Dumbocrat Governor and Libtard Legislature lead California

Oh look. A lib taking credit for the hard work of all the über rich CEO's in California.

In spite of them constantly being demonized by the democrat party while taking their campaign donations.

Please add a little detail to this obvious rant.

I won't hold my breath.
#1 Aerospace company in the state is propped up by federal grants and loans.

# 1 industry in CA? Aerospace.

You seem to be full of shit.

California Economy by the Numbers

From the link, not from your ass:

LEADING JOB CREATION: California added almost 320,000 new jobs in 2013 and over 1.17 million new jobs since the end of the recession.

California's GDP growth rate was 3.5 percent in 2012 – fifth best in the nation.

Where other states have one or two main economic sectors, California has several -- all of which lead the nation. California is first in high tech, biotech, agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, tourism and more.

After ten plus years of manufacturing job losses, California posted three consecutive years of manufacturing job gains in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In trade, California merchandise exports grew to $164 billion last year -- a record export high for the state. Our nation leading tourism sector boasts over 200 million visitors in 2012 with direct travel spending of more than $106.4 billion.

In a landmark for the state, California ended 10 years of budget deficits as Governor Brown not only signed his third consecutive balanced budget but one that included more than a billion dollar surplus. As a result, the ratings service Fitch changed the state's outlook from "stable" to "positive," Moody's upgraded their ratings for California's Economic Recovery Bonds and Standard & Poor's raised California's credit rating for the first time since 2006.

: In April Governor Brown led a trade mission to China where he announced over $1.8 billion dollars in deals and opened a California foreign trade office in Shanghai -- the first in over a decade.

Earlier this year, Governor Brown enacted a new Economic Development Initiative. The initiative brought together business leaders, labor interests and legislators from both sides of the aisle to help create a more flexible, more competitive set of economic development tools for California. The new tools include a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing, Biotech and R&D equipment; a Hiring Credit, and the CA Competes Tax Credit designed to incentive companies to locate or expand in CA.

There's more, but I suppose being a willfully ignorant person and a conservtive, but I repeat myself, you won't read the link or other evidence to support the conclusion you are full of shit.

All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????

That's a lib for you.
Or Cubafornia as one conservative described the Golden State:

California's economy is bigger than all but five nations, World Bank data says

I read about the California Governor, his name's Jerry Brown, although I got mistaken one time and thought he was named Charlie Brown :eusa_doh:

Anyhow, he's now in his 70s and he was Governor in the 1970s and they called him Governor Moonbeam :smoke:

Q. Do you know why he was called "Moonbeam"

A. CA is a large state, with offices in San Diego and Crescent City and everywhere in between. The costs of communication by telephone alone was enormous and then Gov. Brown suggested CA have Satellite put into orbit which would obviate enormous monthly telephone bills.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible, unlike any of his predecessors (Deukmejian, Wilson, Davis or Schwarzenegger) or Reagan who preceded him; even as he approaches 80 years of age he remains an energetic proactive leader.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible

How much does he want to waste on high speed rail?

Q. How much does he want to waste on high speed rail?

A. Myopic thinking. Condition suffered by those incapable of sagacious thought.

So he wants to waste a lot. I agree, that is myopic.

You're ridiculous. CA highways are grid locked, the air corridor between Sacramento, the Bay area to LA & San Diego is full. Transit village will be develop along the route through the Central Valley, and commuter rail will aid the commute into SF & Silicon Valley from cities in the Central Valley, and commuters who go north and south from Orange Co. too.
Oh look. A lib taking credit for the hard work of all the über rich CEO's in California.

In spite of them constantly being demonized by the democrat party while taking their campaign donations.

Please add a little detail to this obvious rant.

I won't hold my breath.
#1 Aerospace company in the state is propped up by federal grants and loans.

# 1 industry in CA? Aerospace.

You seem to be full of shit.

California Economy by the Numbers

From the link, not from your ass:

LEADING JOB CREATION: California added almost 320,000 new jobs in 2013 and over 1.17 million new jobs since the end of the recession.

California's GDP growth rate was 3.5 percent in 2012 – fifth best in the nation.

Where other states have one or two main economic sectors, California has several -- all of which lead the nation. California is first in high tech, biotech, agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, tourism and more.

After ten plus years of manufacturing job losses, California posted three consecutive years of manufacturing job gains in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In trade, California merchandise exports grew to $164 billion last year -- a record export high for the state. Our nation leading tourism sector boasts over 200 million visitors in 2012 with direct travel spending of more than $106.4 billion.

In a landmark for the state, California ended 10 years of budget deficits as Governor Brown not only signed his third consecutive balanced budget but one that included more than a billion dollar surplus. As a result, the ratings service Fitch changed the state's outlook from "stable" to "positive," Moody's upgraded their ratings for California's Economic Recovery Bonds and Standard & Poor's raised California's credit rating for the first time since 2006.

: In April Governor Brown led a trade mission to China where he announced over $1.8 billion dollars in deals and opened a California foreign trade office in Shanghai -- the first in over a decade.

Earlier this year, Governor Brown enacted a new Economic Development Initiative. The initiative brought together business leaders, labor interests and legislators from both sides of the aisle to help create a more flexible, more competitive set of economic development tools for California. The new tools include a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing, Biotech and R&D equipment; a Hiring Credit, and the CA Competes Tax Credit designed to incentive companies to locate or expand in CA.

There's more, but I suppose being a willfully ignorant person and a conservative, but I repeat myself, you won't read the link or other evidence to support the conclusion you are full of shit.

All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????

That's a lib for you.

Aerospace is CA's top industry? LOL, the ignorance of clowns like you two is so easily exposed it's like taking candy from a baby.

The Space Review: Blue skies on the West Coast: a history of the aerospace industry in Southern California (page 1)

From the link:

"California is many things. Riddle would be a poor word. Contradiction perhaps a little better. The state is an entertainment industry powerhouse, but an information technology engine as well, not to mention a major exporter of agricultural produce (ahead of Wisconsin in dairy products, for instance). If it was its own country, California would be in the top ten economies in the world. But what is the state’s reputation? What is it known for? A liberal populace, a Republican movie actor governor, social experimentation and trend-setting, a sizeable immigrant population (legal and illegal), high taxes and regulation, good beaches, pornography, economic opportunity, brush fires, Hollywood."

"What about aerospace?'

"But Rockwell is gone. North American is gone. Douglas—excuse me, McDonnell Douglas—is gone. The rockets no longer roar at Edwards. Lockheed no longer builds planes at Burbank. Hughes Aerospace is gone. Well, not exactly gone. Some of these companies were rolled up into Boeing, others are no longer recognizable in their current form. Some moved substantial operations elsewhere. RAND is still there, but its influence waned after the 1950s. But General Atomics builds Predator drones north of San Diego. And there are new startups as well. SpaceX resides in El Segundo, a name that used to be intimately associated with military spaceflight. California no longer has the well-known reputation that it once had as the aeronautics powerhouse of the United States.

Please add a little detail to this obvious rant.

I won't hold my breath.
#1 Aerospace company in the state is propped up by federal grants and loans.

# 1 industry in CA? Aerospace.

You seem to be full of shit.

California Economy by the Numbers

From the link, not from your ass:

LEADING JOB CREATION: California added almost 320,000 new jobs in 2013 and over 1.17 million new jobs since the end of the recession.

California's GDP growth rate was 3.5 percent in 2012 – fifth best in the nation.

Where other states have one or two main economic sectors, California has several -- all of which lead the nation. California is first in high tech, biotech, agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, tourism and more.

After ten plus years of manufacturing job losses, California posted three consecutive years of manufacturing job gains in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In trade, California merchandise exports grew to $164 billion last year -- a record export high for the state. Our nation leading tourism sector boasts over 200 million visitors in 2012 with direct travel spending of more than $106.4 billion.

In a landmark for the state, California ended 10 years of budget deficits as Governor Brown not only signed his third consecutive balanced budget but one that included more than a billion dollar surplus. As a result, the ratings service Fitch changed the state's outlook from "stable" to "positive," Moody's upgraded their ratings for California's Economic Recovery Bonds and Standard & Poor's raised California's credit rating for the first time since 2006.

: In April Governor Brown led a trade mission to China where he announced over $1.8 billion dollars in deals and opened a California foreign trade office in Shanghai -- the first in over a decade.

Earlier this year, Governor Brown enacted a new Economic Development Initiative. The initiative brought together business leaders, labor interests and legislators from both sides of the aisle to help create a more flexible, more competitive set of economic development tools for California. The new tools include a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing, Biotech and R&D equipment; a Hiring Credit, and the CA Competes Tax Credit designed to incentive companies to locate or expand in CA.

There's more, but I suppose being a willfully ignorant person and a conservative, but I repeat myself, you won't read the link or other evidence to support the conclusion you are full of shit.

All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????

That's a lib for you.

Aerospace is CA's top industry? LOL, the ignorance of clowns like you two is so easily exposed it's like taking candy from a baby.

The Space Review: Blue skies on the West Coast: a history of the aerospace industry in Southern California (page 1)

From the link:

"California is many things. Riddle would be a poor word. Contradiction perhaps a little better. The state is an entertainment industry powerhouse, but an information technology engine as well, not to mention a major exporter of agricultural produce (ahead of Wisconsin in dairy products, for instance). If it was its own country, California would be in the top ten economies in the world. But what is the state’s reputation? What is it known for? A liberal populace, a Republican movie actor governor, social experimentation and trend-setting, a sizeable immigrant population (legal and illegal), high taxes and regulation, good beaches, pornography, economic opportunity, brush fires, Hollywood."

"What about aerospace?'

"But Rockwell is gone. North American is gone. Douglas—excuse me, McDonnell Douglas—is gone. The rockets no longer roar at Edwards. Lockheed no longer builds planes at Burbank. Hughes Aerospace is gone. Well, not exactly gone. Some of these companies were rolled up into Boeing, others are no longer recognizable in their current form. Some moved substantial operations elsewhere. RAND is still there, but its influence waned after the 1950s. But General Atomics builds Predator drones north of San Diego. And there are new startups as well. SpaceX resides in El Segundo, a name that used to be intimately associated with military spaceflight. California no longer has the well-known reputation that it once had as the aeronautics powerhouse of the United States.

It took you that long to come up with that?

Aerospace is a very large chunk of the California economy. TheCalifornia Economic Summit releasedthe California Aerospace Industry Economic Impact Study in 2014, and found that the aerospace industry is larger than both agriculture and Hollywood combined. California is responsible for 9 percent of the global market share in the aerospace industry.
Oh look. A lib taking credit for the hard work of all the über rich CEO's in California.

In spite of them constantly being demonized by the democrat party while taking their campaign donations.

Please add a little detail to this obvious rant.

I won't hold my breath.
#1 Aerospace company in the state is propped up by federal grants and loans.

# 1 industry in CA? Aerospace.

You seem to be full of shit.

California Economy by the Numbers

From the link, not from your ass:

LEADING JOB CREATION: California added almost 320,000 new jobs in 2013 and over 1.17 million new jobs since the end of the recession.

California's GDP growth rate was 3.5 percent in 2012 – fifth best in the nation.

Where other states have one or two main economic sectors, California has several -- all of which lead the nation. California is first in high tech, biotech, agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, tourism and more.

After ten plus years of manufacturing job losses, California posted three consecutive years of manufacturing job gains in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In trade, California merchandise exports grew to $164 billion last year -- a record export high for the state. Our nation leading tourism sector boasts over 200 million visitors in 2012 with direct travel spending of more than $106.4 billion.

In a landmark for the state, California ended 10 years of budget deficits as Governor Brown not only signed his third consecutive balanced budget but one that included more than a billion dollar surplus. As a result, the ratings service Fitch changed the state's outlook from "stable" to "positive," Moody's upgraded their ratings for California's Economic Recovery Bonds and Standard & Poor's raised California's credit rating for the first time since 2006.

: In April Governor Brown led a trade mission to China where he announced over $1.8 billion dollars in deals and opened a California foreign trade office in Shanghai -- the first in over a decade.

Earlier this year, Governor Brown enacted a new Economic Development Initiative. The initiative brought together business leaders, labor interests and legislators from both sides of the aisle to help create a more flexible, more competitive set of economic development tools for California. The new tools include a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing, Biotech and R&D equipment; a Hiring Credit, and the CA Competes Tax Credit designed to incentive companies to locate or expand in CA.

There's more, but I suppose being a willfully ignorant person and a conservtive, but I repeat myself, you won't read the link or other evidence to support the conclusion you are full of shit.

All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????

Oh look. A lib taking credit for the hard work of all the über rich CEO's in California.

In spite of them constantly being demonized by the democrat party while taking their campaign donations.

Please add a little detail to this obvious rant.

I won't hold my breath.
#1 Aerospace company in the state is propped up by federal grants and loans.

# 1 industry in CA? Aerospace.

You seem to be full of shit.

California Economy by the Numbers

From the link, not from your ass:

LEADING JOB CREATION: California added almost 320,000 new jobs in 2013 and over 1.17 million new jobs since the end of the recession.

California's GDP growth rate was 3.5 percent in 2012 – fifth best in the nation.

Where other states have one or two main economic sectors, California has several -- all of which lead the nation. California is first in high tech, biotech, agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, tourism and more.

After ten plus years of manufacturing job losses, California posted three consecutive years of manufacturing job gains in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In trade, California merchandise exports grew to $164 billion last year -- a record export high for the state. Our nation leading tourism sector boasts over 200 million visitors in 2012 with direct travel spending of more than $106.4 billion.

In a landmark for the state, California ended 10 years of budget deficits as Governor Brown not only signed his third consecutive balanced budget but one that included more than a billion dollar surplus. As a result, the ratings service Fitch changed the state's outlook from "stable" to "positive," Moody's upgraded their ratings for California's Economic Recovery Bonds and Standard & Poor's raised California's credit rating for the first time since 2006.

: In April Governor Brown led a trade mission to China where he announced over $1.8 billion dollars in deals and opened a California foreign trade office in Shanghai -- the first in over a decade.

Earlier this year, Governor Brown enacted a new Economic Development Initiative. The initiative brought together business leaders, labor interests and legislators from both sides of the aisle to help create a more flexible, more competitive set of economic development tools for California. The new tools include a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing, Biotech and R&D equipment; a Hiring Credit, and the CA Competes Tax Credit designed to incentive companies to locate or expand in CA.

There's more, but I suppose being a willfully ignorant person and a conservtive, but I repeat myself, you won't read the link or other evidence to support the conclusion you are full of shit.

All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????


You upset fool? The link came from the state of california.
Oh look. A lib taking credit for the hard work of all the über rich CEO's in California.

In spite of them constantly being demonized by the democrat party while taking their campaign donations.

Please add a little detail to this obvious rant.

I won't hold my breath.
#1 Aerospace company in the state is propped up by federal grants and loans.

# 1 industry in CA? Aerospace.

You seem to be full of shit.

California Economy by the Numbers

From the link, not from your ass:

LEADING JOB CREATION: California added almost 320,000 new jobs in 2013 and over 1.17 million new jobs since the end of the recession.

California's GDP growth rate was 3.5 percent in 2012 – fifth best in the nation.

Where other states have one or two main economic sectors, California has several -- all of which lead the nation. California is first in high tech, biotech, agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, tourism and more.

After ten plus years of manufacturing job losses, California posted three consecutive years of manufacturing job gains in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In trade, California merchandise exports grew to $164 billion last year -- a record export high for the state. Our nation leading tourism sector boasts over 200 million visitors in 2012 with direct travel spending of more than $106.4 billion.

In a landmark for the state, California ended 10 years of budget deficits as Governor Brown not only signed his third consecutive balanced budget but one that included more than a billion dollar surplus. As a result, the ratings service Fitch changed the state's outlook from "stable" to "positive," Moody's upgraded their ratings for California's Economic Recovery Bonds and Standard & Poor's raised California's credit rating for the first time since 2006.

: In April Governor Brown led a trade mission to China where he announced over $1.8 billion dollars in deals and opened a California foreign trade office in Shanghai -- the first in over a decade.

Earlier this year, Governor Brown enacted a new Economic Development Initiative. The initiative brought together business leaders, labor interests and legislators from both sides of the aisle to help create a more flexible, more competitive set of economic development tools for California. The new tools include a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing, Biotech and R&D equipment; a Hiring Credit, and the CA Competes Tax Credit designed to incentive companies to locate or expand in CA.

There's more, but I suppose being a willfully ignorant person and a conservtive, but I repeat myself, you won't read the link or other evidence to support the conclusion you are full of shit.

All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????

I guess you missed the part where the California summit lists Aerospace as a bigger industry than the agriculture and movie industry combined.
#1 Aerospace company in the state is propped up by federal grants and loans.

# 1 industry in CA? Aerospace.

You seem to be full of shit.

California Economy by the Numbers

From the link, not from your ass:

LEADING JOB CREATION: California added almost 320,000 new jobs in 2013 and over 1.17 million new jobs since the end of the recession.

California's GDP growth rate was 3.5 percent in 2012 – fifth best in the nation.

Where other states have one or two main economic sectors, California has several -- all of which lead the nation. California is first in high tech, biotech, agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, tourism and more.

After ten plus years of manufacturing job losses, California posted three consecutive years of manufacturing job gains in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In trade, California merchandise exports grew to $164 billion last year -- a record export high for the state. Our nation leading tourism sector boasts over 200 million visitors in 2012 with direct travel spending of more than $106.4 billion.

In a landmark for the state, California ended 10 years of budget deficits as Governor Brown not only signed his third consecutive balanced budget but one that included more than a billion dollar surplus. As a result, the ratings service Fitch changed the state's outlook from "stable" to "positive," Moody's upgraded their ratings for California's Economic Recovery Bonds and Standard & Poor's raised California's credit rating for the first time since 2006.

: In April Governor Brown led a trade mission to China where he announced over $1.8 billion dollars in deals and opened a California foreign trade office in Shanghai -- the first in over a decade.

Earlier this year, Governor Brown enacted a new Economic Development Initiative. The initiative brought together business leaders, labor interests and legislators from both sides of the aisle to help create a more flexible, more competitive set of economic development tools for California. The new tools include a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing, Biotech and R&D equipment; a Hiring Credit, and the CA Competes Tax Credit designed to incentive companies to locate or expand in CA.

There's more, but I suppose being a willfully ignorant person and a conservative, but I repeat myself, you won't read the link or other evidence to support the conclusion you are full of shit.

All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????

That's a lib for you.

Aerospace is CA's top industry? LOL, the ignorance of clowns like you two is so easily exposed it's like taking candy from a baby.

The Space Review: Blue skies on the West Coast: a history of the aerospace industry in Southern California (page 1)

From the link:

"California is many things. Riddle would be a poor word. Contradiction perhaps a little better. The state is an entertainment industry powerhouse, but an information technology engine as well, not to mention a major exporter of agricultural produce (ahead of Wisconsin in dairy products, for instance). If it was its own country, California would be in the top ten economies in the world. But what is the state’s reputation? What is it known for? A liberal populace, a Republican movie actor governor, social experimentation and trend-setting, a sizeable immigrant population (legal and illegal), high taxes and regulation, good beaches, pornography, economic opportunity, brush fires, Hollywood."

"What about aerospace?'

"But Rockwell is gone. North American is gone. Douglas—excuse me, McDonnell Douglas—is gone. The rockets no longer roar at Edwards. Lockheed no longer builds planes at Burbank. Hughes Aerospace is gone. Well, not exactly gone. Some of these companies were rolled up into Boeing, others are no longer recognizable in their current form. Some moved substantial operations elsewhere. RAND is still there, but its influence waned after the 1950s. But General Atomics builds Predator drones north of San Diego. And there are new startups as well. SpaceX resides in El Segundo, a name that used to be intimately associated with military spaceflight. California no longer has the well-known reputation that it once had as the aeronautics powerhouse of the United States.

It took you that long to come up with that?

Aerospace is a very large chunk of the California economy. TheCalifornia Economic Summit releasedthe California Aerospace Industry Economic Impact Study in 2014, and found that the aerospace industry is larger than both agriculture and Hollywood combined. California is responsible for 9 percent of the global market share in the aerospace industry.

Produce the evidence that Aerospace is the "top industry in CA" in 2016. I'm betting you cannot. There are more government jobs, and I'd bet more people employed in healthcare, high tech and retail than any jobs created or remaining in the aerospace industry.
Report: California’s aerospace industry bigger than Hollywood

What's nearly invisible but bigger than California's agriculture and entertainment industries combined? It's the state's aerospace industry. That's the story coming from a new economic impact report trying to show how aerospace is a massive but endangered species here, generating $62 billion a year in revenue.

"Hollywood has the movies, celebrities and the Hollywood sign. They're famous all over world," said Ivan Rosenberg, executive director of theAerospace and Defense Forum, which co-sponsored and participated in the study. "And agriculture is very visible because we eat every day, you can see vast fields in the Central Valley, and the water problem is prominent in the news. But aerospace is mostly invisible because it's not clear which buildings contain aerospace and which do not."

While story for the past 20 years has usually been about the industry's rapid decline here, California's aerospace companies still represent about 9 percent of the global market share.

The California Aerospace Industry Economic Impact Study, being released in early March by consultant firm A.T. Kearney, is intended to raise awareness about importance of the industry to the state economy and the middle class jobs it sustains here.
I read about the California Governor, his name's Jerry Brown, although I got mistaken one time and thought he was named Charlie Brown :eusa_doh:

Anyhow, he's now in his 70s and he was Governor in the 1970s and they called him Governor Moonbeam :smoke:

Q. Do you know why he was called "Moonbeam"

A. CA is a large state, with offices in San Diego and Crescent City and everywhere in between. The costs of communication by telephone alone was enormous and then Gov. Brown suggested CA have Satellite put into orbit which would obviate enormous monthly telephone bills.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible, unlike any of his predecessors (Deukmejian, Wilson, Davis or Schwarzenegger) or Reagan who preceded him; even as he approaches 80 years of age he remains an energetic proactive leader.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible

How much does he want to waste on high speed rail?

Q. How much does he want to waste on high speed rail?

A. Myopic thinking. Condition suffered by those incapable of sagacious thought.

So he wants to waste a lot. I agree, that is myopic.

You're ridiculous. CA highways are grid locked, the air corridor between Sacramento, the Bay area to LA & San Diego is full. Transit village will be develop along the route through the Central Valley, and commuter rail will aid the commute into SF & Silicon Valley from cities in the Central Valley, and commuters who go north and south from Orange Co. too.

That assumes people will behave the way you progressive lemmings want them to behave.

Or else you will figure out some way to punish them if they don't go along.
You seem to be full of shit.

California Economy by the Numbers

From the link, not from your ass:

LEADING JOB CREATION: California added almost 320,000 new jobs in 2013 and over 1.17 million new jobs since the end of the recession.

California's GDP growth rate was 3.5 percent in 2012 – fifth best in the nation.

Where other states have one or two main economic sectors, California has several -- all of which lead the nation. California is first in high tech, biotech, agriculture, entertainment, manufacturing, tourism and more.

After ten plus years of manufacturing job losses, California posted three consecutive years of manufacturing job gains in 2011, 2012 and 2013.

In trade, California merchandise exports grew to $164 billion last year -- a record export high for the state. Our nation leading tourism sector boasts over 200 million visitors in 2012 with direct travel spending of more than $106.4 billion.

In a landmark for the state, California ended 10 years of budget deficits as Governor Brown not only signed his third consecutive balanced budget but one that included more than a billion dollar surplus. As a result, the ratings service Fitch changed the state's outlook from "stable" to "positive," Moody's upgraded their ratings for California's Economic Recovery Bonds and Standard & Poor's raised California's credit rating for the first time since 2006.

: In April Governor Brown led a trade mission to China where he announced over $1.8 billion dollars in deals and opened a California foreign trade office in Shanghai -- the first in over a decade.

Earlier this year, Governor Brown enacted a new Economic Development Initiative. The initiative brought together business leaders, labor interests and legislators from both sides of the aisle to help create a more flexible, more competitive set of economic development tools for California. The new tools include a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Manufacturing, Biotech and R&D equipment; a Hiring Credit, and the CA Competes Tax Credit designed to incentive companies to locate or expand in CA.

There's more, but I suppose being a willfully ignorant person and a conservative, but I repeat myself, you won't read the link or other evidence to support the conclusion you are full of shit.

All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????

That's a lib for you.

Aerospace is CA's top industry? LOL, the ignorance of clowns like you two is so easily exposed it's like taking candy from a baby.

The Space Review: Blue skies on the West Coast: a history of the aerospace industry in Southern California (page 1)

From the link:

"California is many things. Riddle would be a poor word. Contradiction perhaps a little better. The state is an entertainment industry powerhouse, but an information technology engine as well, not to mention a major exporter of agricultural produce (ahead of Wisconsin in dairy products, for instance). If it was its own country, California would be in the top ten economies in the world. But what is the state’s reputation? What is it known for? A liberal populace, a Republican movie actor governor, social experimentation and trend-setting, a sizeable immigrant population (legal and illegal), high taxes and regulation, good beaches, pornography, economic opportunity, brush fires, Hollywood."

"What about aerospace?'

"But Rockwell is gone. North American is gone. Douglas—excuse me, McDonnell Douglas—is gone. The rockets no longer roar at Edwards. Lockheed no longer builds planes at Burbank. Hughes Aerospace is gone. Well, not exactly gone. Some of these companies were rolled up into Boeing, others are no longer recognizable in their current form. Some moved substantial operations elsewhere. RAND is still there, but its influence waned after the 1950s. But General Atomics builds Predator drones north of San Diego. And there are new startups as well. SpaceX resides in El Segundo, a name that used to be intimately associated with military spaceflight. California no longer has the well-known reputation that it once had as the aeronautics powerhouse of the United States.

It took you that long to come up with that?

Aerospace is a very large chunk of the California economy. TheCalifornia Economic Summit releasedthe California Aerospace Industry Economic Impact Study in 2014, and found that the aerospace industry is larger than both agriculture and Hollywood combined. California is responsible for 9 percent of the global market share in the aerospace industry.

Produce the evidence that Aerospace is the "top industry in CA" in 2016. I'm betting you cannot. There are more government jobs, and I'd bet more people employed in healthcare, high tech and retail than any jobs created or remaining in the aerospace industry.

How the hell can you post a report for 2016 when the year is not even over?


Wow, we lost some jobs to Texas, and Carl's Jr. says good bye, I say good riddance. Blogs are nothing more than opinion pieces, but I cannot prove that since the link you posted is busted, just like your post.
All that copy and paste and no mention of the top industry's in California and you say she is full of shit????????

That's a lib for you.

Aerospace is CA's top industry? LOL, the ignorance of clowns like you two is so easily exposed it's like taking candy from a baby.

The Space Review: Blue skies on the West Coast: a history of the aerospace industry in Southern California (page 1)

From the link:

"California is many things. Riddle would be a poor word. Contradiction perhaps a little better. The state is an entertainment industry powerhouse, but an information technology engine as well, not to mention a major exporter of agricultural produce (ahead of Wisconsin in dairy products, for instance). If it was its own country, California would be in the top ten economies in the world. But what is the state’s reputation? What is it known for? A liberal populace, a Republican movie actor governor, social experimentation and trend-setting, a sizeable immigrant population (legal and illegal), high taxes and regulation, good beaches, pornography, economic opportunity, brush fires, Hollywood."

"What about aerospace?'

"But Rockwell is gone. North American is gone. Douglas—excuse me, McDonnell Douglas—is gone. The rockets no longer roar at Edwards. Lockheed no longer builds planes at Burbank. Hughes Aerospace is gone. Well, not exactly gone. Some of these companies were rolled up into Boeing, others are no longer recognizable in their current form. Some moved substantial operations elsewhere. RAND is still there, but its influence waned after the 1950s. But General Atomics builds Predator drones north of San Diego. And there are new startups as well. SpaceX resides in El Segundo, a name that used to be intimately associated with military spaceflight. California no longer has the well-known reputation that it once had as the aeronautics powerhouse of the United States.

It took you that long to come up with that?

Aerospace is a very large chunk of the California economy. TheCalifornia Economic Summit releasedthe California Aerospace Industry Economic Impact Study in 2014, and found that the aerospace industry is larger than both agriculture and Hollywood combined. California is responsible for 9 percent of the global market share in the aerospace industry.

Produce the evidence that Aerospace is the "top industry in CA" in 2016. I'm betting you cannot. There are more government jobs, and I'd bet more people employed in healthcare, high tech and retail than any jobs created or remaining in the aerospace industry.

How the hell can you post a report for 2016 when the year is not even over?


According the Newsmax (July 2016) Aerospace is third, behind high tech and Agriculture. See:
Top 5 Industries in California: Which Parts of the Economy Are Strongest?

According to Investopedia Aerospace has not ranked in the top nine:
California's Economy: The 9 Industries Driving GDP Growth | Investopedia

Wow, we lost some jobs to Texas, and Carl's Jr. says good bye, I say good riddance. Blogs are nothing more than opinion pieces, but I cannot prove that since the link you posted is busted, just like your post.

Interesting. The links work perfectly fine for me and the blog cites actual data that they link to.

But hey, nice try....
That's a lib for you.

Aerospace is CA's top industry? LOL, the ignorance of clowns like you two is so easily exposed it's like taking candy from a baby.

The Space Review: Blue skies on the West Coast: a history of the aerospace industry in Southern California (page 1)

From the link:

"California is many things. Riddle would be a poor word. Contradiction perhaps a little better. The state is an entertainment industry powerhouse, but an information technology engine as well, not to mention a major exporter of agricultural produce (ahead of Wisconsin in dairy products, for instance). If it was its own country, California would be in the top ten economies in the world. But what is the state’s reputation? What is it known for? A liberal populace, a Republican movie actor governor, social experimentation and trend-setting, a sizeable immigrant population (legal and illegal), high taxes and regulation, good beaches, pornography, economic opportunity, brush fires, Hollywood."

"What about aerospace?'

"But Rockwell is gone. North American is gone. Douglas—excuse me, McDonnell Douglas—is gone. The rockets no longer roar at Edwards. Lockheed no longer builds planes at Burbank. Hughes Aerospace is gone. Well, not exactly gone. Some of these companies were rolled up into Boeing, others are no longer recognizable in their current form. Some moved substantial operations elsewhere. RAND is still there, but its influence waned after the 1950s. But General Atomics builds Predator drones north of San Diego. And there are new startups as well. SpaceX resides in El Segundo, a name that used to be intimately associated with military spaceflight. California no longer has the well-known reputation that it once had as the aeronautics powerhouse of the United States.

It took you that long to come up with that?

Aerospace is a very large chunk of the California economy. TheCalifornia Economic Summit releasedthe California Aerospace Industry Economic Impact Study in 2014, and found that the aerospace industry is larger than both agriculture and Hollywood combined. California is responsible for 9 percent of the global market share in the aerospace industry.

Produce the evidence that Aerospace is the "top industry in CA" in 2016. I'm betting you cannot. There are more government jobs, and I'd bet more people employed in healthcare, high tech and retail than any jobs created or remaining in the aerospace industry.

How the hell can you post a report for 2016 when the year is not even over?


According the Newsmax (July 2016) Aerospace is third, behind high tech and Agriculture. See:
Top 5 Industries in California: Which Parts of the Economy Are Strongest?

According to Investopedia Aerospace has not ranked in the top nine:
California's Economy: The 9 Industries Driving GDP Growth | Investopedia

You didn't read that newsmax link right.

In the link....

and found that the aerospace industry is larger than both agriculture and Hollywood combined.

I don't even know what the big deal is anyways.
That's a lib for you.

Aerospace is CA's top industry? LOL, the ignorance of clowns like you two is so easily exposed it's like taking candy from a baby.

The Space Review: Blue skies on the West Coast: a history of the aerospace industry in Southern California (page 1)

From the link:

"California is many things. Riddle would be a poor word. Contradiction perhaps a little better. The state is an entertainment industry powerhouse, but an information technology engine as well, not to mention a major exporter of agricultural produce (ahead of Wisconsin in dairy products, for instance). If it was its own country, California would be in the top ten economies in the world. But what is the state’s reputation? What is it known for? A liberal populace, a Republican movie actor governor, social experimentation and trend-setting, a sizeable immigrant population (legal and illegal), high taxes and regulation, good beaches, pornography, economic opportunity, brush fires, Hollywood."

"What about aerospace?'

"But Rockwell is gone. North American is gone. Douglas—excuse me, McDonnell Douglas—is gone. The rockets no longer roar at Edwards. Lockheed no longer builds planes at Burbank. Hughes Aerospace is gone. Well, not exactly gone. Some of these companies were rolled up into Boeing, others are no longer recognizable in their current form. Some moved substantial operations elsewhere. RAND is still there, but its influence waned after the 1950s. But General Atomics builds Predator drones north of San Diego. And there are new startups as well. SpaceX resides in El Segundo, a name that used to be intimately associated with military spaceflight. California no longer has the well-known reputation that it once had as the aeronautics powerhouse of the United States.

It took you that long to come up with that?

Aerospace is a very large chunk of the California economy. TheCalifornia Economic Summit releasedthe California Aerospace Industry Economic Impact Study in 2014, and found that the aerospace industry is larger than both agriculture and Hollywood combined. California is responsible for 9 percent of the global market share in the aerospace industry.

Produce the evidence that Aerospace is the "top industry in CA" in 2016. I'm betting you cannot. There are more government jobs, and I'd bet more people employed in healthcare, high tech and retail than any jobs created or remaining in the aerospace industry.

How the hell can you post a report for 2016 when the year is not even over?


According the Newsmax (July 2016) Aerospace is third, behind high tech and Agriculture. See:
Top 5 Industries in California: Which Parts of the Economy Are Strongest?

According to Investopedia Aerospace has not ranked in the top nine:
California's Economy: The 9 Industries Driving GDP Growth | Investopedia
How can agriculture be higher when News Max also lists Aerospace as bigger than The movie industry and agriculture combined?

Because this list you provided is not ranked in a particular order

Try again.

You ashamed of Aerospace now or something?
I read about the California Governor, his name's Jerry Brown, although I got mistaken one time and thought he was named Charlie Brown :eusa_doh:

Anyhow, he's now in his 70s and he was Governor in the 1970s and they called him Governor Moonbeam :smoke:

Q. Do you know why he was called "Moonbeam"

A. CA is a large state, with offices in San Diego and Crescent City and everywhere in between. The costs of communication by telephone alone was enormous and then Gov. Brown suggested CA have Satellite put into orbit which would obviate enormous monthly telephone bills.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible, unlike any of his predecessors (Deukmejian, Wilson, Davis or Schwarzenegger) or Reagan who preceded him; even as he approaches 80 years of age he remains an energetic proactive leader.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible

How much does he want to waste on high speed rail?

Q. How much does he want to waste on high speed rail?

A. Myopic thinking. Condition suffered by those incapable of sagacious thought.

So he wants to waste a lot. I agree, that is myopic.

You're ridiculous. CA highways are grid locked, the air corridor between Sacramento, the Bay area to LA & San Diego is full. Transit village will be develop along the route through the Central Valley, and commuter rail will aid the commute into SF & Silicon Valley from cities in the Central Valley, and commuters who go north and south from Orange Co. too.

CA highways are grid locked

So your solution, instead of building more highways, which would actually be used, would be a "high speed" rail that no one will use. Excellent!!
Q. Do you know why he was called "Moonbeam"

A. CA is a large state, with offices in San Diego and Crescent City and everywhere in between. The costs of communication by telephone alone was enormous and then Gov. Brown suggested CA have Satellite put into orbit which would obviate enormous monthly telephone bills.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible, unlike any of his predecessors (Deukmejian, Wilson, Davis or Schwarzenegger) or Reagan who preceded him; even as he approaches 80 years of age he remains an energetic proactive leader.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible

How much does he want to waste on high speed rail?

Q. How much does he want to waste on high speed rail?

A. Myopic thinking. Condition suffered by those incapable of sagacious thought.

So he wants to waste a lot. I agree, that is myopic.

You're ridiculous. CA highways are grid locked, the air corridor between Sacramento, the Bay area to LA & San Diego is full. Transit village will be develop along the route through the Central Valley, and commuter rail will aid the commute into SF & Silicon Valley from cities in the Central Valley, and commuters who go north and south from Orange Co. too.

CA highways are grid locked

So your solution, instead of building more highways, which would actually be used, would be a "high speed" rail that no one will use. Excellent!!

Trains are used every day in the US, Europe and Asia. Once the US was the leader in RR transportation, then we became a nation controlled by the oil, battery and tire industries who lobbied for more highways. Always ready for a free lunch, elected officials accommodated them.
Yeah and 400 billion dollars in debt.....well done left loons
Or Cubafornia as one conservative described the Golden State:

California's economy is bigger than all but five nations, World Bank data says

I read about the California Governor, his name's Jerry Brown, although I got mistaken one time and thought he was named Charlie Brown :eusa_doh:

Anyhow, he's now in his 70s and he was Governor in the 1970s and they called him Governor Moonbeam :smoke:

Q. Do you know why he was called "Moonbeam"

A. CA is a large state, with offices in San Diego and Crescent City and everywhere in between. The costs of communication by telephone alone was enormous and then Gov. Brown suggested CA have Satellite put into orbit which would obviate enormous monthly telephone bills.

Brown is pragmatic and fiscally responsible, unlike any of his predecessors (Deukmejian, Wilson, Davis or Schwarzenegger) or Reagan who preceded him; even as he approaches 80 years of age he remains an energetic proactive leader.

Brown is doing a great job. We have had balanced budgets on time for the first times in decades.

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