Dumbest thing ever on this forum?

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LuvRPgrl said:

I love that trio of songs/poetry. It very well illustrates how our culture has been evolving.

Said, I "came to" at 30 :)

Now for a serious note. The post RWA made about security has alot of truth to it. But the fact is that there are lots of shades of gray. Men and women are very very different in what they seek in a mate, and what excites them sexually.

There is a generality that is true for both men and women, but of course, like all true generalities, they have their exceptions.

Mans nature is to seek variety. Women seek security.

How much priority they put on it varies from individual to individual.

Women will make the tradeoff of looks for security/money but usually not to the point they have to hold their nose when spreading their legs. They also like men who are confident, make them laugh, and arent whimps. Women for the most part DO NOT like the man feminists are trying to create.

Men on the other hand like variety. We would love to have a hot bodied virgin, but contrary to popular opinion, we dont want some dingbat that we can just keep in the bedroom and barefoot in the kitchen.

Some unusual facts are that men are less likely to forgive unfaithfulness, take breakups harder, and are seeking marriage more than women. WHY? One reason for the last one is that women make friends and have a CLOSE friend easier/more often than men. Also, married men actually have more/more satisfying sex than their single counterparts, contrary to what Hollywood wants us to think.

Men are much more visual. Thats why the perponderance of strip clubs and porn is geared towards men. Women need warm up for sex much more. What stimulates a woman is often more involved with the guys personality and smell than looks. Men are simple, women are complex.

Most women dont really understand what men want (hence their idea of a sexy nightie usually has lots of frills they think is pretty, and the guy looks at it and says "next time let me pick it out honey").

The single most important aspect of sex between a husband/wife is trust and being trustworthy. I would never cheat on my wife, it simply wouldnt be worth it. She trusts me explicitly. Thus she is able to supply me with all the variety I could ever want and she is extremely comfortable with it. Of course she is also filipino (hence LUV RP GRL) and they have a much more common sense approach to mens sexuality than MOST American women.

I love my wife dearly and she is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Which brings us back to gay men. Neither men nor women respect submissive males. While a female lib may go nuts fighting for the rights of 2 males to get married, they sure as hell don't want anything to do with them.
dilloduck said:
Which brings us back to gay men. Neither men nor women respect submissive males. While a female lib may go nuts fighting for the rights of 2 males to get married, they sure as hell don't want anything to do with them.
Respect and desire are two seperate things.
The ClayTaurus said:
Respect and desire are two seperate things.

yes--they are. Do you think that a horny woman is going to chase down the first submissive male she can find?
dilloduck said:
yes--they are. Do you think that a horny woman is going to chase down the first submissive male she can find?
No, most likely not. But you were drawing a connection between respecting people and desiring them; they are seperate. Just because you do not desire a butch woman does not inherently imply that you don't respect her.
The ClayTaurus said:
No, most likely not. But you were drawing a connection between respecting people and desiring them; they are seperate. Just because you do not desire a butch woman does not inherently imply that you don't respect her.

No crap. Everyone knows what he meant. QUit being a nitpicking imbecile.
The ClayTaurus said:
Sure. Women are sexualized in culture. Men aren't, or at least, to a much lesser degree.

Take those "Elimidate" style shows. If a girl gives the guy a lapdance to show how sexual she is, it's a serious, sensual thing. If a guy tries to do the same thing to the girl, the girl can't stop giggling. It's like a joke, no matter how serious the guy tries to be. Male sexuality makes people uncomfortable, even heterosexual male sexuality.

Then your going to have to try to explain this statement again to me because I will submit to you that females LOVE male sexuality.
Clay thinks dancing around is the ultimate expression of male sexuality . That explains a lot.
rtwngAvngr said:
Clay thinks dancing around is the ultimate expression of male sexuality . That explains a lot.

He was giving an example. Don't start arguing like a liberal now... :)

dmp said:
He was giving an example. Don't start arguing like a liberal now... :)


It was a telling example, expressing his belief that dancing around is a core example of male sexuality. It explains a lot.
rtwngAvngr said:
It was a telling example, expressing his belief that dancing around is a core example of male sexuality. It explains a lot.

Except he didn't state that - YOU did. (shrug).
dmp said:
Except he didn't state that - YOU did. (shrug).

It's a logical inference to make when he says in essence "women giggle and are uncomfortable when men do lapdances, so therefore women are uncomfortable about male sexuality." Since he uses dancing around as an example of male sexuality, when he could have used anything else, I assert he thinks it's at least a GOOD example of male sexuality. I think that explains a lot. (shrug)
rtwngAvngr said:
It's a logical inference to make when he says in essence "women giggle and are uncomfortable when men do lapdances, so therefore women are uncomfortable about male sexuality." Since he uses dancing around as an example of male sexuality, when he could have used anything else, I assert he thinks it's at least a GOOD example of male sexuality. I think that explains a lot. (shrug)

Male sexuality makes people uncomfortable, even heterosexual male sexuality.

Above is the exact quote I was referring to. I don't believe male sexuality makes people more "uncomfortable" than female sexuality. It is simply takes a much larger emotional and intellectual leap to embrace male homosexuality than it does female homosexuality. A male is simply further out of the role society accepts him as. I will agree that the sin of male homosexuality appears to receive an inordinate ammount of condemnation when compared to that of female homosexuality.
dilloduck said:
Above is the exact quote I was referring to. I don't believe male sexuality makes people more "uncomfortable" than female sexuality. It is simply takes a much larger emotional and intellectual leap to embrace male homosexuality than it does female homosexuality. A male is simply further out of the role society accepts him as. I will agree that the sin of male homosexuality appears to receive an inordinate ammount of condemnation when compared to that of female homosexuality.

Is this because many male homosexuals are much more flamboyant than females are? Or at least, that is how the media portrays it.

If you look at videos of Gay Pride parades, you see the emphasis on the outrageously dressed males. In fact, I'm not sure I remember ever seeing any female participants. Or at least if I did, they weren't as "wild" appearing as the males were.
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