Dumbocrats continue their fierce and ugly racism


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Dumbocrats are the party who opposed Lincoln from ending slavery. They are the party who opposed the Civil Rights movement. They are the party who for 50+ years elected a high ranking member of the KKK to the Senate (Byrd of WV).

And here they, about 150 years later still incapable of evolving from their neanderthal-like ways of abusing women (see this thread HERE for details) and hating others for the color of their skin:

Dem Rep. Says the Tea Party Is the ?Same Group? of ?White Crackers? Who Fought to Keep Segregation | TheBlaze.com

(on a side note however, it is priceless to watch how unhinged all Dumbocrats are over seeing the movement by the American people to return to Constitutional law - from Congress all the way to USMB, libtards are are frothing like rapid dogs that they have less room to lie, cheat, and steal)
Its all they have to run on. Its not playing in the democrat plantations, everyone wants jobs, not welfare checks.
Dumbocrats - the party of racism. Even 150 years later, they can't let it go....

Tim Scott reads bigoted insults tweeted to him for supporting Sessions nomination
Total lies from a cult member.
So Senator Tim Scott is lying on the Senate floor about tweets he received? Geez...you are more racist than the standard racist Dumbocrat. The hate is deep and unrelenting in you.
As a minority, I can tell you that most racism lies on the right. It has been this way my whole life.
Dumbocrats - the party of racism. Even 150 years later, they can't let it go....

Tim Scott reads bigoted insults tweeted to him for supporting Sessions nomination
Total lies from a cult member.
So Senator Tim Scott is lying on the Senate floor about tweets he received? Geez...you are more racist than the standard racist Dumbocrat. The hate is deep and unrelenting in you.
As a minority, I can tell you that most racism lies on the right. It has been this way my whole life.

Sure... sure it is.

Poor widdle victim.
As a minority, I can tell you that most racism lies on the right. It has been this way my whole life.
As a pathological progressive liar - I can tell you that lying is your way of life. It always is with your side of the aisle. Every actual ounce of racism that you have faced has come from the left. I guarantee it.
As a minority, I can tell you that most racism lies on the right. It has been this way my whole life.
As a pathological progressive liar - I can tell you that lying is your way of life. It always is with your side of the aisle. Every actual ounce of racism that you have faced has come from the left. I guarantee it.

The soft bigotry of low expectations is a staple of the left. Minorities can't function without help. They can't be expected to perform at the same level. They can't be held to the same standards.

Liberals don't know what they want or what they stand for from day to day. It's a; what's cool today sort of thing based on whatever disturbed celebrities are programming.
They're like a 3 year old throwing a fit, screaming and yelling, stomping their feet, running around in circles, stopping every few seconds to check the reaction of on-lookers to decide how to carry on with the rant...Oh the poor disturbed lost souls.
I'm not even remotely surprised by the racist comments, union people have always been the most racist people I've ever been around. I remember back in the day when the teamster guys would joke about how you'd never see a black teamster.
I'm not even remotely surprised by the racist comments, union people have always been the most racist people I've ever been around. I remember back in the day when the teamster guys would joke about how you'd never see a black teamster.

The biggest racist I know where I live in North Carolina has an Obama sticker on his truck ...
Dumbocrats - the party of racism. Even 150 years later, they can't let it go....

Tim Scott reads bigoted insults tweeted to him for supporting Sessions nomination
Total lies from a cult member.
So Senator Tim Scott is lying on the Senate floor about tweets he received? Geez...you are more racist than the standard racist Dumbocrat. The hate is deep and unrelenting in you.
As a minority, I can tell you that most racism lies on the right. It has been this way my whole life.

Who calls black men uncle toms? name the party. and then why is there a difference in color between Republican and Democrat black? isn't black black? Do you believe that all blacks should think as one?

Why are dems against school choice for inner city black children? dude it goes on and on, and you will have no reply because you actually know the truth.
As a minority, I can tell you that most racism lies on the right. It has been this way my whole life.
As a pathological progressive liar - I can tell you that lying is your way of life. It always is with your side of the aisle. Every actual ounce of racism that you have faced has come from the left. I guarantee it.

The soft bigotry of low expectations is a staple of the left. Minorities can't function without help. They can't be expected to perform at the same level. They can't be held to the same standards.

I have always held my own without any help. See how pathetic you are?
Dumbocrats - the party of racism. Even 150 years later, they can't let it go....

Tim Scott reads bigoted insults tweeted to him for supporting Sessions nomination
Total lies from a cult member.
So Senator Tim Scott is lying on the Senate floor about tweets he received? Geez...you are more racist than the standard racist Dumbocrat. The hate is deep and unrelenting in you.
As a minority, I can tell you that most racism lies on the right. It has been this way my whole life.

Who calls black men uncle toms? name the party. and then why is there a difference in color between Republican and Democrat black? isn't black black? Do you believe that all blacks should think as one?

Why are dems against school choice for inner city black children? dude it goes on and on, and you will have no reply because you actually know the truth.
Whites insult Whites who do not agree with them. There are more minorities than just Blacks, but you are obsessive with Blacks. I am part of a revolutionary education movement creating alternative schools. Inner city Black children are as welcome as any children.
Dumbocrats are the party who opposed Lincoln from ending slavery. They are the party who opposed the Civil Rights movement. They are the party who for 50+ years elected a high ranking member of the KKK to the Senate (Byrd of WV).

And here they, about 150 years later still incapable of evolving from their neanderthal-like ways of abusing women (see this thread HERE for details) and hating others for the color of their skin:

Dem Rep. Says the Tea Party Is the ?Same Group? of ?White Crackers? Who Fought to Keep Segregation | TheBlaze.com

(on a side note however, it is priceless to watch how unhinged all Dumbocrats are over seeing the movement by the American people to return to Constitutional law - from Congress all the way to USMB, libtards are are frothing like rapid dogs that they have less room to lie, cheat, and steal)
Democrats are embarrassing....
Dumbocrats - the party of racism. Even 150 years later, they can't let it go....

Tim Scott reads bigoted insults tweeted to him for supporting Sessions nomination
Total lies from a cult member.
So Senator Tim Scott is lying on the Senate floor about tweets he received? Geez...you are more racist than the standard racist Dumbocrat. The hate is deep and unrelenting in you.
As a minority, I can tell you that most racism lies on the right. It has been this way my whole life.

Who calls black men uncle toms? name the party. and then why is there a difference in color between Republican and Democrat black? isn't black black? Do you believe that all blacks should think as one?

Why are dems against school choice for inner city black children? dude it goes on and on, and you will have no reply because you actually know the truth.
Whites insult Whites who do not agree with them. There are more minorities than just Blacks, but you are obsessive with Blacks. I am part of a revolutionary education movement creating alternative schools. Inner city Black children are as welcome as any children.
You hold klan bakes for fundraisers?
Dumbocrats - the party of racism. Even 150 years later, they can't let it go....

Tim Scott reads bigoted insults tweeted to him for supporting Sessions nomination
Total lies from a cult member.

You use blacks, women and others for cheap political points. There is nothing more abusive, condescending or arrogant to them than that. Liberty is equality of opportunity, not whoring them for your personal gain
We defend minorities, there is a difference.

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