Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

If Mules had anything he would have gleefully produced it as he was well paid to do so BUT was unable to do so despite his strong desire. Very condemning for you emoters so you sift through his comments and make up you own very special snowflake indictment even though Muller could not generate fact indictments.

Mueller did produce it. He has an entire volume dedicated to the evidence of obstruction of justice commited by Trump. You simply refuse to look at any of it. And then demand that since you won't look at it, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how reality works. The evidence for obstruction of justice indeed exists and was presented in detail by Mueller in his report.

  • In June 2017 President Trump directed White House Counsel Don McGahn to order the firing of the Special Counsel after press reports that Mueller was investigating the President for obstruction of justice;[12] months later Trump asked McGahn to falsely refute press accounts reporting this directive and create a false paper record on this issue – all of which McGahn refused to do.[13]
  • After National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was fired in February 2017 for lying to FBI investigators about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, Trump cleared his office for a one-on-one meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey and asked Comey to “let [Flynn] go;” he also asked then-Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland to draft an internal memo saying Trump did not direct Flynn to call Kislyak, which McFarland did not do because she did not know whether that was true.[14]
  • In July 2017, the President directed former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to instruct the Attorney General to limit Mueller’s investigation, a step the Report asserted “was intended to prevent further investigative scrutiny of the President’s and his campaign’s conduct.”[15]
  • In 2017 and 2018, the President asked the Attorney General to “un-recuse” himself from the Mueller inquiry, actions from which a “reasonable inference” could be made that “the President believed that an unrecused Attorney General would play a protective role and could shield the President from the ongoing Russia Investigation.”[16]
  • The Report raises questions about whether the President, by and through his private attorneys, floated the possibility of pardons for the purpose of influencing the cooperation of Flynn, Manafort, and an unnamed person with law enforcement.[17]

You ignore it all.
Mueller did produce it. He has an entire volume dedicated to the evidence of obstruction of justice commited by Trump. You simply refuse to look at any of it. And then demand that since you won't look at it, it doesn't exist.

And all those are just Trump not willingly going to the tree to be lynched for stealing a horse he never saw . . .
Mueller did produce it. He has an entire volume dedicated to the evidence of obstruction of justice commited by Trump. You simply refuse to look at any of it. And then demand that since you won't look at it, it doesn't exist.

Alas, that's not how reality works. The evidence for obstruction of justice indeed exists and was presented in detail by Mueller in his report.

  • In June 2017 President Trump directed White House Counsel Don McGahn to order the firing of the Special Counsel after press reports that Mueller was investigating the President for obstruction of justice;[12] months later Trump asked McGahn to falsely refute press accounts reporting this directive and create a false paper record on this issue – all of which McGahn refused to do.[13]
  • After National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was fired in February 2017 for lying to FBI investigators about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, Trump cleared his office for a one-on-one meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey and asked Comey to “let [Flynn] go;” he also asked then-Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland to draft an internal memo saying Trump did not direct Flynn to call Kislyak, which McFarland did not do because she did not know whether that was true.[14]
  • In July 2017, the President directed former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to instruct the Attorney General to limit Mueller’s investigation, a step the Report asserted “was intended to prevent further investigative scrutiny of the President’s and his campaign’s conduct.”[15]
  • In 2017 and 2018, the President asked the Attorney General to “un-recuse” himself from the Mueller inquiry, actions from which a “reasonable inference” could be made that “the President believed that an unrecused Attorney General would play a protective role and could shield the President from the ongoing Russia Investigation.”[16]
  • The Report raises questions about whether the President, by and through his private attorneys, floated the possibility of pardons for the purpose of influencing the cooperation of Flynn, Manafort, and an unnamed person with law enforcement.[17]

You ignore it all.
No you ignore that it was so very lacking that Nothing was initiated by several parties who had the power to ruin Trump but didn’t because there was no “there” there.
You addled libbies have since gone on and conjoured up you own very very special snowflake indictments.
Yes it has. I see the problem. I'll fix that.

Of course I can...in 1 1/2 years, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud, and no evidence in the courts to show otherwise. There has been no legal challenges to show otherwise. Plus the votes went through the checks and balances in the legal election canvassing and certification process.

It's you all that ARE lying...witingly or unwittingly.
There has been abundant evidence. Your standard of evidence is a conviction in a court of law for every disputed vote. That's an absurd standard, or course. That's why it's pointless to argue with sleazy lying douchebags like you. You're only interested in power, not truth. All your answers are just tactics designed to prevent the truth from being exposed. The election regulations were designed to prevent verification of valid ballots.
No you ignore that it was so very lacking that Nothing was initiated by several parties who had the power to ruin Trump but didn’t because there was no “there” there.
You addled libbies have since gone on and conjoured up you own very very special snowflake indictments.

If Mueller didn't present any evidence or legal analysis indicating Trump commited obstruction of justice...then why did Barr state that he disagreed with Mueller's legal analysis of obstruction of justice laid out in the Mueller report?

You're stuck. It was Barr that shut down charges against Trump. Not Mueller.
If Mueller didn't present any evidence or legal analysis indicating Trump commited obstruction of justice...then why did Barr state that he disagreed with Mueller's legal analysis of obstruction of justice laid out in the Mueller report?

You're stuck. It was Barr that shut down charges against Trump. Not Mueller.
Cling to your wishes and make pretends. It’s obviously how you face each day
There has been abundant evidence.
There are abundant accusations and made up stories. My favorite was the one about the submarine.

But when we ask you to show us the evidence to back up your specific claims....your argument collapses. It suddenly becomes 'impossible' to back your claims that say, all votes counted after 2AM on November 4th were fraudulent.

You insist that we're holding you to an 'impossible standard of evidence'.....as you admit you can't back your claims.

So the question then becomes....if you can't prove what the 'actual' vote count actually is, and its 'impossible' to factually back your claims of specific fraudulent votes......how do you know Trump won?

Even you admit its impossible to back that claim.
This is one of the many times it's frustrating not to be able to paste more of the article I'm taking excerpts from. I'm going to try to paste the salient parts.

In February 2017, Mr. Sussmann told the C.I.A. about odd internet data suggesting that someone using a Russian-made smartphone may have been connecting to networks at Trump Tower and the White House, among other places. Mr. Sussmann had obtained that information from a client, a technology executive named Rodney Joffe.

Citing this filing, Fox News inaccurately declared that Mr. Durham had said he had evidence that Hillary Clinton’s campaign had paid a technology company to “infiltrate” a White House server. The Washington Examiner claimed that this all meant there had been spying on Mr. Trump’s White House office. “The press refuses to even mention the major crime that took place,” Mr. Trump said in a statement on Monday.

There were many problems with all this. For one, much of this was not new: The New York Times had reported in October what Mr. Sussmann had told the C.I.A. about data suggesting that Russian-made smartphones, called YotaPhones, had been connecting to networks at Trump Tower and the White House, among other places. The conservative media also skewed what the filing said. For example, Mr. Durham’s filing never used the word “infiltrate.” And it never claimed that Mr. Joffe’s company was being paid by the Clinton campaign.

Most important, contrary to the reporting, the filing never said the White House data that came under scrutiny was from the Trump era.
According to lawyers for David Dagon, a Georgia Institute of Technology data scientist who helped develop the Yota analysis, the data — so-called DNS logs, which are records of when computers or smartphones have prepared to communicate with servers over the internet — came from Barack Obama’s presidency.

There were Russian made phones on the Internet in NYC and in Washington, D.C.? Wow! There are Russians in the United States! Under Obama's watch! What a shocker. WAR! This is WAR!
They had to stop Trump no matter what. He was and is a threat to the swamp, to the deep state. Imagine the money laundering going on with Pelosi, Biden, and others.
Trump stood in the way of them making huge bucks off both the taxpayers and foreigners... what a bunch of pigs..

hard to pray for them, but what else can u do? I think that's what God wants... although really, you sometimes think these people are beyond redemption... Even so it doesn't matter what we think but what God thinks...
Some guys get paid to examine the envelopes in that box and one of their friends figures out a way to use that examination to find dirt on the Dirty Don, to sell to a lawyer he knows.....
Breaking into the box is the crime, idiot.
Most people on high in Washington DC know exactly what happened, and what continued to happen, afterwards. The only question most Americans ask is---------------> can they prove what did, or did not happen!

If this was a GOP lawyer, I might smell a rat, but it isn't. Also, after this was announced, more people from the DNC side decided to retire, or run for jobs in their own blue states instead, where they have a massive advantage in vote tally over all, instead of a much closer tally in a disctrict.

This should tell any logical person, NOT that Durham has something, but rather those on high in the DNC thinks he has something, and since most of them know what really took place, they are well aware if he is following the correct path or not.

Time will tell because it is not over yet, but by all outward appearances, this is not looking good for the people involved in any of it, if they are able to still be prosecuted, or if the revelations would bury some in the DNC at the ballot box.
Lafayette Square protestors were beat to bloody pulp by gestapo, I mean police. They weren't burning anything down. They were just in a public park.

Compare that with shutting down a bridge that carries hundreds of millions of dollars of commerce.

I hardly think freezing the bank accounts of those peacefully protesting a mandate qualifies as being treated with "kid gloves." If you do, you might just need to move to China where your ideology would be widely accepted.

Protestors in Lafayette Square were hardly peaceful. You folks will believe anything.

The Lafayette Square protesters were anything but peaceful
Including millions of votes on unfolded ballots and ballots with no vote on them except for Joe Biden, no down ticket votes at all.
Including millions of votes on unfolded ballots and ballots with no vote on them except for Joe Biden, no down ticket votes at all.

Several states allow the overseas military a means to print an absentee ballot while serving out of the country or on ships and submarines, if they do not get an absentee ballot from their home state in time....

These base tee ballots of the military are printed on regular weight copy paper and mailed back. When they are received by the states, these ballots are transcribed to a real ballot, which is a heavier weight paper, manually with a repub, dem, and independent present, or done by machine made purposely to transcribe them on to official ballots with ballot weight paper. Our vote scanner counting machines can not count the lighter copy weight paper ballots.

This is why there are ballots that are not folded...they are these military ballots that were transcribed.

Blithering nonsense.

Mueller went into elaborate detail, explicitly laying out detailed examples of possible obstruction of justice. Mueller was very clear that it wasn't his role to levy charges against a sitting president, but Congress' role to hold the president accountable.
Mueller speculates to see what would stick to the wall. He didn't charge the president with anything. None of that bleating would have stood up in a court of law. Mueller was just covering his ass while giving the Trump hates something to chew on.

In fact, when Barr characterized the Mueller report as 'exonerating Trump', Mueller explicitly contradicted him.

And Barr later shopwe that Mueller said just the opposite to a different audience.

"If we had had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

-Robert Mueller

That wasn't Mueller's job.

Barr even went so far as to say that he didn't agree with special counsel Mueller's legal analysis of the obstruction of justice charges against Trump and that Mueller's analysis 'did not reflect the views of the department'.

Now why would Barr say he disagreed with Mueller....if it was just 'emotetards' jumping on nothing?
Because Mueller's act was disgraceful. A prosecutor's job it to determine whether there's enough evidence to prosecute someone, not speculate or clear anyone.
You really need to read the actual Mueller report and Mueller's account of his own report....rather than the dumbed down pablum you're being fed on OANN.

I have. That's how I know you';re full of shit.
Blithering nonsense.

Mueller went into elaborate detail, explicitly laying out detailed examples of possible obstruction of justice. Mueller was very clear that it wasn't his role to levy charges against a sitting president, but Congress' role to hold the president accountable.

In fact, when Barr characterized the Mueller report as 'exonerating Trump', Mueller explicitly contradicted him.

"If we had had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

-Robert Mueller

Barr even went so far as to say that he didn't agree with special counsel Mueller's legal analysis of the obstruction of justice charges against Trump and that Mueller's analysis 'did not reflect the views of the department'.

Now why would Barr say he disagreed with Mueller....if it was just 'emotetards' jumping on nothing?

You really need to read the actual Mueller report and Mueller's account of his own report....rather than the dumbed down pablum you're being fed on OANN.
The goal of the special counsel is not to prove someone did not commit a crime. In fact, that's impossible to prove for anyone. You can't prove a negative. The job of the special counsel is to indict and prosecute. Even if he chose not to prosecute the President then he would have outlined the specific crime instead innuendo about possible crimes.

Trump probably can walk on water but we just haven't seen it. No human on earth, in the history of earth, has ever had more government money and hours spent to try to find a crime, any crime, with which to charge him and, yet, they came up empty.
Mueller speculates to see what would stick to the wall. He didn't charge the president with anything. None of that bleating would have stood up in a court of law. Mueller was just covering his ass while giving the Trump hates something to chew on.

Says you, citing you.

Back in reality, Mueller has McGahn's testimony where Trump ordered him to produce fake documents to throw off the investigation. That's not speculation.

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