Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

I bet you believed Trump when he said no one in his campaign had any contact with Russians.

And I bet you believe that those contacts had something to do with collusion despite absolutely zero evidence to confirm it.

Carter Page had contacts in Russia because he was a former informant for the FBI/CIA. Those agencies chose to ignore that little tidbit when submitting their information to the FISA court because they wanted to give the appearance that his contacts were nefarious in nature. It is hilarious, but a little bit scary, the stuff people will believe regarding the Trump/Russia fake collusion narrative.
Several states allow the overseas military a means to print an absentee ballot while serving out of the country or on ships and submarines, if they do not get an absentee ballot from their home state in time....

These base tee ballots of the military are printed on regular weight copy paper and mailed back. When they are received by the states, these ballots are transcribed to a real ballot, which is a heavier weight paper, manually with a repub, dem, and independent present, or done by machine made purposely to transcribe them on to official ballots with ballot weight paper. Our vote scanner counting machines can not count the lighter copy weight paper ballots.

This is why there are ballots that are not folded...they are these military ballots that were transcribed.

More bullshit.
The goal of the special counsel is not to prove someone did not commit a crime. In fact, that's impossible to prove for anyone. You can't prove a negative. The job of the special counsel is to indict and prosecute. Even if he chose not to prosecute the President then he would have outlined the specific crime instead innuendo about possible crimes.

Trump probably can walk on water but we just haven't seen it. No human on earth, in the history of earth, has ever had more government money and hours spent to try to find a crime, any crime, with which to charge him and, yet, they came up empty.

The goal of the special counsel is to collect evidence on if crimes occurred. Part of that process is to determine when crimes did not occur. Its entirely possible to exonerate a person of a crime with evidence. Its the entire basis of an alibi.

There were places in the Mueller report where Mueller determined crimes had NOT been committed. Specifically as it relates to Don Jr. and Roger Stone using stolen passwords for unauthorized access to computer systems.

You simply don't know what you're talking about. Let alone know more than Mueller on what the purpose of an investigation is for.
Says you, citing you.

Back in reality, Mueller has McGahn's testimony where Trump ordered him to produce fake documents to throw off the investigation. That's not speculation.
Hearsay. Interrogated by a bunch of Democrats in a Democrat run hearing in secret. That's about as believable as anything Adam Schiffler said to the press.
The goal of the special counsel is to collect evidence on if crimes occurred. Part of that process is to determine when crimes did not occur. Its entirely possible to exonerate a person of a crime with evidence. Its the entire basis of an alibi.

No it's not, turd. Prosecutors don't exonerate.
The 'facts' are that Barr shut down obstruction of justice charges. Not Mueller. And that when Barr tried to claim that the Mueller report 'exonerated' Trump, Mueller publicly contradicted Barr, insisting that Trump was no exonerated. The 'facts' are the Barr disagreed with Mueller's legal analysis of obstruction of justice charges.

There was plenty laid out in the Mueller report to levy charges. Barr chose not to.

So much for your claim that it was just 'emotetards' jumping on nothing. Mueller was clear that the Mueller report didn't exonerate Trump. You just ignored Mueller on his own report.....and replaced it with OANN told you to think.

Mueller proved he had no knowledge at all about the report or the work of the office he supposedly led. He didn't know who key players were, or anything else. He was a token put in charge by Rosenstein because Mueller was a close personal friend of James Comey. The entire thing was illegal.
Hearsay. Interrogated by a bunch of Democrats in a Democrat run hearing in secret. That's about as believable as anything Adam Schiffler said to the press.

Its witness testimony. McGahn was ordered by Trump to violate the law and create fraudulent documents.

You ignore it. Mueller most certainly didn't.
And I bet you believe that those contacts had something to do with collusion despite absolutely zero evidence to confirm it.

Carter Page had contacts in Russia because he was a former informant for the FBI/CIA. Those agencies chose to ignore that little tidbit when submitting their information to the FISA court because they wanted to give the appearance that his contacts were nefarious in nature. It is hilarious, but a little bit scary, the stuff people will believe regarding the Trump/Russia fake collusion narrative.

You're absolutely incorrect when you say there was "zero evidence to prove it". Mueller was very clear that there was evidence of collusion, but insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction on a conspiracy charge. "Insufficient evidence" is not the same as "zero evidence".

Carter Page was not an FBI informant, other than in his own imagination. The Trump/Russia narrative has been confessed to by Paul Manafort when he plead guilty to all charges, including handing over the entire Republican Party data base to a known Russian spy.

Please stop repeating the right wing lies being fed to you by the Trump Cult. That's why we call you DumbButtheadAmerican.
Mueller proved he had no knowledge at all about the report or the work of the office he supposedly led. He didn't know who key players were, or anything else. He was a token put in charge by Rosenstein because Mueller was a close personal friend of James Comey. The entire thing was illegal.

Your entire post is a lie, and no the entire thing was not illegal. It produced over 100 charges, 9 convictions, and $40 million in fines. That could NEVER have happened in any part of the Investigation was illegal.

But thanks for parroting known Russian propaganda. It makes it easier to spot you asshole liars.
Mueller proved he had no knowledge at all about the report or the work of the office he supposedly led. He didn't know who key players were, or anything else. He was a token put in charge by Rosenstein because Mueller was a close personal friend of James Comey. The entire thing was illegal.
Mueller didn't know his own office.....says you. ANd you're nobody. You didn't even know that Trump's own White House counsel testified that he'd been ordered by Trump to create fake documents until I told you.

You claiming to be some expert on investigations, how they are supposed to be conducted, and who the key players actually were is meaningless Dunning-Kruger nonsense.

Why would I ignore a professional iverstigator with literally decades of experience and instead believe some random dude on the internet who insists that he knows better? Dude, you didn't even know what an alibi was until I told you, insisting such a thing was impossible.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I hardly think freezing the bank accounts of those peacefully protesting a mandate qualifies as being treated with "kid gloves." If you do, you might just need to move to China where your ideology would be widely accepted.

Protestors in Lafayette Square were hardly peaceful. You folks will believe anything.

The Lafayette Square protesters were anything but peaceful
Let me know when someone winds up in the hospital with an intracranial bleed from a frozen bank account.

When Lafayette Square was violently cleared, it was not because people were starting fires or beating police. Someone threw a water bottle in the vicinity of a cop and that's all they needed to go to war cracking skulls. The police demonstrated their intense desire to cause pain in many videos taken during the various protests in 2020.

Yes, freezing bank accounts (which have they done this or threatened to do it) is kid gloves.
Muller did not connect Trump to Russia in a prosecutable way
Hurt feelings and disappointment does not change that.
Of course I can...in 1 1/2 years, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud, and no evidence in the courts to show otherwise. There has been no legal challenges to show otherwise. Plus the votes went through the checks and balances in the legal election canvassing and certification process.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

The evidence has been uncovered in AZ, PA, GA, and WI....Refusal to look at it doesn't mean it's not there.

Courts refusing to hear the evidence on flimsy procedural grounds IS NOT hearing and adjudicating the evidence.

Forensic audits are "checks and balances" and your side fights them tooth and nail, right up to the point of threatening people participating in recanvassing.

Those facts don't change just because you continue to go....:lalala:
No it's not, turd. Prosecutors don't exonerate.

Prosecutors decide all the time NOT to pursue charges due to lack of evidence. Mueller himself indicated that no crime had been committed by Don Jr. when he used stolen passwords for unauthorized access to websites.....in the Mueller report.

"While investigating Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election, US special counsel Robert Mueller declined to charge Roger Stone and Donald Trump Jr. with specific federal computer crimes, according to a BuzzFeed report published Friday. "

The thing that you insist Mueller could never do, he did in the very report you refuse to read.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.
There has been abundant evidence. Your standard of evidence is a conviction in a court of law for every disputed vote. That's an absurd standard, or course. That's why it's pointless to argue with sleazy lying douchebags like you. You're only interested in power, not truth. All your answers are just tactics designed to prevent the truth from being exposed. The election regulations were designed to prevent verification of valid ballots.

The narrative that Trump/GOP lost every case is bullshit.

There were 26 suits brought by Trump himself as plaintiff.
Eight of them were heard on the merits and Trump won four of them.

There were 59 suits brought by others (let's just call them collectively, "GOP").
Thirteen were heard on the merits and the GOP won eleven of them.

No cases are still alive with Trump as plaintiff, thirteen are alive with GOP as plaintiff.


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