Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

You know all of this stuff all the time with excuses. All I know is you told us things would be better with Biden. You lied. I help no one unless I know them now. And reciprocate to those who help me. This is what you have done.
Same here.
haha of course he’s election and that of the GOP Congress represented the will of the people. This is a democratic-republic, ruled by a Constitution that Clinton, the DnC, the obamagate gang and you cultist attacked
As has been often pointed out, the people don't elect the president. The states do. Trump was elected by a minority of voters.

The form of our government specifically creates a system where the will of the people can be ignored. That is good or bad, but it is what it is.
It's always fun pointing out how incredibly fucking stupid you are.

I mean, do you have the memory of a goldfish? Did you suffer brain trauma? How come you can never remember things you've said?

Oh god, are you literally disabled. If so, I sincerely apologize. It's not my intent to be mean to people who have suffered hardship.
Now you're mocking disabled people. You truly are pathetic. You didn't want to be civil. Correct? Your words. So now you get what you wanted. This is from the report, you stupid idiot fake doctor. You should apologize to all on this board for your presence. Now go put me on ignore again, captain cancel culture.

The Indictment further details that on February 9, 2017, the defendant provided an updated set of allegations – including the Russian Bank-1 data and additional allegations relating to Trump – to a second agency of the U.S. government (“Agency-2”). The Government’s evidence at trial will establish that these additional allegations relied, in part, on the purported DNS traffic that Tech Executive-1 and others had assembled pertaining to Trump Tower, Donald Trump’s New York City apartment building, the EOP, and the aforementioned healthcare provider. In his meeting with Agency-2, the defendant provided data which he claimed reflected purportedly suspicious DNS lookups by these entities of internet protocol (“IP”) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider (“Russian Phone Provider-1”). The defendant further claimed that these lookups demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations. The Special Counsel’s Office has identified no support for these allegations.

In his meeting with Agency-2 employees, the defendant also made a substantially similar false statement as he had made to the FBI General Counsel. In particular, the defendant asserted that he was not representing a particular client in conveying the above allegations. In truth and in fact, the defendant was representing Tech Executive-1 – a fact the defendant subsequently acknowledged under oath in December 2017 testimony before Congress (without identifying the client by name).
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There is a stark difference in the trucker protests and the left wing protests here in the US. When the truckers start burning down buildings and occupying government facilities, you may see some head bashing.

The left-wing loons running Canada have decided they will freeze the protestors bank accounts. That is some pretty Gestapo stuff there.
Lafayette Square protestors were beat to bloody pulp by gestapo, I mean police. They weren't burning anything down. They were just in a public park.

Compare that with shutting down a bridge that carries hundreds of millions of dollars of commerce.
Now you're mocking disabled people. You truly are pathetic. You didn't want to be civil. Correct? Your words. So now you get what you wanted. This is from the report, you stupid idiot fake doctor. You should apologize to all on this board for your presence. Now go put me on ignore again, captain cancel culture.

The Indictment further details that on February 9, 2017, the defendant provided an updated set of allegations – including the Russian Bank-1 data and additional allegations relating to Trump – to a second agency of the U.S. government (“Agency-2”). The Government’s evidence at trial will establish that these additional allegations relied, in part, on the purported DNS traffic that Tech Executive-1 and others had assembled pertaining to Trump Tower, Donald Trump’s New York City apartment building, the EOP, and the aforementioned healthcare provider. In his meeting with Agency-2, the defendant provided data which he claimed reflected purportedly suspicious DNS lookups by these entities of internet protocol (“IP”) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider (“Russian Phone Provider-1”). The defendant further claimed that these lookups demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations. The Special Counsel’s Office has identified no support for these allegations.

In his meeting with Agency-2 employees, the defendant also made a substantially similar false statement as he had made to the FBI General Counsel. In particular, the defendant asserted that he was not representing a particular client in conveying the above allegations. In truth and in fact, the defendant was representing Tech Executive-1 – a fact the defendant subsequently acknowledged under oath in December 2017 testimony before Congress (without identifying the client by name).
I'm not mocking disabled people. I'm truly trying to understand if you are disabled.

You have serious short term memory problems. Twice in this thread I've had to point out the words you've used after you asked where you used them.

I will be civil with people who deserve it. You've never deserved it. You've been an asshole to me ever since I came to this board accusing me of horrendous things. You put on a nice face for TWO DAYS and you think that you deserve to be treated with respect. Get fucked you whiny bitch.

Durham didn't say anything about this being nefarious which is what you claimed. If you're as intellectually honest as I am, you'd admit you were wrong.
No, and you don't appreciate the full impact of this, if you did, you would not just toss it up and leave it at, "is anyone surprised?" This was an act of war against the United States, the target was not Trump, it was us, the American people, and the pandemic just the next step in a massive coup d' tat against us! These are the same people currently hoping to distract you by picking a fight with Russia, do you fucking even begin to grasp ramifications of this act of war???

This story, is the greatest act of espionage every perpetrated in modern world history, they hacked into the "White House" servers, and planted fabricated evidence against the lawfully elected president and his government, and very likely many many other acts of treason against the nation and its president!

I spent many years in the military, understand this people, if a foreign power did this, we would have immediately gone to war, period, no exceptions! They have levied war upon the United States, and I can absolutely assure you, these are the same people who manufactured the bat virus, and then released it worldwide, it didn't leak, it was launched, as I knew from day one!

How long are you going to believe Donald Trump's lies? We are attacking Trump and it has NOTHING to do with the American people, who never elected this asshole in the first place.

Russia is the one picking the fight, not the rest of the world, but I have to ask why are YOU promoting Russian propaganda and lies. Do you even grasp the ramifications of you parroting the same lies as Putin and Trump????

There was no espionage. There was no plot to overthrow the Presidency. There was just one lying criminal who managed to scam his way into the White House, and then tried to overthrow the duly elected government when the people threw him out of office.

I'm not mocking disabled people. I'm truly trying to understand if you are disabled.

You have serious short term memory problems. Twice in this thread I've had to point out the words you've used after you asked where you used them.

I will be civil with people who deserve it. You've never deserved it. You've been an asshole to me ever since I came to this board accusing me of horrendous things. You put on a nice face for TWO DAYS and you think that you deserve to be treated with respect. Get fucked you whiny bitch.

Durham didn't say anything about this being nefarious which is what you claimed. If you're as intellectually honest as I am, you'd admit you were wrong.
That is how I read it. I bolded it for you since you're a moron. When did I use the word "nefarious"

Find that. I said what he said. It is in BOLD for you.
So far in the 2020 election, ALL THE DEAD PEOPLE VOTING are REPUBLICANS....Dead wives, dead moms, dead dads of Republican CHEATERS and fraudsters.
So you believe every single one of the 81mil+ votes was legitimate for Joe Biden. Yes or no?
That is how I read it. I bolded it for you since you're a moron. When did I use the word "nefarious"

Find that. I said what he said. It is in BOLD for you.
So when you said that Durham said something, it was actually that you interpreted his words to mean something that they didn't say.

That's called a lie. If' it's not a lie, then I reserve the right to claim that Azog said such and such and then when you call me a liar, I can respond with "that's how I read it" and that will be perfectly consistent. Oh, and since that is now an opinion, it cannot be wrong based on your distorted world view.

I already provided the quote for you saying nefarious. Did you not see it? Are you blind or illiterate
So when you said that Durham said something, it was actually that you interpreted his words to mean something that they didn't say.

That's called a lie. If' it's not a lie, then I reserve the right to claim that Azog said such and such and then when you call me a liar, I can respond with "that's how I read it" and that will be perfectly consistent. Oh, and since that is now an opinion, it cannot be wrong based on your distorted world view.

I already provided the quote for you saying nefarious. Did you not see it? Are you blind or illiterate
Interpreting something is not a lie you idiot, it is an interpretation.
Yea yea good luck with all that, but fact remains that "other data" mention remains meaningless without further clearification.

Your dissembling is of no consequence. The simple distinction drawn between DNS traffic and "other data" is noted by Durham and that ain't there for nothing . . . The "clearification" you need, will happen at trial.

Well looks like someone got packed to hilt with Russian propaganda.

Russian interference in 2016 election was not a "hoax" it was a fact

I didn't say there wasn't any "Russian interference". I said the accusations against Trump and "Russian collusion" were a hoax and Crowdstrike's story that the DNC email leak was the result of a Russian hack, was a hoax.

and FBI ran a significant counter intelligence effort to get to the bottom of it.

I remember many accusations that Obama "choked" when Russian interference in the 2016 election became evident. There was no real "counter intelligence effort", Obama told Russia to stop, HRC was given a defensive briefing, Trump was not.

The Obama/HRC TDS drove whatever response there was . . . Instead of stopping the Russian interference, it was decided that using the Russian interference to nurture accusations against Trump was much more useful to the Democrat's situation.

The fact that FBI made secret Trump campaign investigation underway during election, while publicly T-boning Clinton on email investigation tells you all you need to know about how much say Obama had in Comey's FBI.

The Hillary email "matter" (not investigation, remember?) was completed and closed by early July of '16, just as the Trump focused McCabe, Comey, Priestap, Strzok, Page, Baker "Crossfire Hurricane" was ramping up. Then the trove of emails on Abedin's laptop surfaced and tens of thousands of emails were deemed, within a day or two, to be personal or copies already examined and that went away . . . The Trump investigation stayed active and expanded well into Trump's Presidency, while less and less evidence showed Trump / Russia connections / collusion.
So you believe every single one of the 81mil+ votes was legitimate for Joe Biden. Yes or no?
How could anyone know that answer? An individual here or there could have illegally voted on either side of the aisle.

What I can say with certainly is that there was no widespread fraud that would affect the win, of Joe Biden's overwhelming win over Trump.
How could anyone know that answer? An individual here or there could have illegally voted on either side of the aisle.

What I can say with certainly is that there was no widespread fraud that would affect the win, of Joe Biden's overwhelming win over Trump.
No, you can't say that with certainty.
How could anyone know that answer? An individual here or there could have illegally voted on either side of the aisle.

What I can say with certainly is that there was no widespread fraud that would affect the win, of Joe Biden's overwhelming win over Trump.
I said "believe" not "know".

There is a difference. Certainty. So you would bet your life on it? I would not although I do not believe Trump lost due to direct fraud.
Trump org sends a letter to Alpha bank, someone in mail processing sees the address on the letter to Russia and reports it to authorities.

What law was broken?

Trump drops a letter to Alpha Bank into the post office box outside his building. Hillary breaks into the box and finds the letter and reports it to the FBI. Yes, laws were broken.

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