Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

My far-left friends here will instantly attack my source. Go ahead, my friends. Along with that desperate, whiney post, kindly show us your reliable sources and working links saying that far fewer people are cooperating and the Durham probe is in shambles. If you cannot do that, and even you know you cannot, with a date of Feb. 11, 2022 or later, please remain silent. Otherwise you'll just continue making childish fools of yourselves.

Published 32 mins ago [2/14/2022]

Durham probe has 'accelerated,' with more people 'cooperating,' coming before grand jury

Durham has run his investigation 'very professionally,' source tells Fox News Digital

By Brooke Singman | Fox News

My far-left friends here will instantly attack my source. Go ahead, my friends. Along with that desperate, whiney post, kindly show us your reliable sources and working links saying that far fewer people are cooperating and the Durham probe is in shambles. If you cannot do that, and even you know you cannot, with a date of Feb. 11, 2022 or later, please remain silent. Otherwise you'll just continue making childish fools of yourselves.

Published 32 mins ago [2/14/2022]

Durham probe has 'accelerated,' with more people 'cooperating,' coming before grand jury

Durham has run his investigation 'very professionally,' source tells Fox News Digital

By Brooke Singman | Fox News

And? Now what?
And no where does it state that any of this was illegal.
LOL - you're kidding right. So you find what is written there as "legal"

That has nothing to do with Fusion GPS hiring Christopher Steele (apologies for referring to him as Richard Steele earlier).

There's no evidence Obama was aware of that. There isn't even any evidence Hillary was aware of that.
Hillary hired him, she is more corrupt than Biden and that's saying a lot.
I read the court filing in question. Where did you get your "information"?
Shove it right up your ass,

It was criminal and bad enough that the filthy Democrats paid to infiltrate Trump Tower and the White House to falsely link Trump to Russia but it is treasonous that the FBI, State Department and CIA helped the sonofabitches and then lied about it.

That is a real insurrection against the elected government.
Sussmann is indicted for one charge of false statement to FBI. The lunatics are saying that this is treason.

There's quite a disconnect between reality and what people are making this out to be.
It was criminal and bad enough that the filthy Democrats paid to infiltrate Trump Tower and the White House to falsely link Trump to Russia but it is treasonous that the FBI, State Department and CIA helped the sonofabitches and then lied about it.

That is a real insurrection against the elected government.
Admiral Rogers stopped them from more of it Under Obama. The evidence is in the FISA courts from what they did. They own the DOJ which is why they arnt already in jail
For those of you interested in what these Durham indictments mean, how Obama is tied to it, watch this video. Yep, it is over 50 minutes, so if you do not have that much time, take a pass. Still, this video tells you the significance of what is going on, and how Hilly did her thing using them, with links and proof.

For those who watch, enjoy!

You know what. I got it wrong. In the federal courts, only a grand jury can indict. On a local level, a prosecutor can file charges without a grand jury.

I was wrong. My bad. Thanks for pointing out the error.
Holy moly. Some honesty and kindness. Wow. Thank you.
It looks like we are already past the statute of limitations.

There was no spying.

Conspiracy is a 5-year SoL. But, the counting only begins once there is no more conspiring, and from what has been released we know they were still conspiring in 2017.

Thus the Durham filing at this time in order to get under any 5-year SoL.
I know Biden is at least interested in actually doing the job where the Orange Roughy wasn't.
What did the fish mean to you? What did you think he was going to return to you? :)
Sorry chump I'm not looking for handouts from anybody. I just see the clusterfuck Joe and his minions created, INFLATION, Russia and China pushing the limits, and Hunter running Joe's "crack pipe program". Sure fool Trump was sooooooooo bad. You are a idiot almost at Joe's level or your just stupid and blind.

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