Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Special counsel John Durham’s team alleged on Feb. 12 that a tech executive aligned with the Democratic Party was paid to spy on former President Donald Trump’s residences and the White House when Trump was president.
Unsurprisingly, this is not what the filing says.

John Durham: Democrats Paid to ‘Infiltrate’

Trump White House Servers

13 Feb 2022 ~~ By Jack Phillips
Special counsel John Durham’s team alleged on Feb. 12 that a tech executive aligned with the Democratic Party was paid to spy on former President Donald Trump’s residences and the White House when Trump was president.
Lawyers for the Clinton campaign allegedly paid the technology executive to infiltrate servers at the Trump Tower and the White House, Durham said in court filings (pdf), in order to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to tie Trump to the Russian government. Durham’s office made the claim as part of his investigation that had brought charges against Michael Sussmann, a lawyer who had worked on behalf of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and who is currently charged with making a false statement to the FBI.
The former president has long decried the Trump–Russia collusion narrative as a falsified witch hunt designed to imperil his political chances while bolstering left-wing mainstream media outlets’ ratings.
“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution,” Trump stated.
And Kash Patel, a former U.S. intelligence official who hosts EpochTV’s “Kash’s Corner,” said the filing reveals a “most intricate and coordinated conspiracy” to target Trump while he was a candidate and later as president.

Day by day, more of the Deep state is being exposed but there’s no coverage from major media, and still no prosecutions.
It was Obama’s “most ethical administration in history” remember?
it's a complete circus played out in public making our country look like a tech savvy circus.
When do they get arrested, convicted, incarcerated?
When does Hillary Clinton and her co=conspirators infamy dwarf that of Richard Nixon?
Watergate was about a physical burglary and subsequent cover-up.
The sole difference here is that it’s electronic burglary with subsequent cover up, using infiltrators rather than breaking into offices.
There is no surprise on both the Left and Right that every attempt was made to discredit President Trump.
He may not be velvety smooth when he speaks but I’m convinced that He was the right choice for President by the PEOPLE and that the more we investigate the more facts will be revealed as to the fraudulent election was the product of seditious actors based in the firm Perkins Coie working closely with power hungry Hillary Clinton and the Marxist DNC.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies are destroying America.

I do not know if Diaper Joe is going to allow anyone to prosecuted. But for the 1st time, I am confident that the truth is going to come out sooner, rather than later, and when that happens, Independents and Moderate Democrats will flee the Democratic party.

The Left is cooked, book it!
There's been nothing to say that they lied whatsoever about the content of the information that they gave to the FBI.

So you are ok with the FBI accepting investing a candidate and a sitting President based on information gathered by an opposing campaign? Oh, wait, of course, you are. You were ok with the Democrats lying to the FISA court as well. By any means necessary, right?

You really need to take off your donkey-shaped goggles, that is if you truly want what is best for the US. I am beginning to think that is a secondary priority, if at all, to all Democrats. Years of indoctrination have taken their toll.
Nixon actually spied. This ain’t that.

This isn't spying? Oh
Well, I suppose it’s a good thing I don’t look to you for approval then…
No, it’s just that it’s been pretty well established who they’re talking about. It’s okay if you don’t know, but I’m just telling you that it’s not what your knee jerk reaction is.
No, it’s just that it’s been pretty well established who they’re talking about. It’s okay if you don’t know, but I’m just telling you that it’s not what your knee jerk reaction is.
Ok, got your opinion…
So you are ok with the FBI accepting investing a candidate and a sitting President based on information gathered by an opposing campaign? Oh, wait, of course, you are. You were ok with the Democrats lying to the FISA court as well. By any means necessary, right?

You really need to take off your donkey-shaped goggles, that is if you truly want what is best for the US. I am beginning to think that is a secondary priority, if at all, to all Democrats. Years of indoctrination have taken their toll.
Yes. I’m okay with the FBI investigating a candidate based on information gathered by an opposing campaign. That’s what you wanted for Hunter Biden.

“Democrats lying to FISA”? Cmon. It was someone in the DoJ. Don’t be stupid. One charge of lying was prosecuted. I think it was good that he was prosecuted.
Nixon actually spied. This ain’t that.

It ain't huh? Collecting information SECRETLY about one of your competitors or the government is the very definition of spying. Not telling the FBI that you were funded by the Clinton campaign and if fact lying about it means they were attempting to uncover information in SECRET. Yeah, you know you are wrong but the contrarian and Democrat in you won't allow you to admit it.

A more optimistic take on the Durham bombshell​

14 Feb 2022 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
Yesterday, I wrote a post detailing what was in Special Prosecutor John Durham's latest filing, a seemingly innocuous motion that contained within it the allegation that Rodney Joffe, a tech executive, at the behest of Hillary Clinton's campaign, spied on Trump, both in Trump Tower and his apartment and, later, in the White House. However, my cynicism is such that I doubted that this would actually come to anything. Mark Wauck, a retired counter-intelligence special agent for the FBI, is more optimistic.
You can read Wauck's entire post here. It's built upon responding to what I wrote.
As noted, I'm cynical that this will go anywhere. I haven't forgotten that, on July 5, 2016, James Comey gave chapter and verse about Hillary's deliberate actions to evade national security laws regarding her emails and then ended by saying, essentially, "Whatever." Wauck, however, thinks Durham's investigation is different.
Given that Wauck's firsthand knowledge of FBI operations and investigations is exponentially greater than mine and that, clearly, he has considered this matter more deeply than I have, I yield to his optimism and, for now, am tucking away my cynical pessimism.
UPDATE: I have updated the bad link. Again, Mark Wauck's excellent analysis here.

Sussmann and Joffe knew they were engaged in illegal activity when they spied on Trump at the behest of Hillary Clinton. They figured Hillary would win, so their activity would never be an issue. When Hillary lost, they continued their illegal actions to spy on Trump because they desperately needed to get him out of the White House and install Hillary.
As it stands now under this administration, what law enforcement agency would be the one to arrest and prosecute her. They were all in on it.
Unfortunately, the majority of our media has been compromised by the infiltration of ideologists who refuse to report honest and real information to the public. In effect they've become the "Fifth Column", no longer the "Fourth Estate".
Yes. I’m okay with the FBI investigating a candidate based on information gathered by an opposing campaign. That’s what you wanted for Hunter Biden.

“Democrats lying to FISA”? Cmon. It was someone in the DoJ. Don’t be stupid. One charge of lying was prosecuted. I think it was good that he was prosecuted.

So you are ok with investigating Hunter? This is the son of a sitting president. A president that is making every move to the US's detriment. An investigation is certainly warranted.

Do you know WHY they lied to the FISA court? Because they knew they wouldn't have been given the authority to continue an investigation without doing so. That one little lie was the impetus behind the entire ridiculous waste of taxpayer money and it was all done in an attempt to create a false "narrative" about Trump. The fact that moonbat Democrats can't see that they were lied to is baffling.
As I said before what Richard Nixon pulled was child’s play in comparison. Can you imagine what he could of have pulled off with mainstream media licking his ass?
The something Nixon did but worse. Hillary should pay the American people back for Muellers investigation.

Nixon wanted to know what the DNC had on him. Hillary and the DNC actually conspired to plant mis-information and lies on Trump and his campaign, then attempted a seditious coup d' etat after he was elected.
I didn't misquote anything. This is what he said, Fido

enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.

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You're lying again, fucking idiot*

You put the word, "infiltrate," inside of quotes which implies Durham used that exact word. He didn't and now you're flailing like a fish dying on the deck of a boat.

[* = referred to himself as a "fucking idiot"]

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