Dump the EPA! Let's Do Clean Coal!


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Yessireee, I say dump the EPA an mine, baby mine....for clean coal!!!

"""A dark, gray cloud that the local weather bureau described as “heavy fog” has shrouded the city of 10 million since Thursday, but the smoke thickened significantly on Sunday, soon after the government turned on the coal-powered municipal heating system for the winter."""


‘Airpocalypse’ Hits Harbin, Closing Schools


"""The Harbin government reported an air quality index (AQI) score of 500, the highest possible reading, with some neighborhoods posting concentrations of PM2.5 — fine particulate matter that are 2.5 microns in diameter or smaller and especially harmful to health — as high as 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter, according to the China News Service.

(By comparison, the air quality index in New York was 41 on Monday morning.)

The Chinese government describes air with an AQI between 301 and 500 as “heavily polluted” and urges people to refrain from exercising outdoors; the elderly and other vulnerable populations are supposed to stay indoors entirely. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency uses a similar index that labels any reading between 301 and 500 as “hazardous.”
That photo of Harbin above looks like Ground Zero 30 minutes after the 2nd plane hit the WTC...and that's what it's like there ALL THE TIME.
This is one area china needs to learn from us. The 1940's to the 1970's saw a huge advancement in clean air and water.

They need to take that root.

They won't. The Chinese gov't doesn't give a shit about its people. Just think of what the health problems are going to be from their industrialization?!?!?

Hong Kong is a pretty good place to live, though. That's why Snowden tried to go there first.

You know, 2nd Dipshit, if you knew who I was your eyes would be bigger than Bambi's before Godzilla stomped his little ass into the ground.

Why are you typing in Bold Print (yelling) ?

Why do you always get violent? Do you get violent with women too?

Also, who are you?

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