it ok... Ok you fucking bigot, lets go with that piece of shit made up on the spot to suck Obama's dick logic.

People have been getting off the hook by being rich since the beginnings of America. I win, and you made the argument for me. STFU and plz stop spamming the political boards with NON political chit.

Wow. You don't even see yourself and what you just said.

Yep. We have a history of it. Seems it just became a problem when the 1st black guy started doing what we've always done.

And yes, they have. Doesn't make it right, and doesn't mean we have to sit back and accept it. Like I said, that piece of shit who did this crime is lucky it wasn't my family he killed. Im sure millions feel the same way.

ITS NOT POLITICAL NUMB NUTZ. And you have a double standard. It's ok to kill people if your rich, black and a democrat... But if it's a white kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You only need to know 5 seconds of the story to start spamming the boards in incorrect areas.
So the stupid actions of one rich family and their jackass of a son is cause to hate all rich people?

He's kinda a bigot, dude. Now if the guy were black, like Obama, then mass murder of innocents is pretty much "thumbs up" in his ass backwards book.

So whose picture is in the middle when you and him meet up: Rand or Ron?

I don't get what you just said to me.... I met Ron Paul, no picture.
And this isn't a Republican/Democrat thing, because there are both rich and poor people in both parties.

But, the ability in this country to have your wealth literally get you out of consequences the rest of us would suffer is getting to sickening levels.

Here in SC, a Felony DUI, where someone dies, is almost guaranteed a 10 year sentence. Unless, of course, you're rich it seems.

Im sure most states are the same.

But this filthy rich kid killed 4 people driving drunk. And wont spend a day in jail. FOUR people dead.

And he claims "Affluenza"???? Literally "Im too affluent to be held accountable for this"??? And it WORKS?

I could NOT be the father of one of the victims. I couldn't. I'd end up in jail.

It is certainly a conservative/liberal thing. A conservative judge would have never made that ruling. For example, a liberal judge would take into account poverty when sentencing a violent offender. A conservative could care less. A liberal judge would take into account affluenza when sentencing a rich kid. Once again, a conservative judge could care less. That kid had to make at least a hundred different decisions that he consciously knew was wrong. No non-corruptible conservative judge in the world would bestow such a sentence. However, sense the judge decided to give the kid a pass via affluenza, shouldn't the parents then be culpable by the same methodology?

Um...this was a judge in TEXAS. Wealthy North Texas/Fort Worth area.

And yes, the parents should be held accountable. And the piece of shit driver. I wont call him a "kid". Hes old enough to get wasted, take pills, kill 4 people, then laugh about it in the ER and ask if the cops are gonna just give him a ticket? Fuck him.
Teen uses 'affluenza' defense in deadly drunken driving case - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This story has me more shocked and just...in complete denial that there is hope for our society.

This rich kid drove drunk, and killed 4 people. The state pushed for 20 years in jail. What did he get? 10 years probation, NO JAIL TIME.

His defense?

"Affluenza". Yes, "Affluenza", meaning he was raised so rich, that he though being rich meant he faced no consequences for his actions.

And after driving drunk, and killing 4 people, he gets NO JAIL TIME......I suppose his disease is proven correct. If you are rich in America, you are just a different breed. The elite. And we should all worship you all, I suppose. And God forbid we dare try to hold you all accountable, and suggest you should suffer consequences for your actions.

Oh, but don't worry. He will face a consequence. His lawyer said the rich kid will learn a lesson.........because his dad is spending $500,000 to send him to a pricey 'rehab' center in California

Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

The only silver lining here is that if this punk violates his probation, he could be sentenced to ten years. I hope he fails a drug test at some point.
So whose picture is in the middle when you and him meet up: Rand or Ron?

I don't get what you just said to me.... I met Ron Paul, no picture.

Im sure you did meet him. Have you bathed since shaking his hand?

Of course I have.... Are you one of those disgusting obsessive people that does not bath when they meet someone they look up to? WTF is wrong with you dude?

See the problem with playing this game with me is that I'm far better at it than you. I have logic, reason and you have.... your feelingz..
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Here is the question. Why is this thread in politics? What are we debating here?

Yeah, the kid seems like a low life, dono the whole story and honestly don't care. But why politics?
And this isn't a Republican/Democrat thing, because there are both rich and poor people in both parties.

But, the ability in this country to have your wealth literally get you out of consequences the rest of us would suffer is getting to sickening levels.

Here in SC, a Felony DUI, where someone dies, is almost guaranteed a 10 year sentence. Unless, of course, you're rich it seems.

Im sure most states are the same.

But this filthy rich kid killed 4 people driving drunk. And wont spend a day in jail. FOUR people dead.

And he claims "Affluenza"???? Literally "Im too affluent to be held accountable for this"??? And it WORKS?

I could NOT be the father of one of the victims. I couldn't. I'd end up in jail.

It is certainly a conservative/liberal thing. A conservative judge would have never made that ruling. For example, a liberal judge would take into account poverty when sentencing a violent offender. A conservative could care less. A liberal judge would take into account affluenza when sentencing a rich kid. Once again, a conservative judge could care less. That kid had to make at least a hundred different decisions that he consciously knew was wrong. No non-corruptible conservative judge in the world would bestow such a sentence. However, sense the judge decided to give the kid a pass via affluenza, shouldn't the parents then be culpable by the same methodology?

Um...this was a judge in TEXAS. Wealthy North Texas/Fort Worth area.

And yes, the parents should be held accountable. And the piece of shit driver. I wont call him a "kid". Hes old enough to get wasted, take pills, kill 4 people, then laugh about it in the ER and ask if the cops are gonna just give him a ticket? Fuck him.

I'm sure some money exchanged hands. Nevertheless, it follows liberal methodology to a tee. The idea that we aren't responsible for our own actions because of our circumstances has never been a conservative line.
I don't get what you just said to me.... I met Ron Paul, no picture.

Im sure you did meet him. Have you bathed since shaking his hand?

Of course I have.... Are you one of those people that does not bath when they meet someone they look up to? WTF is wrong with you dude?

See the problem with playing this game with me is that I'm far better at it than you. I have logic, reason and you have.... your feelingz..

Im being juvenile to make fun of you. And you're playing into it, thinking you are "winning" something on here. Its kinda funny.
It is certainly a conservative/liberal thing. A conservative judge would have never made that ruling. For example, a liberal judge would take into account poverty when sentencing a violent offender. A conservative could care less. A liberal judge would take into account affluenza when sentencing a rich kid. Once again, a conservative judge could care less. That kid had to make at least a hundred different decisions that he consciously knew was wrong. No non-corruptible conservative judge in the world would bestow such a sentence. However, sense the judge decided to give the kid a pass via affluenza, shouldn't the parents then be culpable by the same methodology?

Um...this was a judge in TEXAS. Wealthy North Texas/Fort Worth area.

And yes, the parents should be held accountable. And the piece of shit driver. I wont call him a "kid". Hes old enough to get wasted, take pills, kill 4 people, then laugh about it in the ER and ask if the cops are gonna just give him a ticket? Fuck him.

I'm sure some money exchanged hands. Nevertheless, it follows liberal methodology to a tee. The idea that we aren't responsible for our own actions because of our circumstances has never been a conservative line.

You mean sort of like a bail out?

This happened in wealthy Texas. I doubt the judge is a raging tree hugger.
Im sure you did meet him. Have you bathed since shaking his hand?

Of course I have.... Are you one of those people that does not bath when they meet someone they look up to? WTF is wrong with you dude?

See the problem with playing this game with me is that I'm far better at it than you. I have logic, reason and you have.... your feelingz..

Im being juvenile to make fun of you. And you're playing into it, thinking you are "winning" something on here. Its kinda funny.

I'm calling out your thread that belongs in "current events" or news... and you're making a fool of yourself. Get a clue, you're like light years behind "hip".

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