Durham Confirms Collusion

And pleading the Fifth again and again and again.....but if he actually says something under oath, of course I will hold him to the same standard.
Good, that means no insisting that he's lying if he says something you don't like, such as proclaiming his innocence. After all, he said it under oath.
I don't recall believing or disbelieving him. Sometimes life takes priority. If you could find posts where I opined on his veracity, it might jog my memory. I was just commenting on the apparent reversal. As long as Durham says the wrong things, he's pond scum, but if he says things you like, he's suddenly to be believed.
You're a coward. This is all you cowards respond when you're proven incorrect. "I never said it! Find my posts!!!" Well, you can't search for 'thanks' emojis, or 'winner' emojis or 'fact' emojis that you've left on other wingnut posts.
homina homina homina

Here ya go, so you can watch within USMB:

From his own mouth. Great job, Adam Schiff! Listen to this exchange very carefully, oh, and also listen to John Durham call Robert Mueller a Patriot!

LOL Did you really miss that Durham carved douchebag Schiff a new asshole with: "I don't think this situation is unique in your experience."
That’s was pretty nutty. I was trying to watch it in Fox and they would only air small snippets of when the republicans were leading questions. Then cut away when the Dems had a go. There’s no hiding the agenda here
Fox's agenda is the same as the other globalist owned media. Sow distrust in other Americans and promote division.
You're a coward. This is all you cowards respond when you're proven incorrect. "I never said it! Find my posts!!!" Well, you can't search for 'thanks' emojis, or 'winner' emojis or 'fact' emojis that you've left on other wingnut posts.
I simply don't care if you believe me or not. I know what I've thought and written, within reason, of course, and Durham's credibility has never been a big concern of mine. I know it leaves you disappointed, but I just wasn't. I will tell you this, though. I'm not in the habit of posting emojis. There are not many that I've put out there.

My point is still valid. It was not long ago that he was being cast as unbelievable, but now we're supposed to believe what he says because he says things we like?
Then we will take what is stated under oath as truthful. Good to know.

Good, that means no insisting that he's lying if he says something you don't like, such as proclaiming his innocence. After all, he said it under oath.
The lawyers prosecuting tump know how to ask questions that will force trump to tell the truth. Meaning.....they will ask him direct questions that they know the answer to, you know...factual stuff, and trump won't be able to LIE his way out of it.

Questions like......There is audio tape of you saying you didn't declassify certain documents, Mr. Trump, is this your voice on the tape?

His Colonel Jessup moment is coming.

unless trump takes the 5th, or just repeatedly answers, "I don't recall"
The lawyers prosecuting tump know how to ask questions that will force trump to tell the truth. Meaning.....they will ask him direct questions that they know the answer to, you know...factual stuff, and trump won't be able to LIE his way out of it.

Questions like......There is audio tape of you saying you didn't declassify certain documents, Mr. Trump, is this your voice on the tape?

His Colonel Jessup moment is coming.

unless trump takes the 5th, or just repeatedly answers, "I don't recall"
The last thing you want is Trump exercising his rights. Why is that?
The last thing you want is Trump exercising his rights. Why is that?
Where did I say or suggest that ^^^^^

If trump takes the 5th, or repeatedly states "I don't recall" that is his right.
Did I say something different, or did you just misunderstand?

It's also trumps 'right' to take the stand and actually answer questions.
His lawyers will advise against this, because they know he can't keep his mouth shut, he will LIE under oath, and he WILL have his Colonel Jessup moment.

The last thing you want is Trump exercising his rights. Why is that?
So which 'right' is it that you think I don't want trump to exercise.****

Where did I say or suggest that ^^^^^

If trump takes the 5th, or repeatedly states "I don't recall" that is his right.
Did I say something different, or did you just misunderstand?

It's also trumps 'right' to take the stand and actually answer questions.
His lawyers will advise against this, because they know he can't keep his mouth shut, he will LIE under oath, and he WILL have his Colonel Jessup moment.

So which 'right' is it that you think I don't want trump to exercise.****

"unless trump takes the 5th, or just repeatedly answers, "I don't recall""

Both of those are exercising his rights. Pinhead.
If trump takes the 5th, or repeatedly states "I don't recall" that is his right.
"unless trump takes the 5th, or just repeatedly answers, "I don't recall""

Both of those are exercising his rights. Pinhead.
I should REPORT you for editing my post.

This ^^^^ is why no one have have any real discussion with a trump bootlicker.

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