Durham Congressional testimony live

Because your argument devolved into claiming that I was posting "right wing talking points"

You were. It certainly didn't upset me.

I don't know who those "guys" are, and there were certainly loose with their language. The tip about Papadapoluous was justification for opening a preliminary investigation. If you read it, again, which you clearly haven't, Durham outlines in excruciating detail how the FBI failed to follow even the most rudimentary procedures and guidelines during that preliminary investigation which led to the improper opening of Crossfire Hurricane.

I have seen parts where some procedures were not quite right. They should have done some more verification etc etc. Sure.

Nothing that shows a deliberate attempt to railroad Trump and nothing that rose to criminality which is why no indictments.

Again, that's a question I have, and I was hoping that some Congresscritter was going to ask Durham. In some parts of the report he outlines that everyone in FBI conveniently forgot what was going on at that time, so he couldn't build a case beyond a reasonable doubt against one sing;e individual.
Yeah. It's tough to build a strong case. He tried for years but couldn't do it. To bad so sad.

Maybe next time.
That dude is cringe worthy.
It was funny when Johnson asked Durham why he couldn’t indict Hunter Biden. Durham kind of chuckled and had to tell the idiot that Hunter Biden wasn’t a subject of the investigation.
You were. It certainly didn't upset me.

I have seen parts where some procedures were not quite right. They should have done some more verification etc etc. Sure.

Nothing that shows a deliberate attempt to railroad Trump and nothing that rose to criminality which is why no indictments.
Again, you haven't read the report and have no idea the evidence and facts he gathered. Well, I really can't help you anymore if you refuse to read to the report and simply rely on what others tell you.

Have a blessed day
That too was made up. Trump should sue all the media for gaslighting the American public over this story.

PR exec who called Trump a 'mad man' was behind false 'golden showers' claims: Durham report reveals Donald never stayed in Moscow suite at center of salacious story - and how FBI wanted to keep paying Steele dossier source $300K AFTER he lied​

Special Counsel John Durham's report identifies Irish-born PR exec and Clinton ally Charles Dolan as the likely source of the infamous 'golden showers' rumor about Donald Trump in the discredited Steele dossier that ended up in the FBI director's very awkward briefing on potential 'kompromat' days before he took office.

It says Dolan, a public relations expert with Kremlin contacts who advised Bill and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, got a tour of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow in 2016 and met with key staff members there.

Dolan then emailed an acquaintance in Moscow saying: 'I'm in Russia making plans to be adopted in the event this mad man [Trump] gets elected.'

Durham's four-year investigation concluded that the FBI never had credible grounds to investigate Trump's links with Russia before the election and didn't find any collusion. Despite the lack of substantiation the allegations were fed to the media and jumped on by Democrats and critics.

The damning report also states that the FBI wanted to keep paying Russian national and primary source of the dossier Igor Danchenko $300,000 - even after the bureau found his evidence not credible - in an apparent bid to buy his silence.

Steele was also offered up to $1million for the now discredited claims about what Durham describes as 'salacious sexual activity' by Trump and any links to Vladimir Putin.
There is no evidence that Russia's interfering in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton required active complicity.

Neither the FBI, NSA, CIA, nor two Republican-run Senate investigative committee reports that confirmed their working toward a shared goal - electing Trump - indicated that Putin and Trump had actively coordinated their common objective.

Trumpers for years pleasured themselves with their lurid fantasies of John Durham:

Hyper-partisan hysteria aside, the bottom line is that Durham, after a three-and-half year, $40 million year probe, was able to contrive nothing of substance.

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Despite Trump's "crime of the century!" bullshit, the record shows that Durham indicted only three men on minor charges. One was an FBI lawyer who pleaded guilty to altering an email that was included in a June 2017 application for a surveillance warrant on a former Trump campaign aide; he was sentenced to probation.

The other two men were tried and acquitted. In both trials, Durham alleged the defendants had deceived the FBI but did not allege the FBI corruptly targeted Trump.

The mega-flatulence that perfumed the fiasco lingers and permeates Trumpery, but the record of one probation and two acquittals is undeniable.

By contrast, Robert Mueller, another Republican Special Counsel appointed by the Trump Justice Department, indicted, had convicted or gotten guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies, including top advisers to President Trump, Russian spies and hackers with ties to the Kremlin.
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There is no evidence that Russia's interfering in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton required active complicity.

Neither the FBI, NSA, CIA, nor two Republican-run Senate investigative committee reports that confirmed their working toward a shared goal - electing Trump - indicated that Putin and Trump had actively coordinated their common objective.

Trumpers for years pleasured themselves with their lurid fantasies of John Durham:

Hyper-partisan hysteria aside, the bottom line is that Durham, after a three-and-half year, $40 million year probe, was able to contrive nothing of substance.

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Despite Trump's "crime of the century!" bullshit, the record shows that Durham indicted only three men on minor charges. One was an FBI lawyer who pleaded guilty to altering an email that was included in a June 2017 application for a surveillance warrant on a former Trump campaign aide; he was sentenced to probation.

The other two men were tried and acquitted. In both trials, Durham alleged the defendants had deceived the FBI but did not allege the FBI corruptly targeted Trump.

The mega-flatulence that perfumed the fiasco lingers and permeates Trumpery, but the record of one probation and two acquittals is undeniable.

By contrast, Robert Mueller, another Republican Special Counsel appointed by the Trump Justice Department, indicted, had convicted or gotten guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies, including top advisers to President Trump, Russian spies and hackers with ties to the Kremlin.
Russia interferes in all of our elections just like we interfere in theirs. Their goal is to create chaos. They were successful.
Again, you haven't read the report and have no idea the evidence and facts he gathered. Well, I really can't help you anymore if you refuse to read to the report and simply rely on what others tell you.

Have a blessed day
I don't need to read the report to know nobody was charged.

Have a great day.
Russia interferes in all of our elections just like we interfere in theirs. Their goal is to create chaos. They were successful.
We know that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton. The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-run Senate investigative committees confirmed it.

What comparable confirmations of other instances of election interference are you referring to?
We know that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton. The FBI, NSA, CIA, and two Republican-run Senate investigative committees confirmed it.

What comparable confirmations of other instances of election interference are you referring to?
Russia always interferes. That’s what they do. There was no Trump /Russia collusion or conspiracy.
Russia always interferes. That’s what they do. There was no Trump /Russia collusion or conspiracy.
You may be expressing an ideological notion since you generalize with no specific evidence.

Russia's interfering to help Trump and hurt Clinton did not require collusion or conspiracy.

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