Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

And you continued to quote Durham saying, "infiltrate," even after it was brought to your attention he didn't say that. That makes you a liar. You knew the word, "infiltrate," was not in there but you still quoted him.
Quoted the NYP...dementia stricken lapdog. Oh Fido, semantics. You're arguing semantics? I have finally beaten your ugly OCD ridden ass down. Are you going to call me gay again? LMAO!!!
Fido, keep up. If a reporter says "Faun punched an old lady in the face" and I say Faun "assaulted an old lady"...would I be lying?

Let's see if your OCD can handle this, ED ridden idiot.

If you quoted a saying I "assaulted" her when the reporter did not say "assaulted," and you knew the reporter did not say, "assaulted," then yes, lying Gay ShortBus, you would be lying.

But again, even you referred yourself a "fucking idiot," so there's that defense you can plead.
Quoted the NYP...dementia stricken lapdog. Oh Fido, semantics. You're arguing semantics? I have finally beaten your ugly OCD ridden ass down. Are you going to call me gay again? LMAO!!!
Here, you don't believe me Az? Look at who/whom the indicted persons lawyer is, lol. You are getting to close to the truth, so is Durham and so you have--------------->Kathryn Ruemmler - Wikipedia
Looky, looky, Obama's own personal lawyer. Shocking I say, shocking, lol. Wonder why-)
Quoted the NYP...dementia stricken lapdog. Oh Fido, semantics. You're arguing semantics? I have finally beaten your ugly OCD ridden ass down. Are you going to call me gay again? LMAO!!!


No matter how many times you repeat you got that from the Post, it will still be you lying as you continued to falsely quote Durham even after it was brought to your attention that's not an actual quote.
If you quoted a saying I "assaulted" her when the reporter did not say "assaulted," and you knew the reporter did not say, "assaulted," then yes, lying Gay ShortBus, you would be lying.

But again, even you referred yourself a "fucking idiot," so there's that defense you can plead.
Wait. Your OCD can't let this go. YOU HAVE TO argue semantics. This is fun. Durham said "infiltrate". 100% accurate. This is great. YES, he did say it and in quotes. What will your OCD do? Oh no!! I stand by what I said 100%.


enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.

No matter how many times you repeat you got that from the Post, it will still be you lying as you continued to falsely quote Durham even after it was brought to your attention that's not an actual quote.
Forget NYP. I say Durham said infiltrated. I 100% stand by that. You do you, Fido. This is great. Your fat fingers typing fast and furious. Ha ha hahahahahahahaha

🐶 =YOU!!

Oh man, Obama's FIXER, lol. Took care of Benghazi, took care of Rice, took care of everything for good ole Obama. Wonder why she is here? Nothing to see-)
Aside from the fact that none of the claims in the motion have been proven yet, it's still not spying. And no, you weren't right anyway. I note the original [bullshit] claim was that Obama wiretapped Trump in Trump Tower. That was never proven to be true.
Obama knew what Hillary was doing in July 2016. Hillary makes Nixon look like a choir boy. Anyway 60% of independents want Hillary to go to trial. So you make the choice. Better hurry up November will be here soon. You cannot cheat with that many independents against you.
Wait. Your OCD can't let this go. YOU HAVE TO argue semantics. This is fun. Durham said "infiltrate". 100% accurate. This is great. YES, he did say it and in quotes. What will your OCD do? Oh no!! I stand by what I said 100%.

View attachment 601356

enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.


It's not semantics I'm arguing, ya fucking idiot*. I'm pointing out you used quotes to indicate Durham used the word, "infiltrate."

He didn't ... you know he didn't ... so now you're trying (and failing) to argue that's what he meant. But again, you falsely misquoted him.

It's not semantics I'm arguing, ya fucking idiot*. I'm pointing out you used quotes to indicate Durham used the word, "infiltrate."

He didn't ... you know he didn't ... so now you're trying (and failing) to argue that's what he meant. But again, you falsely misquoted him.
Nope. Durham said infiltrate. 100%, Fido. Infiltrate and in quotes.

enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.
Obama knew what Hillary was doing in July 2016. Hillary makes Nixon look like a choir boy. Anyway 60% of independents want Hillary to go to trial. So you make the choice. Better hurry up November will be here soon. You cannot cheat with that many independents against you.

Great, post your evidence that Obama knew Fusion GPS hired Richard Steele to dig up dirt on Trump....
Obama knew what Hillary was doing in July 2016. Hillary makes Nixon look like a choir boy. Anyway 60% of independents want Hillary to go to trial. So you make the choice. Better hurry up November will be here soon. You cannot cheat with that many independents against you.

It is ALL unraveling on them. What they did in 2016 because they could not stand a person jumping over them for President, is going to cost them dearly. And what has to upset them most, is that it will be because of their unbridled hatred of DJT when they did it, that is going to cost them so much!

So now you want me to forget you falsely misquoted Durham??

I didn't misquote anything. This is what he said, Fido

enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.


You're desperate AND lying, GayShortBus. The word, "infiltrate," is not there.

You calling me gay is lying. Me correctly quoting Durham isn't, Fido.

OCD...ha ha ha ha off the charts. Durham said "infiltrated"....he did.
No, that’s what Durham stated.

Did they fabricate anything?


John Durham: Democrats Paid to ‘Infiltrate’

Trump White House Servers

13 Feb 2022 ~~ By Jack Phillips
Special counsel John Durham’s team alleged on Feb. 12 that a tech executive aligned with the Democratic Party was paid to spy on former President Donald Trump’s residences and the White House when Trump was president.
Lawyers for the Clinton campaign allegedly paid the technology executive to infiltrate servers at the Trump Tower and the White House, Durham said in court filings (pdf), in order to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to tie Trump to the Russian government. Durham’s office made the claim as part of his investigation that had brought charges against Michael Sussmann, a lawyer who had worked on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and who is currently charged with making a false statement to the FBI.
The former president has long decried the Trump–Russia collusion narrative as a falsified witch hunt designed to imperil his political chances while bolstering left-wing mainstream media outlets’ ratings.
“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution,” Trump stated.
And Kash Patel, a former U.S. intelligence official who hosts EpochTV’s “Kash’s Corner,” said the filing reveals a “most intricate and coordinated conspiracy” to target Trump while he was a candidate and later as president.

Day by day, more of the Deep state is being exposed but there’s no coverage from major media, and still no prosecutions.
It was Obama’s “most ethical administration in history” remember?
it's a complete circus played out in public making our country look like a tech savvy circus.
When do they get arrested, convicted, incarcerated?
When does Hillary Clinton and her co=conspirators infamy dwarf that of Richard Nixon?
Watergate was about a physical burglary and subsequent cover-up.
The sole difference here is that it’s electronic burglary with subsequent cover up, using infiltrators rather than breaking into offices.
There is no surprise on both the Left and Right that every attempt was made to discredit President Trump.
He may not be velvety smooth when he speaks but I’m convinced that He was the right choice for President by the PEOPLE and that the more we investigate the more facts will be revealed as to the fraudulent election was the product of seditious actors based in the firm Perkins Coie working closely with power hungry Hillary Clinton and the Marxist DNC.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies are destroying America.
You brought up his name. Point 4 says there was infiltration. Not disputable.
The word infiltration appears no where in that paragraph.

Saying it’s “not disputable” is just you trying to bully me into believing it without having to make an argument.

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