DUI teen doing 70 mph in a 40 zone kills 4 - GETS PROBATION

Now, Couch will check into a half-a-million dollar rehab program in California. Dad and mom will foot the bill. He's not allowed to see them for two years.

Interesting sentance...somehow I think there is more to this than meets the eye.
He's so rich he didnt understand the consequences so the court wont give him consequences either because that'll teach him a lesson
He's 16, not an adult.

I would go after whoever provided him the alcohol.

If an adult has sex with a 16 year old, even if the 16 year old was willing and able, we still charge that adult with rape because a child is not able to give informed consent.

For that same reason, we conservatives do not want a 16 year old to be able to get an abortion without parental consent.

The judgment centers in the brain of a child are not fully developed. They are literally physically incapable of making decisions like an adult. Every parent is fully aware of this.

When this reality crashes into something as tragic as this 16 year old drunk driving and killing four people, we are presented with quite an emotional dilemma. Is it really just to punish someone who is physiologically undeveloped the same way we would punish an adult? Is it really just to let someone who killed four people just walk away?

It's tough. Very tough.

I have my doubts the judge based his or her decision on this outrageous non-existent "affluenza" syndrome. It was probably more centered around the principles I have described.

But the media loves to sensationalize the bejeesus out of events these days. They have actually made a conscious decision to reject objectivity and instead deliberatelly attempt to inflame the illogical passions of their subscribers.

That is a national tragedy, too.
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The fact this judge is a republican fills me with shame. when a democrat judge does the same should fill some on the left when that happens. It does happen. Which as a citizen also fils me with shame. This happens, not to the same degree of corse, with enough regularity to make everyone furious at the judge and the system. This judge belongs in a jail cell for a good long time as well.
As one black pundit on Fox pointed out; teens from poor dysfunctional ghetto families don't get a break for lack of parenting (pofluenza, he called it), so this rich brat shouldn't get one either. He should at least get 20 years and do 10 minimum. Still only be 26 when he gets out.
It is certainly a conservative/liberal thing. A conservative judge would have never made that ruling. For example, a liberal judge would take into account poverty when sentencing a violent offender. A conservative could care less. A liberal judge would take into account affluenza when sentencing a rich kid. Once again, a conservative judge could care less. That kid had to make at least a hundred different decisions that he consciously knew was wrong. No non-corruptible conservative judge in the world would bestow such a sentence. However, sense the judge decided to give the kid a pass via affluenza, shouldn't the parents then be culpable by the same methodology?

Um...this was a judge in TEXAS. Wealthy North Texas/Fort Worth area.

And yes, the parents should be held accountable. And the piece of shit driver. I wont call him a "kid". Hes old enough to get wasted, take pills, kill 4 people, then laugh about it in the ER and ask if the cops are gonna just give him a ticket? Fuck him.

I'm sure some money exchanged hands. Nevertheless, it follows liberal methodology to a tee. The idea that we aren't responsible for our own actions because of our circumstances has never been a conservative line.

This isnt political troll..you dont know what you are talkinf about
As I said, I'm sure money exchanged hands. It was liberal legal methodology, however, that made the ruling possible.

So when a Republican does something morally wrong, that person is then a liberal?

No, the legal methodology was derived from the liberal legal mind. In other words, this ruling would not have been possible under a conservative interpretation of the law. Either the judge is corrupt or she is a liberal. You ruled out one of the two. That lead me to ask why she was using a liberal legal methodology. My answer? She was probably paid off.
So you are just a partisan hack who blanes the worlds ills on liberals, even when the facts say you are wrong. Your opinion carries no weight since all you can do is be dishonest.
BTW, the judge is a Republican. And felt "Affluenza" was reasonable enough to let this scumbag kill 4 people, and serve 0 days.

Well there you have it. Now you can go and create a dozen more threads bashing the entire gop because of ONEA judges stupid decision. I'm sure the "kid" was also a junior goper so you should have a hayday with it.

You're such a douchebag. No sympathy for the victims but plenty of partisan condemnation.

No bucs was correcting pubes comment that this was a liberal story. Why dont you go after pubes as well?
Are you trying to change the subject? I'm talking about his parents throwing money around as opposed to digging in and working with him to deal.

Yes, I am. I want your perspective on the sentence. My curiosity was aroused when you criticized the relatives of the victims.

That wasn't a criticism, it was a statement of fact.

I have two friends who had a sibling murdered. In one case, there were charges and jail time. In the other case, there were not. They both seem to be experiencing the same level of pain and loss.

I have stated it before on this board. When we attempt to hold others responsible for our own sense of well-being, we give up our power. This then results in resentment.

Which is a critique. Is it not? In any case, lets hear what you think of the sentence.
So when a Republican does something morally wrong, that person is then a liberal?

No, the legal methodology was derived from the liberal legal mind. In other words, this ruling would not have been possible under a conservative interpretation of the law. Either the judge is corrupt or she is a liberal. You ruled out one of the two. That lead me to ask why she was using a liberal legal methodology. My answer? She was probably paid off.
So you are just a partisan hack who blanes the worlds ills on liberals, even when the facts say you are wrong. Your opinion carries no weight since all you can do is be dishonest.

You challenge that the ruling was liberal legal methodology?
I am with you. I hope they loose every fucking penny and all the property they own.

That's pretty sad. Hopefully the parents will lose every dollar they have after those families get done sueing them.

This is what happens when we let idiotic judges sit in courts buying all this psycho-babble nonesense instead of just punishing the criminal.
It was reported on the news this a.m. 12/13/13. that the same judge sentenced one man to 7 yrs in prison for punching another man.
And she has the nerve to let this rich crybaby to his punishment.
Again, the family needs to loose every penny they have.

Judge should be drawn and quartered for allowing such an outrageous defense. Saw an interview with a man whose wife and daughter were killed. Said the max would have been 20 years in jail and he would have been eligible for parole in 2 years. Saw the defense lawyer who praised the decision and said now he can get on with becoming a productive member of society. Saw some fucking idiots here agree with the decision.
No, the legal methodology was derived from the liberal legal mind. In other words, this ruling would not have been possible under a conservative interpretation of the law. Either the judge is corrupt or she is a liberal. You ruled out one of the two. That lead me to ask why she was using a liberal legal methodology. My answer? She was probably paid off.
So you are just a partisan hack who blanes the worlds ills on liberals, even when the facts say you are wrong. Your opinion carries no weight since all you can do is be dishonest.

You challenge that the ruling was liberal legal methodology?
Uh yes.nothing conservative or liberal about the ruling. Just a poor ruling.
BTW, the judge is a Republican. And felt "Affluenza" was reasonable enough to let this scumbag kill 4 people, and serve 0 days.

Well there you have it. Now you can go and create a dozen more threads bashing the entire gop because of ONEA judges stupid decision. I'm sure the "kid" was also a junior goper so you should have a hayday with it.

You're such a douchebag. No sympathy for the victims but plenty of partisan condemnation.

No bucs was correcting pubes comment that this was a liberal story. Why dont you go after pubes as well?

I go after them all the time. If you don't see it you're either blind or stupid or both.

And I went after Bucs because he is a disingenuous fraud who will find ANY excuse to bad mouth the gop, including this.

Perhaps you should let Bucs put on his big boy pants and defend himself?
He's 16, not an adult.

I would go after whoever provided him the alcohol.

If an adult has sex with a 16 year old, even if the 16 year old was willing and able, we still charge that adult with rape because a child is not able to give informed consent.

For that same reason, we conservatives do not want a 16 year old to be able to get an abortion without parental consent.

The judgment centers in the brain of a child are not fully developed. They are literally physically incapable of making decisions like an adult. Every parent is fully aware of this.

Then the answer is don't let kids drive. Raise the legal driving age to 18 or maybe more.
The incredible highway carnage in america (100 killed EVERY DAY) will continue as long as we keep coddling highway killers. This monster deserved life wo parole.

Ethan Couch crash: Drink driving teen who killed four is spared jail 'because he's rich' | Mail Online

11 December 2013

A judge has let off a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving drunk after the teen's lawyers claimed his rich parents spoiled him and never taught him about consequences.

Ethan Couch of Keller, Texas, had faced 20 years behind bars but walked away with 10 years of probation Tuesday, something that angered his victims' families.

Couch's blood alcohol reading was .24 and he also had a Valium in his system after he and a group of friends stole alcohol from Walmart, drank it and later piled into his pick-up truck. Driving 70 miles in a 40 miles per hour zone, he struck and killed four pedestrians as well as injuring two of his own passengers who remain paralyzed.

Texas and money.....win.

Oh, do they still let drivers drink and drive like they used to when I was there in the late 70s?

Apparently if the perpetrator is suffering from "affluenza".

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