DUI teen doing 70 mph in a 40 zone kills 4 - GETS PROBATION

I can think of a few government programs that fit that criteria. However, that doesn't change the fact that he should be rotting in jail. It only makes it more likely of a repeat offense.

Are you trying to change the subject? I'm talking about his parents throwing money around as opposed to digging in and working with him to deal.

Yes, I am. I want your perspective on the sentence. My curiosity was aroused when you criticized the relatives of the victims.

That wasn't a criticism, it was a statement of fact.

I have two friends who had a sibling murdered. In one case, there were charges and jail time. In the other case, there were not. They both seem to be experiencing the same level of pain and loss.

I have stated it before on this board. When we attempt to hold others responsible for our own sense of well-being, we give up our power. This then results in resentment.
Perfect example id how you confuse the crap outta me. Your opinions go whacko overboard on irrelevant things and not far enough on something like this.

The board notes you evaded the issue and can only respond by calling people whackos. Thanks for admitting i'm right.

Yes deflect by all means. You think three hots and a cot is acceptable for someone who put four people in the ground. The point stands.
It is a pretty sad commentary on things.

Yes, it is.

But not in the way that you think.

Why are you really surprised from this. When you have a political party that says that it's more important that rich people have tax cuts than for poor children to have food and medical coverage, why not let a few rich people kill a couple poor folks?

When you have a policy of afflicting the afflicted and comforting the comfortable, this is the logical conclusion.

I'm sure that the families of the dead will sue the crap out of the family in civil court, and probably win.
Teen uses 'affluenza' defense in deadly drunken driving case - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This story has me more shocked and just...in complete denial that there is hope for our society.

This rich kid drove drunk, and killed 4 people. The state pushed for 20 years in jail. What did he get? 10 years probation, NO JAIL TIME.

His defense?

"Affluenza". Yes, "Affluenza", meaning he was raised so rich, that he though being rich meant he faced no consequences for his actions.

And after driving drunk, and killing 4 people, he gets NO JAIL TIME......I suppose his disease is proven correct. If you are rich in America, you are just a different breed. The elite. And we should all worship you all, I suppose. And God forbid we dare try to hold you all accountable, and suggest you should suffer consequences for your actions.

Oh, but don't worry. He will face a consequence. His lawyer said the rich kid will learn a lesson.........because his dad is spending $500,000 to send him to a pricey 'rehab' center in California

Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

This story has had me pissed off all evening. How being a spoiled rich kid can be a defense for killing four people is beyond me. How incredibly stupid is it to say that it's not his fault because nobody ever held him responsible for his behavior, and then proceed to not hold him responsible for his behavior?

I watched a rich kid's lawyer on TV say "There is a difference between being innocent and being not guilty."

They should shoot those guys right there.

It's pretty bad when some rich kid gets away with killing someone and only gets a slap on the hand, or less.

Laura Bush drove through a stop sign and killed someone. She got off because her daddy was an important man in town. She was never accused of anything, there was never a trial, she didn't even get a slap on the hand. A kid from an average family would have spent time in jail. In my high school, two guys, best friends, were messing around with a hunting rifle and one of them accidently shot the other and killed him. The shooter spent a few years in prison for manslaughter. Laura Bush didn't even get a slap on the hand.

And Ted Kennedy killed a woman and got elected Senator and his cousin is out of prison on a technicality after killing a 16 year old. So I get your point. It's all money and not political affiliation. Rich Dems are as bad as rich Repub.
It is a pretty sad commentary on things.

Yes, it is.

But not in the way that you think.

Why are you really surprised from this. When you have a political party that says that it's more important that rich people have tax cuts than for poor children to have food and medical coverage, why not let a few rich people kill a couple poor folks?

When you have a policy of afflicting the afflicted and comforting the comfortable, this is the logical conclusion.

I'm sure that the families of the dead will sue the crap out of the family in civil court, and probably win.

I see no difference in political parties and their attitude toward the rich, the middle class and the poor.

Some pay lip service and others do not.

Money buys, food, gadgets and politicians, judges and justice.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well in my opinion which is always correct, the kid was drunk, and he didn't know what he was doing, he was *blatso drunk*, which means he doesn't remember much of what took place.
2. Alcohol is what he was drinking I would imagine, could be having access to this liquid is some what at fault, if he hadn't drank the stuff he wouldn't of been *blatso*, anyone young and dumb can get some.
3. I blame the alcohol as much as the kid, to sale alcohol in America you have to have a license, which cost a lot of money, 10-20 thousand a year, these funds go to the state, these funds should instead be ear marked for the victims of these deaths by *blatso* drivers.
4. Okay money won't cure the problem of having loved ones killed, hell no!
5. The manufacturers of alcohol should also be held liable.
6. All across America deaths happen on the roadways, and there are many deaths that happen that everyone just writes off, truckers kill a huge amount of people in passenger cars, and they aren't drunk, and they have no interest in protecting the people in cars, they see us in cars as gnats in their way, useless deaths occur, no one bats an eye.
7. What about those who died last night by the trucker?
8. All across America *blatso drunks* will get in their cars tonight and kill some body, they will *not die*, they nearly never do, they survive, to live and go to court, day in day out they are hauled off to the hospitals across America, alive and well, while others they hit go straight to the morgue.
9. It will happen tonight Friday night as I post this Friday morning, again tomorrow night, these young kids and some older heavy drinkers, alcoholics, by habit will grab their car keys and hit the road, *blatso drunk*, some wise people stayed on look out for them and didn't travel much at night or on the week ends, some unwise people did travel much at night time, and died by *blatso drunk*
10. Crimes of alcohol are not punished to the same degree as murder, like taking a gun and shooting another in the head, though both are just as dead.
11. The supreme judges perhaps should make a judgment.

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BTW, the judge is a Republican. And felt "Affluenza" was reasonable enough to let this scumbag kill 4 people, and serve 0 days.

Well there you have it. Now you can go and create a dozen more threads bashing the entire gop because of ONEA judges stupid decision. I'm sure the "kid" was also a junior goper so you should have a hayday with it.

You're such a douchebag. No sympathy for the victims but plenty of partisan condemnation.
The incredible highway carnage in america (100 killed EVERY DAY) will continue as long as we keep coddling highway killers. This monster deserved life wo parole.

Ethan Couch crash: Drink driving teen who killed four is spared jail 'because he's rich' | Mail Online

11 December 2013

A judge has let off a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving drunk after the teen's lawyers claimed his rich parents spoiled him and never taught him about consequences.

Ethan Couch of Keller, Texas, had faced 20 years behind bars but walked away with 10 years of probation Tuesday, something that angered his victims' families.

Couch's blood alcohol reading was .24 and he also had a Valium in his system after he and a group of friends stole alcohol from Walmart, drank it and later piled into his pick-up truck. Driving 70 miles in a 40 miles per hour zone, he struck and killed four pedestrians as well as injuring two of his own passengers who remain paralyzed.

well lets hope that this kid learned something by this

and makes something of his life

he certainly got a second chance
rich drunk driver, kills four, gets probation
...and a six year old boy gets expelled and threatened with jail for kissing a girls hand. He must not have money.
Judge should be drawn and quartered for allowing such an outrageous defense. Saw an interview with a man whose wife and daughter were killed. Said the max would have been 20 years in jail and he would have been eligible for parole in 2 years. Saw the defense lawyer who praised the decision and said now he can get on with becoming a productive member of society. Saw some fucking idiots here agree with the decision.
I can't believe all you people are injecting politics into this tragic story.

Just unreal.

Corruption? Perhaps
Politics? No such evidence

You're the nutball who said DUI should be legal!!! You have no cred on this subject, loonybird.
The judge may have been bribed, yes.

This part stood out for me.

May have been??!!! There's no question that's what happened. All this talk about the killer getting off because he has rich parents is just a smoke screen.

There are NO honest judges in america.
Judge should be drawn and quartered for allowing such an outrageous defense. Saw an interview with a man whose wife and daughter were killed. Said the max would have been 20 years in jail and he would have been eligible for parole in 2 years. Saw the defense lawyer who praised the decision and said now he can get on with becoming a productive member of society. Saw some fucking idiots here agree with the decision.

I saw that same interview and it made me sick to my stomach. So many judges are in the wrong job. I hope O`Reilly brings this up on The Factor. He usually does when there is an outrageous miscarriage of justice.
And Ted Kennedy killed a woman and got elected Senator and his cousin is out of prison on a technicality after killing a 16 year old. So I get your point. It's all money and not political affiliation. Rich Dems are as bad as rich Repub.

Don't forget laura bush committed vehicular homicide in the killing of her former boyfriend and was never charged with anything.??? It's not about political parties, it's about money.
I vote 'don't care'.

Anderson Cooper devoted an hour--or more? to this.

It was finally 'agreed' the affluenza defense was senseless and that the boy had substance abuse issues that should be treated.

The owner of the potential treatment facility reiterated this. Anderson Cooper seemed obsessed with the idea of 'equine therapy'---referenced that over and over again.

If the boy cannot follow the center's plans and the probation requirements--then the judge can revoke the probation and he will end up incarcerated.

Surprising, yes--is there anything that I can do about this --no.
Ethan Couch gets probation after 'affluenza' defense in Texas crash that killed 4 | abc7chicago.com

ecember 12, 2013 -- A Texas teen has been given probation and counseling -- but no jail time -- for a crash that killed four people in June. The victims' families are stunned.

"I'll always cherish memories that we had," said Eric Boyles, father and husband of victims. "Today, those memories are painful because it brings you to the situation that they're not here today."

An alleged alcohol-fueled joyride ultimately led to four people being killed. The 16-year-old behind the wheel, Ethan Couch, won't be serving a single day in jail.

"He may think he has gotten away with something, but he hasn't gotten away with anything," said Marla Mitchell, mother of victim.
Instead of the 20-year sentence Texas prosecutors were hoping for, late Tuesday, juvenile court Judge Joan Boyd gave Couch 10 years probation.

The teen pleaded guilty to intoxication manslaughter. His blood-alcohol level was three times the legal limit, and he was driving almost twice the speed limit when he crashed his dad's Ford pickup into the victims.

This week, Couch's defense argued he suffers from affluenza, that his parents are responsible for the horrific accident because they raised him in a family so wealthy, so privileged that the teen didn't realize his actions would have consequences.

"Taking him away from his family and teaching him to be a responsible citizen, that is a consequence," said Scott Brow, Ethan Couch's defense attorney.

Now, Couch will check into a half-a-million dollar rehab program in California. Dad and mom will foot the bill. He's not allowed to see them for two years.

The victims' families argue they'll never see the loved ones he took away.

"My wife and daughter are gone, and there's no consequences to the individual to which that occurred," Boyles said.

The crash also left two people severely injured.

"My immediate reaction is I'm back to week one. We have accomplished nothing here. My healing process is out the window," Boyles said.

The crash happened on June 15 on a rural road in Fort Worth.

Money is power and money just got this kid a get out of jail free card. I'm sure this wouldve happened with a public defender too :doubt: because justice is bribed...wait, no Justice is blind.

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