Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

You calling me gay is lying. Me correctly quoting Durham isn't, Fido.

OCD...ha ha ha ha off the charts. Durham said "infiltrated"....he did.

Nope, calling you gay is what you exposed about yourself when you said calling someone a "flaming idiot" is calling them gay. Only a gay person would think that.
The something Nixon did but worse. Hillary should pay the American people back for Muellers investigation.
Really? On whom did Nixon spy? I was only aware that he attempted to cover up the break-in.
If you think it means infiltrate you’re a biased moron. There was nothing surreptitious to Joffe’s access to the data and he didn’t do it with the purpose of obtaining secret information.

He already had access to this way before Trump. It was his job.

You can’t hack information you already have.
Joe Biden's Hair Sniffing Ways are being swept under the rug by The Corrupt FBI. Joe was also part of Operation Russian Collusion, also helped with the Uranium One Deal, and also helped send $150 Billion Dollars to State Sponsor of Terror Iran, and gave $85 Million in weapons and military technology to The Taliban Terrorists.

Now we understand why it was all hands on deck and win at any cost for The America hating Deep State. Let's have a closer look at The Podesta Group, Comet Ping Pong, and The Uranium One Deal, and Iran Nuclear Deal, and Nordstream 2 deal, and especially The Clinton Foundation.
Really? On whom did Nixon spy? I was only aware that he attempted to cover up the break-in.
The Break in was Staged by The Deep State as a way to try to remove Nixon from office and put him in an impossible situation, then entrap him over a non crime for which he was uninvolved with.

Same sort of thing that happened with Operation Russian Collusion only the entire thing was fictitious from the start.
Unfortunately I can't disagree and like on the same post so I disagreed because that's a pretty broad assumption about Missourian. Just because he didn't post a dissertation doesn't mean he doesn't get it. So I disagree with your assumption. Your assessment of the crime, though, is spot on.
No, its not sufficient to toss up these topics, and just leave it at, "is anybody surprised?" While I am not intending chastisement of op, this crime is so far beyond what any reasonable patriotic American should expect, that anything short of astonishment & revulsion over such, indicates something almost equally as frightening called apathy!

Forget that they spied on a candidate for president, as bad as that is, and its thousands of times worse than Watergate ever was, forget that for moment and consider, they entered into the nations presidential offices, and tapped them after election and then maintained that for the entire four years of his administration, and very obviously launched numerous coup attempts against him, and every coup attempt upon the president, was a coup attempt upon us, the American people!

Also, consider more of the obvious, they also interfered repeatedly in his lawful governments foreign policy, how do we know this, because they simultaneously launched same exact scam against USA's closest ally in middle east, and its lawful government, same exact assaults upon Bibi and his government, while John Kerry also repeatedly submarined Trump's diplomatic efforts with Iran! This is far bigger than Clinton, this was Obama, who strongly appears to have never fully transferred power in 2016, and then upon an ostensible exit from office, launched widespread information warfare upon the American people, and Israel.

I would add, that Biden was involved in this, heavily, and currently he is ensconced within the white house, which he did not win lawfully, and where he is clearly provoking a war with Russia that benefits absolutely nobody, except for of course the fascists in democrat party, fascist industry, and communist China....
Nixon actually spied. This ain’t that.

Speaking of Nixon------------->did you know that the Republicans are the ones who went to the Oval Office and told him he either resign, or he would be impeached and removed, and they would vote in favor of it?

Did you also know, that because of what Nixon did, the GOP was toast for quite a few cycles, although they were the ones that made him leave without a trial in congress? That is 100% true! Regardless of if they did what they did to try and hold as many seats possible, or they did it for the good of the country, they did it!

And so, if I was you, I too would be fighting tooth and nail, because you can spin things anyway you want, but when/if it is proven what is alleged, pardons by Biden or not, you have a very long road to hoe! At the very least, this is Watergate 2.0, but I have a feeling, most people will see it as much worse.
Then how do you explain this please? "exploited his access to non public and/or proprietary data"

View attachment 601339

That to you doesn't mean to infiltrate? Definition below:

enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.
Tech Executive One is Probably Twitter exec, Facebook Exec, or Google Exec.
So not only was Clinton-Obama-Biden spying on our President and helping out own government do it, but Big Tech was involved in a Big Way.
No, its not sufficient to toss up these topics, and just leave it at, "is anybody surprised?" While I am not intending chastisement of op, this crime is so far beyond what any reasonable patriotic American should expect, that anything short of astonishment & revulsion over such, indicates something almost equally as frightening called apathy!

Forget that they spied on a candidate for president, as bad as that is, and its thousands of times worse than Watergate ever was, forget that for moment and consider, they entered into the nations presidential offices, and tapped them after election and then maintained that for the entire four years of his administration, and very obviously launched numerous coup attempts against him, and every coup attempt upon the president, was a coup attempt upon us, the American people!

Also, consider more of the obvious, they also interfered repeatedly in his lawful governments foreign policy, how do we know this, because they simultaneously launched same exact scam against USA's closest ally in middle east, and its lawful government, same exact assaults upon Bibi and his government, while John Kerry also repeatedly submarined Trump's diplomatic efforts with Iran! This is far bigger than Clinton, this was Obama, who strongly appears to have never fully transferred power in 2016, and then upon an ostensible exit from office, launched widespread information warfare upon the American people, and Israel.

I would add, that Biden was involved in this, heavily, and currently he is ensconced within the white house, which he did not win lawfully, and where he is clearly provoking a war with Russia that benefits absolutely nobody, except for of course the fascists in democrat party, fascist industry, and communist China....
You have to ask yourself who they are going to sacrifice if anyone for Obama, Biden and Clinton as all three were involved in this same as they were with Operation Russian Collusion.
It ain't huh? Collecting information SECRETLY about one of your competitors or the government is the very definition of spying. Not telling the FBI that you were funded by the Clinton campaign and if fact lying about it means they were attempting to uncover information in SECRET. Yeah, you know you are wrong but the contrarian and Democrat in you won't allow you to admit it.
Was the information gathered illegally?

Sussmann is in trouble because he supposedly didn’t tell the DoJ that he was working on behalf of Joffe, not the Clinton Campaign.
So you are ok with investigating Hunter? This is the son of a sitting president. A president that is making every move to the US's detriment. An investigation is certainly warranted.

Do you know WHY they lied to the FISA court? Because they knew they wouldn't have been given the authority to continue an investigation without doing so. That one little lie was the impetus behind the entire ridiculous waste of taxpayer money and it was all done in an attempt to create a false "narrative" about Trump. The fact that moonbat Democrats can't see that they were lied to is baffling.
Yes. The investigation into Hunter is fine. The FBI appears to be handling it professionally.

The one lie was about a single individual who was tangential to the investigation. Had there been no lie, the investigation would have gone on essentially unchanged.
At the very least, this is Watergate 2.0, but I have a feeling, most people will see it as much worse.
It’s not. Watergate was in its base a severe abuse of power by the president. Clinton never was president. She had no power to abuse.
Was the information gathered illegally?

Sussmann is in trouble because he supposedly didn’t tell the DoJ that he was working on behalf of Joffe, not the Clinton Campaign.
Espionage is Illegal. Half of what Big Tech does is illegal, only the politicians they fund look the other way.
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Was the information gathered illegally?

Sussmann is in trouble because he supposedly didn’t tell the DoJ that he was working on behalf of Joffe, not the Clinton Campaign.

Why is it you won't wake up and smell the coffee?

Unlike Nixon because he won the election, they continued to monitor Trump AFTER he was the President! And, Obama, Biden, and Obama's national security council KNEW they were monitoring Trump on a false premise, and said NOTHING!

If that isn't worse than Watergate 2.0, I do not know what is!
It’s not. Watergate was in its base a severe abuse of power by the president. Clinton never was president. She had no power to abuse.
She is a criminal. Colluding with Russians is illegal, right comrade?

Didn't you try to impeach a president over that lie you knew was a lie and call it a high crime and misdemeanor?
Why is it you won't wake up and smell the coffee?

Unlike Nixon because he won the election, they continued to monitor Trump AFTER he was the President! And, Obama, Biden, and Obama's national security council KNEW they were monitoring Trump on a false premise, and said NOTHING!

If that isn't worse than Watergate 2.0, I do not know what is!
They weren't monitoring Trump and the investigation that was going on wasn't being done to assist anyone's campaign.
Yes. The investigation into Hunter is fine. The FBI appears to be handling it professionally.

The one lie was about a single individual who was tangential to the investigation. Had there been no lie, the investigation would have gone on essentially unchanged.

Why hasn't Hunter Biden been called in front of Congress to be questioned over his crack pipe, raping Chinese sex slaves sent to him by Xi, and his being the bag man for Daddy EmperorShitzHizPantz?

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