Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Trump drops a letter to Alpha Bank into the post office box outside his building. Hillary breaks into the box and finds the letter and reports it to the FBI. Yes, laws were broken.

Some guys get paid to examine the envelopes in that box and one of their friends figures out a way to use that examination to find dirt on the Dirty Don, to sell to a lawyer he knows.....
Muller was not able to deliver any criminal or impeachable offenses. He cited some things you emotetards jumped on but nothing chargeable nor criminal.

Blithering nonsense.

Mueller went into elaborate detail, explicitly laying out detailed examples of possible obstruction of justice. Mueller was very clear that it wasn't his role to levy charges against a sitting president, but Congress' role to hold the president accountable.

In fact, when Barr characterized the Mueller report as 'exonerating Trump', Mueller explicitly contradicted him.

"If we had had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

-Robert Mueller

Barr even went so far as to say that he didn't agree with special counsel Mueller's legal analysis of the obstruction of justice charges against Trump and that Mueller's analysis 'did not reflect the views of the department'.

Now why would Barr say he disagreed with Mueller....if it was just 'emotetards' jumping on nothing?

You really need to read the actual Mueller report and Mueller's account of his own report....rather than the dumbed down pablum you're being fed on OANN.
Interpreting something is not a lie you idiot, it is an interpretation.
It is a lie when your interpretation produces a fabrication.

But hey, the standard is set. I can interpret your phrases any way I want and still claim it’s what you said.
As has been often pointed out, the people don't elect the president. The states do. Trump was elected by a minority of voters.

The form of our government specifically creates a system where the will of the people can be ignored. That is good or bad, but it is what it is.

Completely untrue. Trump was elected by the majority of states.

The Senate was supposed to represent the states but the nationalists got that revoked in an attempt to undo the sovereignty of the states.

The people are represented by the House of Representatives and their will should not be ignored. The House of Representatives is supposed to represent the people but it no longer does as super-pacs and special interests own the entire process. Neither Democrats nor Republicans get real representation in Congress. The majority of Democrats are as unhappy with Congress as are the majority of Republicans.

We keep hearing about Congress members writing bills but no one in Congress has written a bill in a hundred years. There are private organizations that cater to the politicians, wine and dine them, and then give them canned bills with the same text for every state, specifically intending to eliminate the power and local control of each state.
That is how I read it. I bolded it for you since you're a moron. When did I use the word "nefarious"

Find that. I said what he said. It is in BOLD for you.

That's how YOU read it because you have no critical thinking skills, and you're looking to take offence at anything posted.
Are you OK? LOL

Going to see a client at 12:30 actually. Will you miss me?

Honk Honk Honk

Sure you are. I spend more hours working in a week than you do.
Blithering nonsense.

Mueller went into elaborate detail, explicitly laying out detailed examples of possible obstruction of justice. Mueller was very clear that it wasn't his role to levy charges against a sitting president, but Congress' role to hold the president accountable.

In fact, when Barr characterized the Mueller report as 'exonerating Trump', Mueller explicitly contradicted him.

"If we had had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

-Robert Mueller

Barr even went so far as to say that he didn't agree with special counsel Mueller's legal analysis of the obstruction of justice charges against Trump and that Mueller's analysis 'did not reflect the views of the department'.

Now why would Barr say he disagreed with Mueller....if it was just 'emotetards' jumping on nothing?

You really need to read the actual Mueller report and Mueller's account of his own report....rather than the dumbed down pablum you're being fed on OANN.
Facts and real life outcomes are far from “blithering nonsense.” Your emotional snow flaking about how you wish or feel it Should have turned out is irrelevant.
Completely untrue. Trump was elected by the majority of states.

The Senate was supposed to represent the states but the nationalists got that revoked in an attempt to undo the sovereignty of the states.

The people are represented by the House of Representatives and their will should not be ignored. The House of Representatives is supposed to represent the people but it no longer does as super-pacs and special interests own the entire process. Neither Democrats nor Republicans get real representation in Congress. The majority of Democrats are as unhappy with Congress as are the majority of Republicans.

We keep hearing about Congress members writing bills but no one in Congress has written a bill in a hundred years. There are private organizations that cater to the politicians, wine and dine them, and then give them canned bills with the same text for every state, specifically intending to eliminate the power and local control of each state.
You say "completely untrue" yet your next sentence confirms exactly what I was saying.

Trump was elected by the majority of states. Not that a majority of states is necessary. Trump was not elected by people. He was elected more or less by an algorithm which filters the votes of the people through a weighting system.

You can say lots of things as to how Trump was elected. You can't say he was elected by the will of the people. Most of the people voted for someone else.
You say "completely untrue" yet your next sentence confirms exactly what I was saying.

Trump was elected by the majority of states. Not that a majority of states is necessary. Trump was not elected by people. He was elected more or less by an algorithm which filters the votes of the people through a weighting system.

You can say lots of things as to how Trump was elected. You can't say he was elected by the will of the people. Most of the people voted for someone else.
You said that our form of government creates a situation where the will of the people is ignored. That's a lie.
Including millions of votes on unfolded ballots and ballots with no vote on them except for Joe Biden, no down ticket votes at all.

Millions huh? Should have been pretty easy to get those millions of ballots into evidence before a judge.
Facts and real life outcomes are far from “blithering nonsense.” Your emotional snow flaking about how you wish or feel it Should have turned out is irrelevant.

The 'facts' are that Barr shut down obstruction of justice charges. Not Mueller. And that when Barr tried to claim that the Mueller report 'exonerated' Trump, Mueller publicly contradicted Barr, insisting that Trump was no exonerated. The 'facts' are the Barr disagreed with Mueller's legal analysis of obstruction of justice charges.

There was plenty laid out in the Mueller report to levy charges. Barr chose not to.

So much for your claim that it was just 'emotetards' jumping on nothing. Mueller was clear that the Mueller report didn't exonerate Trump. You just ignored Mueller on his own report.....and replaced it with OANN told you to think.
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Including millions of votes on unfolded ballots and ballots with no vote on them except for Joe Biden, no down ticket votes at all.

Show me.

Your ilk change batshit conspiracies more often than most folks change underwear. You guys have blamed China, North Korea, the Mafia, the CIA, imagined some bizarro firefight in Germany where the US military supposedly seized 'Dominion servers', insisted that fake ballots were delivered by truck, suitcase and (my personal favorite)....

.... a fucking submarine.

And have jack shit to back any of them. But this time its different, huh?
That’s not what he did…

That's exactly what he did. He claimed that the votes that came in after 2AM on November 4th were fraudulent. When I asked him for the evidence to back that claim, he insisted it was impossible to produce.....and that I was holding him to an impossible standard of evidence.

Which begs the question....if your ilk can't establish the actual vote count and don't have the evidence to back your claims of fraud, how do you know that Trump won?

You guys are still stuck at square one.
There is a stark difference in the trucker protests and the left wing protests here in the US. When the truckers start burning down buildings and occupying government facilities, you may see some head bashing.

The left-wing loons running Canada have decided they will freeze the protestors bank accounts. That is some pretty Gestapo stuff there.

No, it's gazpacho. Thank MTG for that gift that keeps on giving.
You said that our form of government creates a situation where the will of the people is ignored. That's a lie.
When most people vote for one person and a different person gets elected, then yes, the will of the people is ignored.

That was the intent of the founders.
The 'facts' are that Barr shut down obstruction of justice charges. Not Mueller. And that when Barr tried to claim that the Mueller report 'exonerated' Trump, Mueller publicly contradicted Barr, insisting that Trump was no exonerated. The 'facts' are the Barr disagreed with Mueller's legal analysis of obstruction of justice charges.

There was plenty laid out in the Mueller report to levy charges. Barr chose not to.

So much for your claim that it was just 'emotetards' jumping on nothing. Mueller was clear that the Mueller report didn't exonerate Trump. You just ignored Mueller on his own report.....and replaced it with OANN told you to think.
If Mules had anything he would have gleefully produced it as he was well paid to do so BUT was unable to do so despite his strong desire. Very condemning for you emoters so you sift through his comments and make up you own very special snowflake indictment even though Muller could not generate fact indictments.
If Mules had anything he would have gleefully produced it as he was well paid to do so BUT was unable to do so despite his strong desire. Very condemning for you emoters so you sift through his comments and make up you own very special snowflake indictment even though Muller could not generate fact indictments.
if the left didn't have "feelings" and "emotions" they wouldn't have nothin at all!!!!!
If the Chinese stole the trump campaign emails, and RNC emails, and Joe Biden's campaign members worked with Chinese operatives to get those emails, and used those stolen emails of Trump''s campaign in his rallies over two hundred times to damage Trump's run and campaign, would you be saying that Biden colluded with the Chinese to beat Trump?


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