Dumbest thing ever on this forum?

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dilloduck said:
Above is the exact quote I was referring to. I don't believe male sexuality makes people more "uncomfortable" than female sexuality. It is simply takes a much larger emotional and intellectual leap to embrace male homosexuality than it does female homosexuality. A male is simply further out of the role society accepts him as. I will agree that the sin of male homosexuality appears to receive an inordinate ammount of condemnation when compared to that of female homosexuality.

The thing is, what women consider sexy is sooo much different. Because men find women who do lap dances sexy, why would it follow that women should find it sexy in men also?

If the guy were given a $1000 and told to take her out, and that he had to open her door for her every time, would she giggle at that? No, if she opened his door, then what? Uncomfortableness. Because opening a door for another is sexy if a man does it, not if a woman does it.

Our society doesnt find male sexuality uncomfortable at all. How often do you hear women refer to McGyver? THEY FIND THAT SEXY, not muscle bound body builders.
I don't really find someone opening a door sexy. Nice, considerate, polite, yes. Actually, I would probably get annoyed having to wait each time. I don't think I get your point.
Bonnie said:
So you want us to back up your assertion that the Pope is evil........... again????

Please provide a direct quote from a reputable source in which the Pope specifically blames only Gays for pedophilia?

Holy back on topic. :happy2:
Said1 said:
I don't really find someone opening a door sexy. Nice, considerate, polite, yes. Actually, I would probably get annoyed having to wait each time.

Is it sexy if a guy can pretty much fix everything? (please, please let luvrpgrl be right about this one please!)
Said1 said:
I don't really find someone opening a door sexy. Nice, considerate, polite, yes. Actually, I would probably get annoyed having to wait each time.

If the hunk of you dreams was doing the door opening would you mind a slight delay?
Said1 said:
I don't really find someone opening a door sexy. Nice, considerate, polite, yes. Actually, I would probably get annoyed having to wait each time. I don't think I get your point.

The point is in the post. Tell us something you do find that a guy does that is sexy.

The thing is that what women in general find sexy is not the same thing that men find sexy.

As for McGyver, hey, thats just what I hear alot of women say. Didnt that come up in a thread here? Some girl poster mentioned McGyver?
no1tovote4 said:
Dang.... I knew I was pretty much just a fixit guy math geek, but a geek can wish can't they?

Well, if you fixed the hindges on kitchen cupboard doors and wired a new phone jack where I moved my desk, THEN I'd be impressed. Good? :thup:
I've decided I don't care what most women find sexy or attractive. I know what i find sexy or attractive - the key is finding 'a' woman who agrees with me.
LuvRPgrl said:
The point is in the post. Tell us something you do find that a guy does that is sexy.

The thing is that what women in general find sexy is not the same thing that men find sexy.

As for McGyver, hey, thats just what I hear alot of women say. Didnt that come up in a thread here? Some girl poster mentioned McGyver?

I guess you just picked a bad example (IMO), but some women might like that, I don't speak for all.
Said1 said:
Well, if you fixed the hindges on kitchen cupboard doors and wired a new phone jack where I moved my desk, THEN I'd be impressed. Good? :thup:

See, that I can do... Pretty much anything that needs to be fixed I can fix. I wired my entire house for the network and so we could have more than a piddling three phones. I like to pretty much have one on hand at any moment...
Bonnie said:
So you want us to back up your assertion that the Pope is evil........... again????

Please provide a direct quote from a reputable source in which the Pope specifically blames only Gays for pedophilia?

Sorry Bonnie--we sorta just left impotent-man in the dust a ways back. I think he's still on the side of the road with his head spinning. :laugh:
Most women I know think that confidence, a sense of humor, consideration, respect, and how he "carries himself" to be what defines sexy.

Looks are low in the list - sure..eye candy is nice. But at the end of the day, they would rather have someone who possesses the traits on the first list.
LuvRPgrl said:
The point is in the post. Tell us something you do find that a guy does that is sexy.

The thing is that what women in general find sexy is not the same thing that men find sexy.

As for McGyver, hey, thats just what I hear alot of women say. Didnt that come up in a thread here? Some girl poster mentioned McGyver?

Musicians; especially Trumpet players :)
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