DUI teen doing 70 mph in a 40 zone kills 4 - GETS PROBATION

Um...this was a judge in TEXAS. Wealthy North Texas/Fort Worth area.

And yes, the parents should be held accountable. And the piece of shit driver. I wont call him a "kid". Hes old enough to get wasted, take pills, kill 4 people, then laugh about it in the ER and ask if the cops are gonna just give him a ticket? Fuck him.

I'm sure some money exchanged hands. Nevertheless, it follows liberal methodology to a tee. The idea that we aren't responsible for our own actions because of our circumstances has never been a conservative line.

You mean sort of like a bail out?

This happened in wealthy Texas. I doubt the judge is a raging tree hugger.

Government money = government control. There is nothing more progressive than a bailout.
BTW, the judge is a Republican. And felt "Affluenza" was reasonable enough to let this scumbag kill 4 people, and serve 0 days.
I'm sure some money exchanged hands. Nevertheless, it follows liberal methodology to a tee. The idea that we aren't responsible for our own actions because of our circumstances has never been a conservative line.

You mean sort of like a bail out?

This happened in wealthy Texas. I doubt the judge is a raging tree hugger.

Government money = government control. There is nothing more progressive than a bailout.

Like Bush did?

And also like Bush, this judge is a Texas Republican.

Too rich to be held accountable. Guess it applies to so many people lately. Presidents, judges, wall streeters........... or dirt bag drunk drivers.
BTW, the judge is a Republican. And felt "Affluenza" was reasonable enough to let this scumbag kill 4 people, and serve 0 days.

As I said, I'm sure money exchanged hands. It was liberal legal methodology, however, that made the ruling possible.
You mean sort of like a bail out?

This happened in wealthy Texas. I doubt the judge is a raging tree hugger.

Government money = government control. There is nothing more progressive than a bailout.

Like Bush did?

And also like Bush, this judge is a Texas Republican.

Too rich to be held accountable. Guess it applies to so many people lately. Presidents, judges, wall streeters........... or dirt bag drunk drivers.

Yes, as I said before, there is nothing more progressive as a bailout.
One a less horrible note....reading up on this story, seems the wrongful death and injury lawsuits are probably going to bankrupt this family, and this piece of shit who drove drunk will be flipping burgers.
BTW, the judge is a Republican. And felt "Affluenza" was reasonable enough to let this scumbag kill 4 people, and serve 0 days.

As I said, I'm sure money exchanged hands. It was liberal legal methodology, however, that made the ruling possible.

So when a Republican does something morally wrong, that person is then a liberal?

No, the legal methodology was derived from the liberal legal mind. In other words, this ruling would not have been possible under a conservative interpretation of the law. Either the judge is corrupt or she is a liberal. You ruled out one of the two. That lead me to ask why she was using a liberal legal methodology. My answer? She was probably paid off.
Since the Judge has determined that it is the Parent's fault that the kid killed those people, why didn't he issue a bench warrant for their arrest?

Why hasn't the prosecutor filed charges against the parents?

I hope civil suits are brought against the parents here and it bankrupts them to the point they can't afford to pay that half million and the kid ends up in jail anyway.
As I said, I'm sure money exchanged hands. It was liberal legal methodology, however, that made the ruling possible.

So when a Republican does something morally wrong, that person is then a liberal?

No, the legal methodology was derived from the liberal legal mind. In other words, this ruling would not have been possible under a conservative interpretation of the law. Either the judge is corrupt or she is a liberal. You ruled out one of the two. That lead me to ask why she was using a liberal legal methodology. My answer? She was probably paid off.

So, it just CANT be that a Republican judge sympathized with the idea that the kids parents were so wealthy and spoiled him so much, that he just couldn't be expected to understand his actions would have consequences?

Yeah, maybe not. Maybe the rich Republican judge did get paid off by some rich Republican parents, to make sure their rich Republican murderer of a son didn't serve a day in jail.
Since the Judge has determined that it is the Parent's fault that the kid killed those people, why didn't he issue a bench warrant for their arrest?

Why hasn't the prosecutor filed charges against the parents?

I hope civil suits are brought against the parents here and it bankrupts them to the point they can't afford to pay that half million and the kid ends up in jail anyway.

Oh the family will be broke after the civil lawsuits.

I don't think there is a criminal charge they can use against the parents. For what? Raising a spoiled fucking brat rich kid?

Bottom line- they argued their kids was raised to wealthy to believe he would be held accountable. Literally what they argued. And the Republican judge agreed.

Twilight Zone.....except real.
Since the Judge has determined that it is the Parent's fault that the kid killed those people, why didn't he issue a bench warrant for their arrest?

Why hasn't the prosecutor filed charges against the parents?

I hope civil suits are brought against the parents here and it bankrupts them to the point they can't afford to pay that half million and the kid ends up in jail anyway.

Oh the family will be broke after the civil lawsuits.

I don't think there is a criminal charge they can use against the parents. For what? Raising a spoiled fucking brat rich kid?

Bottom line- they argued their kids was raised to wealthy to believe he would be held accountable. Literally what they argued. And the Republican judge agreed.

Twilight Zone.....except real.

They argued that the kid's parents, they are the rich ones not the kid, spoiled him to the point that he thought the rules didn't apply.

They argued it was the parent's fault he was that way.
So when a Republican does something morally wrong, that person is then a liberal?

No, the legal methodology was derived from the liberal legal mind. In other words, this ruling would not have been possible under a conservative interpretation of the law. Either the judge is corrupt or she is a liberal. You ruled out one of the two. That lead me to ask why she was using a liberal legal methodology. My answer? She was probably paid off.

So, it just CANT be that a Republican judge sympathized with the idea that the kids parents were so wealthy and spoiled him so much, that he just couldn't be expected to understand his actions would have consequences?

Yeah, maybe not. Maybe the rich Republican judge did get paid off by some rich Republican parents, to make sure their rich Republican murderer of a son didn't serve a day in jail.

That's what I said. But they used liberal legal methodology to do it. Had the legal interpretation not existed in the first place, she would have no justification for her ruling.
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The judge may have been bribed, yes.

This part stood out for me.

"Taking him away from his family and teaching him to be a responsible citizen, that's a consequence," he said.

But victims' family members disagree.

Boyles said the verdict doesn't give victims' family the justice they need for closure.

"My immediate reaction is I'm back to week one," he said. "We have accomplished nothing here. My healing process is out the window."

No. Your healing process is dependent on YOU, not what happens in a courtroom. My heart goes out to all the wounded and maimed and the families of the deceased, but their hearts won't be any less broken by what happens to the perpetrator.
The judge may have been bribed, yes.

This part stood out for me.

"Taking him away from his family and teaching him to be a responsible citizen, that's a consequence," he said.

But victims' family members disagree.

Boyles said the verdict doesn't give victims' family the justice they need for closure.

"My immediate reaction is I'm back to week one," he said. "We have accomplished nothing here. My healing process is out the window."

No. Your healing process is dependent on YOU, not what happens in a courtroom. My heart goes out to all the wounded and maimed and the families of the deceased, but their hearts won't be any less broken by what happens to the perpetrator.

your probably right, however, that doesn't mean that the little brat shouldn't be rotting in jail.
The judge may have been bribed, yes.

This part stood out for me.

"Taking him away from his family and teaching him to be a responsible citizen, that's a consequence," he said.

But victims' family members disagree.

Boyles said the verdict doesn't give victims' family the justice they need for closure.

"My immediate reaction is I'm back to week one," he said. "We have accomplished nothing here. My healing process is out the window."

No. Your healing process is dependent on YOU, not what happens in a courtroom. My heart goes out to all the wounded and maimed and the families of the deceased, but their hearts won't be any less broken by what happens to the perpetrator.

your probably right, however, that doesn't mean that the little brat shouldn't be rotting in jail.

He'll do it again. He will do time. I doubt that his first rehab will be his last. He's practically begging somebody to give enough of a shit to actually HELP HIM, but no. Nobody cares, they just throw money.
The judge may have been bribed, yes.

This part stood out for me.

No. Your healing process is dependent on YOU, not what happens in a courtroom. My heart goes out to all the wounded and maimed and the families of the deceased, but their hearts won't be any less broken by what happens to the perpetrator.

your probably right, however, that doesn't mean that the little brat shouldn't be rotting in jail.

He'll do it again. He will do time. I doubt that his first rehab will be his last. He's practically begging somebody to give enough of a shit to actually HELP HIM, but no. Nobody cares, they just throw money.

I can think of a few government programs that fit that criteria. However, that doesn't change the fact that he should be rotting in jail. It only makes it more likely of a repeat offense.
your probably right, however, that doesn't mean that the little brat shouldn't be rotting in jail.

He'll do it again. He will do time. I doubt that his first rehab will be his last. He's practically begging somebody to give enough of a shit to actually HELP HIM, but no. Nobody cares, they just throw money.

I can think of a few government programs that fit that criteria. However, that doesn't change the fact that he should be rotting in jail. It only makes it more likely of a repeat offense.

Are you trying to change the subject? I'm talking about his parents throwing money around as opposed to digging in and working with him to deal.
He'll do it again. He will do time. I doubt that his first rehab will be his last. He's practically begging somebody to give enough of a shit to actually HELP HIM, but no. Nobody cares, they just throw money.

I can think of a few government programs that fit that criteria. However, that doesn't change the fact that he should be rotting in jail. It only makes it more likely of a repeat offense.

Are you trying to change the subject? I'm talking about his parents throwing money around as opposed to digging in and working with him to deal.

Yes, I am. I want your perspective on the sentence. My curiosity was aroused when you criticized the relatives of the victims.

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