Dumb News Puppets: Media Reacts To Rising Gas Prices...

OK well-- "I don't know" is a valid answer. I guess... :confused:

:( Stop whining. You're embarrassing yourself. People aren't here to walk you through everything.

uhhhh.... I'm not the one that started the thread, dood. When I start one I at least know why.

No shite, but you are the one that sounds like a lost whiny little baby. People don't come here to hold your hand and walk you through everything. Time to grow up.
:( Stop whining. You're embarrassing yourself. People aren't here to walk you through everything.

uhhhh.... I'm not the one that started the thread, dood. When I start one I at least know why.

No shite, but you are the one that sounds like a lost whiny little baby. People don't come here to hold your hand and walk you through everything. Time to grow up.

I don't have the complaint here Paulie. If anyone has one it's you, but you can't articulate what it is. That's not my problem -- it's yours. I didn't put the thread here; you did.
Can't very well have a complaint if there's no point being made, can we?
Guys, it's a setup. The far right is trying very hard to discredit mainstream media in the hopes that voters will go for the Brietbart/Faux/Rush indocrination in the upcoming elections.

Good to know that they think America's that stupid.
Ma'am, the MSM is just plain messed up. It stands on its own discredit.
They all repeated the same statement.
The lock step mentality of the news media.
What a farce.
Not one, including Fox that could have made that statement differently.
Collectivism at it's worst.
Oh my green gawd you guys are so fooking depressing! Everything's a plot that tens of millions of people are in on just to screw up your lives. Just for that, I'm gonna spy on your barcode.
Hey grandma!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZanmP69V4cA]Hey Grandma - YouTube[/ame]​
The media is dead.

Well, the dinosaur MSM is anyway. A credible independent MSM is long long gone. It's all just Government/Corporate-approved propaganda at this point. But not all Media is dead. There are alternative sources for information these days. The Internet being one very important source. And that's why Big Brother is desperately trying to seize complete control of it. It represents freedom. And Big Brother can't have Citizens thinking for themselves and freely exchanging ideas. He has to control the message.

The Internet scares him. So we'll all have to fight him off from taking complete control. Look for more attempted control by way of Taxation and "Cyber Security." He's really playing up that whole 'Cyber Security" thing these days. He understands most Citizens will allow anything in the name of 'Security.' So we'll have to stay vigilant.

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