"Dukes of Hazzard" yanked from TV Land

How can anyone get upset because a privately owned corporation decided to remove one of the worst tv shows in history? The show actually made Green Acres seem like Shakespeare in comparison!
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Well then. I hope you guys are happy. I was fine with taking down the flag from the SC capitol. But Dukes of Hazzard is a piece of Americana, you just don't yank a TV show like that for PC reasons. Man, some of you liberals are sissies. Yes, sissies. You are motivated by self driven fear and petty politics.

And most Americans see the CBF as a symbol of Southern pride, not racism.

CNN Blown Away by How Many Americans Support Confederate Battle Flag as Symbol of Southern Pride
I never saw the television show, but I did see the movie with Jessica Simpson. It was really stupid. :D
I'm proud to say I watched less than ten seconds of a Duke's episode...when their tires were squealing on a dirt road I changed the channel. :lol:
You don't watch much TV then, because almost everything is fake or insulting to ones intelligence badly now...LOL
Well then. I hope you guys are happy. I was fine with taking down the flag from the SC capitol. But Dukes of Hazzard is a piece of Americana, you just don't yank a TV show like that for PC reasons. Man, some of you liberals are sissies. Yes, sissies. You are motivated by self driven fear and petty politics.

And most Americans see the CBF as a symbol of Southern pride, not racism.

CNN Blown Away by How Many Americans Support Confederate Battle Flag as Symbol of Southern Pride

I see it more as heritage. Like it or not men fought under that flag and they died under it for a cause and 98% of them never owned a slave
How can anyone get upset because a privately owned corporation decided to remove one of the worst tv shows in history? The show actually made Green Acres seem like Shakespeare in comparison!

Classic libtard response; just because you don't like the show, that justifies arrogant Nazi executives removing it for EVERYBODY. Frankly I never watched the show because it was just stupid, IMO, but I know that I don't have the right to impose my tastes and preferences on everyone else, you damned fascist.
Yet another sign that Social Justice Snow Flakes have caused America to thoroughly Jump The Shark.
Well then. I hope you guys are happy. I was fine with taking down the flag from the SC capitol. But Dukes of Hazzard is a piece of Americana, you just don't yank a TV show like that for PC reasons. Man, some of you liberals are sissies. Yes, sissies. You are motivated by self driven fear and petty politics.

And most Americans see the CBF as a symbol of Southern pride, not racism.

CNN Blown Away by How Many Americans Support Confederate Battle Flag as Symbol of Southern Pride

I see it more as heritage. Like it or not men fought under that flag and they died under it for a cause and 98% of them never owned a slave

What amazes me is that apparently about 10% of conservatives feel like they should not ever offend anyone, and if someone pitches a whine about something they are doing they gotta stop it and walk away.

What a bunch of pussies. Disgraceful.
Well then. I hope you guys are happy. I was fine with taking down the flag from the SC capitol. But Dukes of Hazzard is a piece of Americana, you just don't yank a TV show like that for PC reasons. Man, some of you liberals are sissies. Yes, sissies. You are motivated by self driven fear and petty politics.

And most Americans see the CBF as a symbol of Southern pride, not racism.

CNN Blown Away by How Many Americans Support Confederate Battle Flag as Symbol of Southern Pride

I see it more as heritage. Like it or not men fought under that flag and they died under it for a cause and 98% of them never owned a slave

What amazes me is that apparently about 10% of conservatives feel like they should not ever offend anyone, and if someone pitches a whine about something they are doing they gotta stop it and walk away.

What a bunch of pussies. Disgraceful.

We're becoming a nation of sniveling,whining cowards. Afraid someone is going to get butthurt.
How many blacks were on the Pukes of Hazzard?
How many whites were on the series called Good Times (?), but hey I loved that sitcom growing up...Matters not about such things as you bring up here really, other than what the message was when watching the shows is what mattered most. The message is always whats the most important in anything we view or watch on TV or in the movies, and I know plenty of black friends who watched shows in their early days coming up, and they speak about those shows well in their discussions of them. You see if you don't see color, then you don't see color. THE MESSAGE IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT, not the colors involved.
What a shame. Do you suppose the left will ban Huckleberry Finn next? I mean the Dukes of Hazard merely had a car with a rebel flag on it. Huck Finn has a buddy named "Nig ger Jim". Shouldnt it be banned? If not, why?
Huckleberry Finn has been banned in many places, as has Tom Sawyer.
How many blacks were on the Pukes of Hazzard?
How many whites were on the series called Good Times (?), but hey I loved that sitcom growing up...Matters not about such things as you bring up here really, other than what the message was when watching the shows is what mattered most. The message is always whats the most important in anything we view or watch on TV or in the movies, and I know plenty of black friends who watched shows in their early days coming up, and they speak about those shows well in their discussions of them. You see if you don't see color, then you don't see color. THE MESSAGE IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT, not the colors involved.

There are no black people on a LOT of television shows. Lol! I can probably name at least 10 off the top of my head. I suppose that means they are racist to the nutty loons.
I guess we'll also have to remove reruns of Seinfeld, Friends, Yes Dear, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc., etc., etc. Racist bastards! :p
How many blacks were on the Pukes of Hazzard?
How many whites were on the series called Good Times (?), but hey I loved that sitcom growing up...Matters not about such things as you bring up here really, other than what the message was when watching the shows is what mattered most. The message is always whats the most important in anything we view or watch on TV or in the movies, and I know plenty of black friends who watched shows in their early days coming up, and they speak about those shows well in their discussions of them. You see if you don't see color, then you don't see color. THE MESSAGE IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT, not the colors involved.

There are no black people on a LOT of television shows. Lol! I can probably name at least 10 off the top of my head. I suppose that means they are racist to the nutty loons.

Them Duke boys were racists

Hazard county has no negroes? What happened to them? Sounds like a strong klan presence in the county. With Daisy Duke strutt'n her stuff...you know what happened to any negro caught eyeball'n
With this sheer and utter sensitivity by some on the Left, I don't see why there aren't more conservative comedians in America equivalent to Jon Stewart and Bill Maher.

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