"Dukes of Hazzard" yanked from TV Land

yanked...uh uhuh uhuhuhuh
That is just unAmerican

I agree! Capitalism is a bitch. We need more socialism.

We need more socialism.
No we don't. America doesn't need anything that undermines freedoms and liberties.

However, if you desire more socialism, then move, get the fuck out. I'm sure some other country that has socialism may allow your sorry ass to relocate there.
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No it
The blacks have successfully shamed the whites to where the history of the United States will be rewritten to suit them. What's next?

How do you think the history will be changed?

Cultures are multi-faceted you see, and amongst all cultures there are the percentages of bad and of course the percentages of good, and then there is the not so bad and then the not so good amongst all cultures, but who will be the strongest morally and the wisest in the end ? Who will be allowed by all of the American people to call the shots or to call them as a new force in America ? This is what most people wonder about I bet, and it is what's to be found in these situations that most know of in life these days I think.

I just want everyone to be Americans finally, and so that is what my prayers will be for in life, and this is no matter what color you are or where you come from in life. It is that we all should be as Americans who are here in America now in life, and are all for the ones who enter legally in life in the future to be the same.
Well at least now there's no reason what-so-ever for me to keep cable.

They already tell us we have to have all kinds of other crap we don't ever watch with a hefty price. NOW they are going to start BANNING shows for a gawddam flag. We're looking for other avenues. from outside Antennas, etc

That's why I own several TV series that I like on DVD. I can then watch them whenever I want.

Humorous note: Dukes of Hazzard DVDs are still available from Amazon...and Walmart.
Yep. Now they are going after Kid Rock. He of course told them what I would have.

Kiss my ass :)
Messed up sensibilities when thye yank that, yet A&E has Duck Dynasty back on.
Duck Dynasty is a great show... It is rightfully on air, instead of wrongfully being taken down like it was attempted to be. GO DUCK DYNASTY!
^^^ What is being said about him these days?

God bless you and Kid always!!!

The flag to the newer generation was taken by people like Kid Rock I would think, as to be a symbol or a sign of being just the tough guy rebel in society, where as conformity to the man is not on his agenda, and so for him the flag means non-conformity and non-compliance to what people think he should be in his life or what he should represent in society as would be projected as such in his life in accordance to them and yet as opposed to him and his way of thinking.

Now he doesn't see the flag as being no more than that I think, just like most of the newer generation who flew it for such reasons also didn't ((I would imagine)) except for some exceptions as there always are.

Now unless everyone can be marked by different colored stars upon their clothing, in which would then represent openly the meaning in which they as individuals do have for the flag in which they might fly or have flown in this day and age, then how could they be painted with a broad brush in an assumed interpretation of the Rebel Flag as being a symbol of hate, racism or even that of slavery in their hearts ? If it isn't this flag they choose, then it will be some other form of expression they will use to show non-conformity to society or the man. It's just a teenage thing and nothing more I think, but with that said it did show up in a bad way as being a symbol of hate in this Dillon guy's use of the symbol or choice of symbol he used.

To many I think now, have figured that this guy highjacked the historic symbol in order for it ((as found in his world)) was now to suggest that it means something deadly serious and horrifying in this day and age, and this was instead of it being used by teens as just an act signaling their rebellion in society as not being related to the more serious symbolism that some may place it in .

Hey it is that teens will just have to pick some other form of a symbol to show their innocent rebellion in society, because Dillon made this symbol to be that of a deadly and dangerous one in which many do fear now, so to the Museum it shall go then, and that would be a sign of it not being allowed to be miss-used again by idiots who will take the symbol out of it's historical context, and then use it in it's most deadly context in which he attempted to place it in once again in life.

I have stated what I think about what could be done for all Americans that are affected by this, and I have seen that there are many others who have good level headed thinking as well on these sorts of things. If they think it should be honored in the museum from now on, then that is best for all involved. God Bless everyone and may peace be the order of the day. Amen!
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Go to amazon and do a search for dukes of hazzard... ROFL they are sold out! Go Dukes! I expect they will be remastering it for blueray soon.

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