Dunderheaded Leftist Myths about Capitalism

In the meantime, back to reality. . . .
the person that pays you has more money than you ...its a little more complicated than that but hopefully i simplified it enough for you .
Now you are getting it…

So why do we help those that already have so much more than everyone else?
In the meantime, back to reality. . . .

In the meantime, back to reality. . . .
the person that pays you has more money than you ...its a little more complicated than that but hopefully i simplified it enough for you .
Now you are getting it…

So why do we help those that already have so much more than everyone else?
In the meantime, back to reality. . . .

What the FUK does that have to do with ending Supply Side Policies that only make the rich richer?
In the meantime, back to reality. . . .
the person that pays you has more money than you ...its a little more complicated than that but hopefully i simplified it enough for you .
Now you are getting it…

So why do we help those that already have so much more than everyone else?
In the meantime, back to reality. . . .

Do you know WHY Cuba went Communist?
Because the Government conspired with the Capitalists to ensure low wage rates and no worker protections

Sounds like a Republican Policy
Do you know WHY Cuba went Communist?
Because the Government conspired with the Capitalists to ensure low wage rates and no worker protections

How much higher were wages under Communism?
They have a higher standard of living under the Communists than they did under Batista
Batista treated them like peasants

The peasants revolted
They have a higher standard of living under the Communists than they did under Batista

I don't believe your claim. Any backup?
Better education, better healthcare, social safety net
Most economic problems are exacerbated by a 60 year US embargo

So no backup........

Prior to the Cuban Revolution, Cuba ranked fifth in the hemisphere in per capita income, third in life expectancy, second in per capita ownership of automobiles and telephones, and first in the number of television sets per inhabitant.[26] Its income per capita in 1929 was reportedly 41% of the U.S., thus higher than in Mississippi and South Carolina.[27]

I wonder how it compares today?
It's funny to hear libtards complain about capitalism who then support and/or vote for Nancy Pelosi, the biggest capitalist in Congress. NOBODY in government has done more to capitalize on their position than Nancy fucking Pelosi.
Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Castro, etc., etc., etc., also opposed capitalism. Lefttards never learn.
Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Castro, etc., etc., etc., also opposed capitalism. Lefttards never learn.
You have to be completely brainwashed to put Hitler or Mussolini on a par with the сommunists. In general, this is not surprising, given the giant system of lies in the аmerican media.
Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Castro, etc., etc., etc., also opposed capitalism. Lefttards never learn.
You have to be completely brainwashed to put Hitler or Mussolini on a par with the сommunists. In general, this is not surprising, given the giant system of lies in the аmerican media.
My statement is accurate. They all opposed free-market capitalism. If you can demonstrate that I am mistaken, I will retract my statement.

They have a higher standard of living under the Communists than they did under Batista

I don't believe your claim. Any backup?
Better education, better healthcare, social safety net
Most economic problems are exacerbated by a 60 year US embargo
The Cubans have it so great that Muricans are building makeshift rafts and paddling through shark infested waters to get to Cuba!

Oh wait.

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