Dump Trump. And Then?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
The move to dump Trump at the convention is growing. Most people realize he has no chance of winning because his negatives are so high. I'm all for it because the GOP by laws, like the Constitution, are not a suicide pact.
But once you dump ole Orange Face, then what? Who do you pick instead? Ted Cruz is the logical choice but lots of Republicans hate Cruz. Paul Ryan? Don't think so. Mitt Romney? Nuh-uh.
Where do we go with someone who can unite the party?
The move to dump Trump at the convention is growing. Most people realize he has no chance of winning because his negatives are so high. I'm all for it because the GOP by laws, like the Constitution, are not a suicide pact.
But once you dump ole Orange Face, then what? Who do you pick instead? Ted Cruz is the logical choice but lots of Republicans hate Cruz. Paul Ryan? Don't think so. Mitt Romney? Nuh-uh.
Where do we go with someone who can unite the party?

Keep Trump and attempt to keep the House and try to take the Senate back in a few elections...
The GOP is better off losing with Trump than ousting him with some trickery (no matter how 'legal' it is) because if Trump gets toppled at the convention,
you'll have an entire generation of Trumpbots that will hate the GOP for the rest of their lives.

Better to let them have their cake and eat their loss.
The GOP is better off losing with Trump than ousting him with some trickery (no matter how 'legal' it is) because if Trump gets toppled at the convention,
you'll have an entire generation of Trumpbots that will hate the GOP for the rest of their lives.

Better to let them have their cake and eat their loss.

I dunno about that. Teddy Roosevelt swept through the primaries in 1912, easily won most of the states contested, and then was snubbed at the convention. He took his balls and went third party, split the vote, came in second, shoved the Republican Taft down to a distant third, and handed the election to Wilson who only got 42% of the pop vote. But 8 years later Wilson was so despised that Republican Harding barely had to campaign at all and took it in (what was then) the biggest landslide ever.

Besides --- Rumpbots by definition are (a) not that smart and (b) hopelessly gullible, so they can easily be re-sold on ... whatever's up for sale.
the GOP has an out... change the rules at the convention and make the delegate count 2/3rds majority to get the nomination ..

but I agree with NY .... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that won't happen.
The GOP is better off losing with Trump than ousting him with some trickery (no matter how 'legal' it is) because if Trump gets toppled at the convention,
you'll have an entire generation of Trumpbots that will hate the GOP for the rest of their lives.

Better to let them have their cake and eat their loss.

I dunno about that. Teddy Roosevelt swept through the primaries in 1912, easily won most of the states contested, and then was snubbed at the convention. He took his balls and went third party, split the vote, came in second, shoved the Republican Taft down to a distant third, and handed the election to Wilson who only got 42% of the pop vote. But 8 years later Wilson was so despised that Republican Harding barely had to campaign at all and took it in (what was then) the biggest landslide ever.

Besides --- Rumpbots by definition are (a) not that smart and (b) hopelessly gullible, so they can easily be re-sold on ... whatever's up for sale.

It is a little different in today time and if Trump ran third party all he will do is hand it to Clinton which is what he is doing now.

The best solution is to Nominate Trump but don't back him and back Johnson instead and hope that it will save a few House Seats come this November.
The move to dump Trump at the convention is growing. Most people realize he has no chance of winning because his negatives are so high. I'm all for it because the GOP by laws, like the Constitution, are not a suicide pact.
But once you dump ole Orange Face, then what? Who do you pick instead? Ted Cruz is the logical choice but lots of Republicans hate Cruz. Paul Ryan? Don't think so. Mitt Romney? Nuh-uh.
Where do we go with someone who can unite the party?

That's the problem. if you had someone who could unite your party, you wouldn't have Trump.

Not that I'm in the process of helping you guys, because I want you to lose... badly... but the ideal guy would be General Petreaus. You'll have to stop pretending that what Hillary did with not really classified info was the worst thing ever
Dump Trump? You should get up to speed on the passion out there that if the Republicans pull this shit off at the convention, the game of Dump the House and Senate goes into full gear.

Spend some time reading the comment sections and you'll see what I'm talking about, The retaliation game play is to write in Trump's name for President and vote D all the way down the line to destroy whoever Trump supporters can.

Obviously the asshole RINO's really don't get that the reason that Trump beat the ever loving shit out of all the other candidates is that voters hate RINOs and hate the establishment.

And Trump supporters will seriously punish the party.

Unfreaking real.
the wannabe patriots aka Trumpbots are in for an asswhippin' and all the Tea Party campaign managers can't stop it ... they ask for it, even cheered for it ... deal with it.
Obviously the asshole RINO's really don't get that the reason that Trump beat the ever loving shit out of all the other candidates is that voters hate RINOs and hate the establishment.

....and millions of Democrats registered R to Trojan Horse the nomination.
If you think Trump is unsufferable now, imagine if they took the nomination away from him. He'd never stop crying about it.

There is no circumstance in which Trump will ever stop crying about something. We may as well give him a reason that is good for the country.
Dump Trump? You should get up to speed on the passion out there that if the Republicans pull this shit off at the convention, the game of Dump the House and Senate goes into full gear.

Spend some time reading the comment sections and you'll see what I'm talking about, The retaliation game play is to write in Trump's name for President and vote D all the way down the line to destroy whoever Trump supporters can.

Obviously the asshole RINO's really don't get that the reason that Trump beat the ever loving shit out of all the other candidates is that voters hate RINOs and hate the establishment.

And Trump supporters will seriously punish the party.

Unfreaking real.

What percentage of the voters who "hate the Establishment" cast one or more votes for Scrub?

The GOP is stuck, and Hillary will be the next president.

If they try a maneuver to dump Trump, they will nearly have riots at the convention, and millions of Trump voters will likely stay home in November.

If they stick with Trump, Hillary cruises to a win.

The 2016 race is over, turn out the lights.

........and NO, Gary Johnson, or any other third party candidate is going to beat Hillary.
Dump Trump? You should get up to speed on the passion out there that if the Republicans pull this shit off at the convention, the game of Dump the House and Senate goes into full gear.

Spend some time reading the comment sections and you'll see what I'm talking about, The retaliation game play is to write in Trump's name for President and vote D all the way down the line to destroy whoever Trump supporters can.

Obviously the asshole RINO's really don't get that the reason that Trump beat the ever loving shit out of all the other candidates is that voters hate RINOs and hate the establishment.

And Trump supporters will seriously punish the party.

Unfreaking real.
Actually Trump has pulled the fewest primary votes of any GOP nominee in the past 30 years.
Trump is a disgrace and a party that names him their nominee will be out of business in a few years.

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