Durham Confirms Collusion

I should REPORT you for editing my post.

This ^^^^ is why no one have have any real discussion with a trump bootlicker.
I edited nothing. It was part of your post word for word. Advocating for a person exercising his or her rights is not boot licking.
The lawyers prosecuting tump know how to ask questions that will force trump to tell the truth. Meaning.....they will ask him direct questions that they know the answer to, you know...factual stuff, and trump won't be able to LIE his way out of it.
You think his defense will let Him take the stand?
I edited nothing. It was part of your post word for word. Advocating for a person exercising his or her rights is not boot licking.
Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 11.30.58 AM.png

I clearly stated, that is his right.
You edited my post and deleted that part,
Then claimed I was a pinhead stating "Both of those are exercising his rights. Pinhead."

You can't wiggle out of this, you need to be banned (well Meister you see it, you just posted) for editing my post then claiming you didn't edit my post.
View attachment 797297
I clearly stated, that is his right.
You edited my post and deleted that part,
Then claimed I was a pinhead stating "Both of those are exercising his rights. Pinhead."

You can't wiggle out of this, you need to be banned (well Meister you see it, you just posted) for editing my post then claiming you didn't edit my post.
GFY. Pinhead.
And you guys have been basically calling him the devil incarnate, but now you want to believe him.
Believe what, retard? The whole point is that Durham could not answer the questions. Try to keep up.
Believe what, retard? The whole point is that Durham could not answer the questions. Try to keep up.
What happens when Wray does not answer questions? I believe nothing happens. You need to think before you post. I do not see that happening.
You clowns are protecting each other.
He changed my quote, you know it.

Like this fuck says.......

GFY you lying POS's.
Winco, He has to change what you stated WITHIN YOUR QUOTE BOX.
Not just repeat and change something you said.
I'm not protecting anyone. I'm following board rules on this issue.

Next time try acting like an adult when discussing board rules.
Name calling is so childish. :rolleyes-41:
Winco, He has to change what you stated WITHIN YOUR QUOTE BOX.
Not just repeat and change something you said.
I'm not protecting anyone. I'm following board rules on this issue.

Next time try acting like an adult when discussing board rules.
Name calling is so childish. :rolleyes-41:
That's just it dude.
Dude calls me names, and you don't say anything.
Can't you see my quote.....it's right there.
It includes "That is his right"
He deleted it and claimed I'm a pinhead.
I don't give a rats ASS if he calls me names, but he changed the quote, and even you, a mod, is denying it.
So read it again. He deleted what I said "That is his right."
Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 11.30.58 AM.png
From his own mouth. Great job, Adam Schiff! Listen to this exchange very carefully, oh, and also listen to John Durham call Robert Mueller a Patriot!

Durham CONFIRMED FBI bias towards the Hillary campaign. Couple this with the fact, the Steel Dossier is a fake piece of made up shit, paid for to help hillary win an election and you have your answer. Oh yeah and then there was the altered email intended to decieve a FISA judge.

The investigation into Trump never should have happened.

In his final report, Durham alleges that the investigation into Trump in its early days was handled differently from how the FBI approached prior matters, including allegations of "foreign election interference plans" purportedly aimed at Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, which Durham's team also examined.

PHOTO: Special counsel John Durham, the prosecutor appointed to investigate potential government wrongdoing in the early days of the Trump-Russia probe, leaves federal court in Washington, May 16, 2022.

Special counsel John Durham, the prosecutor appointed to investigate potential government wrongdoing in the early days of the Trump-Russia probe, leaves federal court in Washington, May 16, 2022.
Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP, FILE
"In short, it is the Office's assessment that the FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia," the report says. "An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes. Unfortunately, it did not."
That's just it dude.
Dude calls me names, and you don't say anything.
Can't you see my quote.....it's right there.
It includes "That is his right"
He deleted it and claimed I'm a pinhead.
I don't give a rats ASS if he calls me names, but he changed the quote, and even you, a mod, is denying it.
So read it again. He deleted what I said "That is his right."
View attachment 797308
He restated it in his own post. He did not change what you posted in your quote box.
Do you know what a quote box is? It's the area that has the perpendicular black line to the left of what you posted.
If he had changed your quote in that area, he would have been in violation. He didn't, he changed it in his area of his post,

which isn't a violation.
Durham did confirm collusion.......collusion within the FBI hierarchy.

Durham noted another instance where FBI agents expressed recrimination for the investigation. In an exchange with Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Durham said that one of the Supervisory Special Agents of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation “became emotional” when presented with a memorandum about the Hillary Clinton campaign’s efforts to promote the idea Russia was supporting Trump, which then-FBI Director James Comey did not share with the agents.

“We interviewed the first supervisor…the operational person. We showed him the intelligence information. He indicated that he’d never seen it before. He immediately became emotional. Got up and left the room with his lawyer. Spent some time there before he came back,” Durham said.

“He was ticked off, wasn’t he? He was ticked off because this was important information that he should have had working on the case…that the FBI Director kept from him while working on the investigation,” Jordan asked.

“The information was kept from him,” Durham replied.

Apart from agents involved in the case, Comey and Strzok, neither shared the information with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court when seeking Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants for domestic surveillance of investigation targets nor shared them with government lawyers preparing warrant applications to the court, per testimony before the committee.


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