DUI teen doing 70 mph in a 40 zone kills 4 - GETS PROBATION

What the fuck does OWS have to do with this story?

Not a god damn thing. This isn't politics. It's stupidity and corruprion.

Yet the partisan hack op has to tie a political motivation to this terrible miscarriage of justice.

OWS indeed (occupied with stupidity)
Texas rich kid who killed 4 in drunken car crash spared jail - NY Daily News
?Affluenza? Teen Gets Away With Killing Four | The American Conservative

Two more links. Photos of the wonderful people this rich brat killed. He injured 9 others. Paralyzed 1 more. Several of the police officers who were first on scene dealing with the 4 dead, 9 badly hurt bodies, are suffering PTSD.

And this rich brat gets a 500K California resort 'rehab' for punishment?

Grumpy, I referred to OWS as one of their gripes is that the rich are held to a different, unfair standard under society's laws. And on THAT one, they are right. For rich people of both parties.

This story has me sick.
Don't forget he hurt 9 other people and one will never fully recover.

Yep. Stunning story.

"Affluenza"- Im too rich to be held accountable.

What if a poor person claimed "Povertyenza", meaning "Im so poor, I assumed crime was my only hope to survive". Is it any more ridiculous than "Im too rich to think I'll be held accountable"???

The people of Texas (OF ALL STATES) cannot let this shit slide.
Says in the ER, he was laughing, bragging about how he can "hold his liquor" and about all the pills he took, then asked if the police were "gonna write me a ticket" and laughed.

As I said....if one of the deceased were my child or parent.......this killer would never drink a legal beer.
Texas rich kid who killed 4 in drunken car crash spared jail - NY Daily News
?Affluenza? Teen Gets Away With Killing Four | The American Conservative

Two more links. Photos of the wonderful people this rich brat killed. He injured 9 others. Paralyzed 1 more. Several of the police officers who were first on scene dealing with the 4 dead, 9 badly hurt bodies, are suffering PTSD.

And this rich brat gets a 500K California resort 'rehab' for punishment?

Grumpy, I referred to OWS as one of their gripes is that the rich are held to a different, unfair standard under society's laws. And on THAT one, they are right. For rich people of both parties.

This story has me sick.

If your sick go puke and hit the sack. This didn't belong in politics and has NOTHING to do with those lazy good for nothing freeloaders known as ows.

Stop being a jealous bitch and move on. This kid WILL get a new sentence so unwad your panties and calm the fuck down.
Teen uses 'affluenza' defense in deadly drunken driving case - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This story has me more shocked and just...in complete denial that there is hope for our society.

This rich kid drove drunk, and killed 4 people. The state pushed for 20 years in jail. What did he get? 10 years probation, NO JAIL TIME.

His defense?

"Affluenza". Yes, "Affluenza", meaning he was raised so rich, that he though being rich meant he faced no consequences for his actions.

And after driving drunk, and killing 4 people, he gets NO JAIL TIME......I suppose his disease is proven correct. If you are rich in America, you are just a different breed. The elite. And we should all worship you all, I suppose. And God forbid we dare try to hold you all accountable, and suggest you should suffer consequences for your actions.

Oh, but don't worry. He will face a consequence. His lawyer said the rich kid will learn a lesson.........because his dad is spending $500,000 to send him to a pricey 'rehab' center in California

Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

I don't know the facts of the case, but there is no such thing as the defense you're describing.
What's dopey about this article is that it does't say what the typical punishment of teen in Texas convicted of the same crime.

I think it stinks, but this is just piss poor reporting. The defense had nothing to do with "Afluenza"…or anything of the sort. That's not a defense. That was probably be offered as mitigating circumstances.
Teen uses 'affluenza' defense in deadly drunken driving case - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This story has me more shocked and just...in complete denial that there is hope for our society.

This rich kid drove drunk, and killed 4 people. The state pushed for 20 years in jail. What did he get? 10 years probation, NO JAIL TIME.

His defense?

"Affluenza". Yes, "Affluenza", meaning he was raised so rich, that he though being rich meant he faced no consequences for his actions.

And after driving drunk, and killing 4 people, he gets NO JAIL TIME......I suppose his disease is proven correct. If you are rich in America, you are just a different breed. The elite. And we should all worship you all, I suppose. And God forbid we dare try to hold you all accountable, and suggest you should suffer consequences for your actions.

Oh, but don't worry. He will face a consequence. His lawyer said the rich kid will learn a lesson.........because his dad is spending $500,000 to send him to a pricey 'rehab' center in California

Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

I don't know the facts of the case, but there is no such thing as the defense you're describing.
If you dont know then dont comment on what is and isnt a defense.
What's dopey about this article is that it does't say what the typical punishment of teen in Texas convicted of the same crime.

I think it stinks, but this is just piss poor reporting. The defense had nothing to do with "Afluenza"…or anything of the sort. That's not a defense. That was probably be offered as mitigating circumstances.

Yes it did, ive seen a few articles on this and that was the defense.
It's pretty bad when some rich kid gets away with killing someone and only gets a slap on the hand, or less.

Laura Bush drove through a stop sign and killed someone. She got off because her daddy was an important man in town. She was never accused of anything, there was never a trial, she didn't even get a slap on the hand. A kid from an average family would have spent time in jail. In my high school, two guys, best friends, were messing around with a hunting rifle and one of them accidently shot the other and killed him. The shooter spent a few years in prison for manslaughter. Laura Bush didn't even get a slap on the hand.
"Laura Bush drove through a stop sign and killed someone. She got off because her daddy was an important man in town. She was never accused of anything."

Yes, it's called an accident!
snopes.com: Laura Bush Car Accident

1963...no seat-belts regulated.

But let's not speak of Ted Kennedy's Chappaquiddick moment.


Michael C. Skakel
Michael Skakel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

was convicted in 2002 of the 1975 murder of Martha Moxley, his 15-year-old neighbor in Greenwich, Connecticut.

He was sentenced to 20 years to life. In 2013, he was granted a new trial by a Connecticut Judge and released on $1.2 million bail; the decision is now being appealed by the prosecution.

Affluenza definitely applies to all parties.
Teen uses 'affluenza' defense in deadly drunken driving case - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

This story has me more shocked and just...in complete denial that there is hope for our society.

This rich kid drove drunk, and killed 4 people. The state pushed for 20 years in jail. What did he get? 10 years probation, NO JAIL TIME.

His defense?

"Affluenza". Yes, "Affluenza", meaning he was raised so rich, that he though being rich meant he faced no consequences for his actions.

And after driving drunk, and killing 4 people, he gets NO JAIL TIME......I suppose his disease is proven correct. If you are rich in America, you are just a different breed. The elite. And we should all worship you all, I suppose. And God forbid we dare try to hold you all accountable, and suggest you should suffer consequences for your actions.

Oh, but don't worry. He will face a consequence. His lawyer said the rich kid will learn a lesson.........because his dad is spending $500,000 to send him to a pricey 'rehab' center in California

Meanwhile, 4 people are dead. And tens of thousands of poor people spend time in jail for weed and things that, well, don't KILL FOUR PEOPLE.

God damn, I'm losing any sympathy for the wealthy by the day.

I know if I was the father of those 4 killed.....well, he's just lucky Im not.

Sick, disgusting story.

I don't know the facts of the case, but there is no such thing as the defense you're describing.

Well, he just killed 4 people, injured 9, paralyzed one.........and will spend 0 days in jail.

So, guess it is a defense now.


The rich are just too rich to be held accountable. Its just not fair. Its not that they don't know right from wrong....its just that, because of their wealth, they didn't think they'd be held accountable, and thus, acted badly as a result.

Its just unfair to hold them accountable based on that standard.

How dare we do that to the beloved rich people of the world. They cant help it. Their wealth should make them immune from punishment. Who are we to violate that trust they have in their money?
What the fuck does OWS have to do with this story?

Not a god damn thing. This isn't politics. It's stupidity and corruprion.

Yet the partisan hack op has to tie a political motivation to this terrible miscarriage of justice.

OWS indeed (occupied with stupidity)

Seriously, why is this here?
In other news, Obama the 1%er killed a bunch of innocent civilians in another country... again. And the left goes silent.

Now that story should be in politics, and it was... Look it up and feel free to comment.
What the fuck does OWS have to do with this story?

Not a god damn thing. This isn't politics. It's stupidity and corruprion.

Yet the partisan hack op has to tie a political motivation to this terrible miscarriage of justice.

OWS indeed (occupied with stupidity)

Seriously, why is this here?

I don't know, maybe as a small symptom of the growing problem in America of setting a separate set of norms and standards for the rich? Like Citizen's United? Or Bush's tax breaks? Or now...."Affluenza" as a criminal defense for the rich...of literally saying they're just too rich to be held accountable?

Wonder who appointed the Texas judge who agreed the kid was just too rich to spend a single day in jail...despite killing 4 people.
In other news, Obama the 1%er killed a bunch of innocent civilians in another country... again. And the left goes silent.

Now that story should be in politics, and it was... Look it up and feel free to comment.

Who cares, its another country. Don't we love projecting military power onto other countries, while demonizing the "militarization of police" here on our soil?
What the fuck does OWS have to do with this story?

Not a god damn thing. This isn't politics. It's stupidity and corruprion.

Yet the partisan hack op has to tie a political motivation to this terrible miscarriage of justice.

OWS indeed (occupied with stupidity)

Seriously, why is this here?

I don't know, maybe as a small symptom of the growing problem in America of setting a separate set of norms and standards for the rich? Like Citizen's United? Or Bush's tax breaks? Or now...."Affluenza" as a criminal defense for the rich...of literally saying they're just too rich to be held accountable?

Wonder who appointed the Texas judge who agreed the kid was just too rich to spend a single day in jail...despite killing 4 people.

And the ACA, yes... I know all about political corruption, that's why I'm a libertarian, because this is what you get when politicians no longer are constrained by a power limiting constitution.

Government is predicted to corrupt, that's why so many of us don;t understand why people like you want so few holding all of the power. Because of people like yourself this kid will never see justice, and you can only blame yourself.

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