Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

They weren't monitoring Trump and the investigation that was going on wasn't being done to assist anyone's campaign.

Wait, wait, they weren't? You just stepped in a pile of doo, lol.

So then, explain how they came up with Trump tower communicating with Deutcha Bank? How did they know that the Trump team met with the Russian lawyer? Why did they think Paige was setting up a deal where he got......gasp....100 billion dollars, lol. And all of this surveillance was built on a HOAX!

Honestly, you are either ill informed, or you have to think you can fool someone. Sorry, you gotta do better than that!
He knew the russian collusion was a hoax.

That has nothing to do with Fusion GPS hiring Christopher Steele (apologies for referring to him as Richard Steele earlier).

There's no evidence Obama was aware of that. There isn't even any evidence Hillary was aware of that.
You have to ask yourself who they are going to sacrifice if anyone for Obama, Biden and Clinton as all three were involved in this same as they were with Operation Russian Collusion.
Well if its Clinton it becomes very interesting as she has the drop on every corrupt actor in DC, which is basically everyone, so much so that another highly fortuitous death could be in the cards....her own!
It’s not. Watergate was in its base a severe abuse of power by the president. Clinton never was president. She had no power to abuse.
Clinton didn't do this, it was Obama & Biden, they merely included Clinton in their little treason(s)....They penetrated the white house servers and then maintained that penetration for entire Trump presidency, that was not Clinton! ;)
Wait, wait, they weren't? You just stepped in a pile of doo, lol.

So then, explain how they came up with Trump tower communicating with Deutcha Bank? How did they know that the Trump team met with the Russian lawyer? Why did they think Paige was setting up a deal where he got......gasp....100 billion dollars, lol. And all of this surveillance was built on a HOAX!

Honestly, you are either ill informed, or you have to think you can fool someone. Sorry, you gotta do better than that!
The Trump Tower comunicating with Alfa bank was information derrived by the same people this story is about. The meeting with the Russian Lawyer was disclosed in Kushner's revised security clearance and then later reported on by the NY Times at which point in time the Trump kids admitted to it.

Tell me again where this investigation involved the campaign?
Clinton didn't do this, it was Obama & Biden, they merely included Clinton in their little treason(s)....They penetrated the white house servers and then maintained that penetration for entire Trump presidency, that was not Clinton! ;)
No, they did not penetrate white house servers.

Where do you guys get this dumb crap?
Mr. Durham has a solid reputation of delivering packages for the prosecution that are wrapped tight and are airtight. He is not someone to be taken lightly.

Faun, colfax_m, and the others on the far-left have massive egos that simply will not allow themselves to be proven wrong, in their own eyes. All the instances of their being proven 100% wrong are tearing their hearts out. They would rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit they are wrong.

Arguing with them is like arguing with pigs. You only get filthy and the pigs enjoy the experience.

You're lying again, fucking idiot*

You put the word, "infiltrate," inside of quotes which implies Durham used that exact word. He didn't and now you're flailing like a fish dying on the deck of a boat.

[* = referred to himself as a "fucking idiot"]

You seem triggered. Would you like a safe space? 100% infiltrated, Fido as stated by Durham himself in quotes.
Mr. Durham has a solid reputation of delivering packages for the prosecution that are wrapped tight and are airtight. He is not someone to be taken lightly.

Faun, colfax_m, and the others on the far-left have massive egos that simply will not allow themselves to be proven wrong, in their own eyes. All the instances of their being proven 100% wrong are tearing their hearts out. They would rather take a sharp stick in the eye than admit they are wrong.

Arguing with them is like arguing with pigs. You only get filthy and the pigs enjoy the experience.

Sussmann is indicted for one charge of false statement to FBI. The lunatics are saying that this is treason.

There's quite a disconnect between reality and what people are making this out to be.
No, they did not penetrate white house servers.

Where do you guys get this dumb crap?
o_O Do you folks see??? This douche bag is completely out of fucking loop, largely because he does not consume information, but rather propaganda, he is either clueless, or just lying, the latter option a routine experience whilst dealing with any fascist democrat wannabe team member...
o_O Do you folks see??? This douche bag is completely out of fucking loop, largely because he does not consume information, but rather propaganda, he is either clueless, or just lying, the latter option a routine experience whilst dealing with any fascist democrat wannabe team member...
Paid pravda agent probably
The Trump Tower comunicating with Alfa bank was information derrived by the same people this story is about. The meeting with the Russian Lawyer was disclosed in Kushner's revised security clearance and then later reported on by the NY Times at which point in time the Trump kids admitted to it.

Tell me again where this investigation involved the campaign?

OK, lets get back to the point of the OP, me, you, and everyone else.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you are correct. And yet, we have proof all over the internet that this did indeed happen.

Your response would surely be, "mostly from right wing sites, which prove nothing!" Fair enough answer, even if I said it for you to prevent this from going on longer, although previous to that, many left leaning sites reported it also, but then again, they insisted they had a Russian stooge in the White House, or running for the White House, so they were far more forth coming.

The difference now is----------> You have a federal investigator saying this happened. Even during Mueller, he NEVER uttered those words against Trump! In fact, he actually exonerated him.

Now, being within a Democratic Administration, being that Durham is revered on both sides as being an honest broker, and being that this honest broker has brought indictments, what are the probabilities this happened?

If you want to believe it is fantasy; good for you! If you believe an honest broker by both sides accounts, is willing to reach back 5 years to say something was really wrong there, I don't know what to tell you.

Again, maybe you are 100% correct. But today, right now, this week, this month, this hour, this minute, knowing what you know, what the indictments say..................if someone held a gun to your head and made you bet the farm and your family............which would you choose to be accurate! If that honest broker said that NONE of this EVER happened, I would choose YOUR side, because my farm, my wealth, and my family are worth faaaaaaaaar more than politics! But that is NOT what he said. Now you choose!
o_O Do you folks see??? This douche bag is completely out of fucking loop, largely because he does not consume information, but rather propaganda, he is either clueless, or just lying, the latter option a routine experience whilst dealing with any fascist democrat wannabe team member...
I read the court filing in question. Where did you get your "information"?
Really? On whom did Nixon spy? I was only aware that he attempted to cover up the break-in.
Hillary spied, made of the lie of Russian collusion. Then let Mueller investigate it knowing there was nothing to investigate. She owes the tax payers millions. But keep defending her, people are finally tired of her shit and want her investigated. So keep on defending her.

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