"Dukes of Hazzard" yanked from TV Land

Well then. I hope you guys are happy. I was fine with taking down the flag from the SC capitol. But Dukes of Hazzard is a piece of Americana, you just don't yank a TV show like that for PC reasons. Man, some of you liberals are sissies. Yes, sissies. You are motivated by self driven fear and petty politics.

And most Americans see the CBF as a symbol of Southern pride, not racism.

CNN Blown Away by How Many Americans Support Confederate Battle Flag as Symbol of Southern Pride

I see it more as heritage. Like it or not men fought under that flag and they died under it for a cause and 98% of them never owned a slave

What amazes me is that apparently about 10% of conservatives feel like they should not ever offend anyone, and if someone pitches a whine about something they are doing they gotta stop it and walk away.

What a bunch of pussies. Disgraceful.

We're becoming a nation of sniveling,whining cowards. Afraid someone is going to get butthurt.
No we are all becoming a nation under someones specific wanted control in order to reside completely over us now, and we all are letting it happen without a realization of this by all the divisiveness that we have allowed to go on against us all in these matters now.
So it's OK to show two girls kissing on the "ABC Family" network, but it's bad to show the Confederate flag?

Liberals are taking away all the good things in America, and replacing them with bad things.

Because liberals and progressives are always trying to prove that they think they know what's best for everyone, when in reality they don't have a goddamn clue. :cuckoo:
It's that they think what's best for them is also best for us, and that is where the rub is if we don't agree with them.
There's a good reason why many find the Confederate flag so repulsive.


There's a good reason why many find the Confederate flag so repulsive.

That's because of all the spoon-fed garbage that has been that has been put out about it, and the lack of knowledge and understanding that goes along with it, duh.
There's a good reason why many find the Confederate flag so repulsive.


There's a good reason why many find the Confederate flag so repulsive.

That's because of all the spoon-fed garbage that has been that has been put out about it, and the lack of knowledge and understanding that goes along with it, duh.
It's ok to fly the "mexican" flag, or the "british" flag... hell our POTUS is a frigging communist. But oh no you can't have the confederate flag without some assholes calling it racist and showing dead people hanging because of it. Bunch of whiny cowards if you ask me.
I could solve the whole issue maybe, where as (IMHO) the compromise could be this about the flag in question. 1. How about a new flag to be created, and this would be for current usage under the so called Southern Lifestyle Orange and Blue banner that is now co-opted by those who see it as nothing more than just a Southern Lifestyle Banner in which celebrates the current culture or lifestyle choice that resides under the flag or banner as is used by those in the current in order to represent the current and not represent the past?

It would be one that is disconnected from slavery or it's racist past, and so let me tell you how it could work like this. 2. The new flag could have one of it's stars colored black with the writing in it that says "NO man shall ever own another man as his property ever again". This would be the black eye that would be shown within the stars of the flag that it would carry with it as a reminder of an error that has been corrected now. The rest of it could represent southern cooking, swimming in a pond, dirt track racing, NASCAR racing, Budweiser beer, farming, pickup trucks, proper morals and edicate to be displayed among those who fly the flag, Daisey Duke Shorts, accent or southern speaking, Southern Churches and a love for the Lord Christ for all that he has done for those who seek him, and realize that they are not perfect just like everyone else is not on this earth. On and on the character of the new flag and it's new meaning could go, and all while the black star upon it shows. I think it would solve the issue, and remove the sting of it, and the idea of it easily being attempted to be co-opted for reasons of bad, and then it used as something that is wrong if being used in that way. What say you all, would it work ?
Uh oh, Clinton News Network poll agrees with the educated people....


As debate rages in South Carolina over the Confederate flag on its statehouse property, a majority of Americans see the rebel flag as a symbol of Southern pride, not a reminder of racism, according to a new CNN/ORC poll out Thursday. Public opinion is about where it stood 15 years ago, when the Palmetto State removed the rebel St. Andrew’s cross from the Capitol dome.

But there is a stark racial divide on how the banner is perceived and what should be done about references to the Confederacy.

Among all 1,017 adults participating, 57 percent said it’s a symbol of Southern pride, 33 percent called it more a symbol of racism and 5 percent said it’s both equally. Among whites, 66 percent said it symbolizes pride, while just 17 percent of African-Americans responded that way. In May 2000, 59 percent of Americans in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll called the flag a point of regional and historical pride.

CNN Shock Poll Big Majority Think Confederate Flag Symbol of Heritage not Racism - Breitbart
Uh oh, Clinton News Network poll agrees with the educated people....


As debate rages in South Carolina over the Confederate flag on its statehouse property, a majority of Americans see the rebel flag as a symbol of Southern pride, not a reminder of racism, according to a new CNN/ORC poll out Thursday. Public opinion is about where it stood 15 years ago, when the Palmetto State removed the rebel St. Andrew’s cross from the Capitol dome.

But there is a stark racial divide on how the banner is perceived and what should be done about references to the Confederacy.

Among all 1,017 adults participating, 57 percent said it’s a symbol of Southern pride, 33 percent called it more a symbol of racism and 5 percent said it’s both equally. Among whites, 66 percent said it symbolizes pride, while just 17 percent of African-Americans responded that way. In May 2000, 59 percent of Americans in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll called the flag a point of regional and historical pride.

CNN Shock Poll Big Majority Think Confederate Flag Symbol of Heritage not Racism - Breitbart

Breitbart? That's hilarious!
Uh oh, Clinton News Network poll agrees with the educated people....


As debate rages in South Carolina over the Confederate flag on its statehouse property, a majority of Americans see the rebel flag as a symbol of Southern pride, not a reminder of racism, according to a new CNN/ORC poll out Thursday. Public opinion is about where it stood 15 years ago, when the Palmetto State removed the rebel St. Andrew’s cross from the Capitol dome.

But there is a stark racial divide on how the banner is perceived and what should be done about references to the Confederacy.

Among all 1,017 adults participating, 57 percent said it’s a symbol of Southern pride, 33 percent called it more a symbol of racism and 5 percent said it’s both equally. Among whites, 66 percent said it symbolizes pride, while just 17 percent of African-Americans responded that way. In May 2000, 59 percent of Americans in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll called the flag a point of regional and historical pride.

CNN Shock Poll Big Majority Think Confederate Flag Symbol of Heritage not Racism - Breitbart

Breitbart? That's hilarious!

Yo, dumbass Brietbart is reporting the CNN poll. Are you really this fucking stupid or is it an act?
Here Pokiehontas, read it and cry....dope.

Washington (CNN)American public opinion on the Confederate flag remains about where it was 15 years ago, with most describing the flag as a symbol of Southern pride more than one of racism, according to a new CNN/ORC poll. And questions about how far to go to remove references to the Confederacy from public life prompt broad racial divides.

The poll shows that 57% of Americans see the flag more as a symbol of Southern pride than as a symbol of racism, about the same as in 2000 when 59% said they viewed it as a symbol of pride. Opinions of the flag are sharply divided by race, and among whites, views are split by education.

Poll Majority sees Confederate flag as Southern pride - CNNPolitics.com
Eventually you'll learn to stop messing with me....or I'll get weary of exposing how utterly stupid you are

From that piece of shyte article:

"Of course, this survey is now over 10 years old. It is possible, though in our view improbable, that the factors affecting support for the Confederate flag have changed significantly.

Moreover, none of the above shows that the Confederate flag only represents racial intolerance. No doubt there are some whites who favor the Confederate flag for reasons that are not wholly reducible to racial intolerance."

Oh, the 'Pravda on the Potomac' is truly a leftwing Nazi piece of shyte. Hell, even Pravda doesn't like being compared to them.
The latest victim of the growing controversy over the Confederate flag is the 1980s TV series “The Dukes of Hazzard.”

A TV Land spokesperson confirmed Tuesday that the network has pulled reruns of the series from its schedule, which had been airing twice a day.

The network declined to comment on why the episodes were removed, but the southern-set show has come under fire recently for its depiction of the Confederate flag, which is emblazoned on the hood of the Duke Boys’ signature 1969 orange Dodge Charger.

Warner Bros., which owns “The Dukes of Hazzard,” last week halted production on toy replicas of the car dubbed the General Lee. That followed moves by other retailers such as Walmart and eBay to stop selling items bearing the Stars and Bars after the deadly church shooting in Charleston, SC, in June.

More: TV Land pulls reruns of Dukes of Hazzard - Fox News

This must be really sad for some folks.

What's going to happen when Progressive run out of books to burn?

What books have they burned?

All the ones they don't like starting with the Bible

They've started with flags, they'll get to books all in due time
Rednecks don't read books

Hey, as long as the book has pictures in it that is all I need because words are sometimes to hard to understand... ( Prefer the pics to be about nudity )
What is amazing is the Dixie Flag was actually not even the real Confederate Flag and was General Lee Battle Flag...

The First Confederate Flag looked like this:


The second one looked like this:


The Third Flag looked like this:


Now what does this have to do with the OP?

Simple, the fact is the Dixie Flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag but was never the Confederate Flag. It was the battle flag of Robert E. Lee and his soldiers:

" On November 28, 1861, Confederate soldiers in General Robert E. Lee's newly reorganized Army of Northern Virginia received the new battle flags in ceremonies at Centreville and Manassas, Virginia, and carried them throughout the Civil War. "

So as TV Land cancels a show based on PC ignorance I just wanted to show that the flag those complaining about was actually not the Confederate Flag but just a Battle Flag that has been carried on through many generations in the South...

Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What is amazing is the Dixie Flag was actually not even the real Confederate Flag and was General Lee Battle Flag...

The First Confederate Flag looked like this:


The second one looked like this:


The Third Flag looked like this:


Now what does this have to do with the OP?

Simple, the fact is the Dixie Flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag but was never the Confederate Flag. It was the battle flag of Robert E. Lee and his soldiers:

" On November 28, 1861, Confederate soldiers in General Robert E. Lee's newly reorganized Army of Northern Virginia received the new battle flags in ceremonies at Centreville and Manassas, Virginia, and carried them throughout the Civil War. "

So as TV Land cancels a show based on PC ignorance I just wanted to show that the flag those complaining about was actually not the Confederate Flag but just a Battle Flag that has been carried on through many generations in the South...

Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah, but black slaves were living in fear under all of them.
What is amazing is the Dixie Flag was actually not even the real Confederate Flag and was General Lee Battle Flag...

The First Confederate Flag looked like this:


The second one looked like this:


The Third Flag looked like this:


Now what does this have to do with the OP?

Simple, the fact is the Dixie Flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag but was never the Confederate Flag. It was the battle flag of Robert E. Lee and his soldiers:

" On November 28, 1861, Confederate soldiers in General Robert E. Lee's newly reorganized Army of Northern Virginia received the new battle flags in ceremonies at Centreville and Manassas, Virginia, and carried them throughout the Civil War. "

So as TV Land cancels a show based on PC ignorance I just wanted to show that the flag those complaining about was actually not the Confederate Flag but just a Battle Flag that has been carried on through many generations in the South...

Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah, but black slaves were living in fear under all of them.
black slaves were living under every flag you dumb shit
What is amazing is the Dixie Flag was actually not even the real Confederate Flag and was General Lee Battle Flag...

The First Confederate Flag looked like this:


The second one looked like this:


The Third Flag looked like this:


Now what does this have to do with the OP?

Simple, the fact is the Dixie Flag was incorporated into the Confederate Flag but was never the Confederate Flag. It was the battle flag of Robert E. Lee and his soldiers:

" On November 28, 1861, Confederate soldiers in General Robert E. Lee's newly reorganized Army of Northern Virginia received the new battle flags in ceremonies at Centreville and Manassas, Virginia, and carried them throughout the Civil War. "

So as TV Land cancels a show based on PC ignorance I just wanted to show that the flag those complaining about was actually not the Confederate Flag but just a Battle Flag that has been carried on through many generations in the South...

Flags of the Confederate States of America - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yeah, but black slaves were living in fear under all of them.
black slaves were living under every flag you dumb shit

Ain't that what I said, Marion Morrison?
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