Dunderheaded Leftist Myths about Capitalism

What makes you think only the rich benifit from supply side economics?
Because supply side relieved business and the rich of the obligation to pay for social programs. It was assumed that money would trickle down to workers and the poor in other manners……It didn’t happen, they just kept the money.

The burden of paying more for healthcare and higher education was shifted to the working class
Isn't that burden always on the working class? There just isn't enough money to take it off of the working class. Even if you eliminate loopholes and tax the rich at 90%, you still can't provide healthcare for everybody. I just don't think the money is there for the programs you want. The best way to improve quality of life is for opportunity of employment and the ability to keep what you earn. There just isn't enough money to Robin Hood social programs. I think economic data would support that the working class does better in business friendly administrations. When you go business hostile, social services do not improve, and the people who can work still suffer. You would have an argument if there was enough money for the Robin Hood method to work, and punitive taxation created the results you wanted.
What makes you think only the rich benifit from supply side economics?
Because supply side relieved business and the rich of the obligation to pay for social programs. It was assumed that money would trickle down to workers and the poor in other manners……It didn’t happen, they just kept the money.

The burden of paying more for healthcare and higher education was shifted to the working class
Isn't that burden always on the working class? There just isn't enough money to take it off of the working class. Even if you eliminate loopholes and tax the rich at 90%, you still can't provide healthcare for everybody. I just don't think the money is there for the programs you want. The best way to improve quality of life is for opportunity of employment and the ability to keep what you earn. There just isn't enough money to Robin Hood social programs. I think economic data would support that the working class does better in business friendly administrations. When you go business hostile, social services do not improve, and the people who can work still suffer. You would have an argument if there was enough money for the Robin Hood method to work, and punitive taxation created the results you wanted.
Didnt used to be a burden on the working class

After Reagan, business cut benefits and more of the burden shifted to the workers
States reduced funding for higher education
What makes you think only the rich benifit from supply side economics?
Because supply side relieved business and the rich of the obligation to pay for social programs. It was assumed that money would trickle down to workers and the poor in other manners……It didn’t happen, they just kept the money.

The burden of paying more for healthcare and higher education was shifted to the working class
Isn't that burden always on the working class? There just isn't enough money to take it off of the working class. Even if you eliminate loopholes and tax the rich at 90%, you still can't provide healthcare for everybody. I just don't think the money is there for the programs you want. The best way to improve quality of life is for opportunity of employment and the ability to keep what you earn. There just isn't enough money to Robin Hood social programs. I think economic data would support that the working class does better in business friendly administrations. When you go business hostile, social services do not improve, and the people who can work still suffer. You would have an argument if there was enough money for the Robin Hood method to work, and punitive taxation created the results you wanted.
Didnt used to be a burden on the working class

After Reagan, business cut benefits and more of the burden shifted to the workers
States reduced funding for higher education
What actually caused businesses to cut benefits? It wasn't tax cuts. Why did company plans go away? Now, people don't even work 40 hour weeks, so the idea of company benefits seems almost impossible. Plus the programs democrats want now are vastly different things, not just for those who are working.
You moonbats have been constantly sniveling about infrastructure, education, and healthcare (none of which are federal responsibilities in the first place) since way before Reagan....Just STFU.

Before Reagan we had major infrastructure projects, affordable healthcare and higher education

After we followed Reaganomics, we no longer did
Who writes legislation for the president to sign?

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