Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Hillary Wasn't the Only Trump Rival to Pay Tech Firm That Spied On Him, Biden Also Hired It for 2020 Campaign
15 Feb 2022 ~~ By Kyle Becker
FEC records unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon show that the Biden campaign in 2020 paid the same tech firm that Hillary Clinton used to allegedly spy on Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign.
“The Biden campaign paid nearly $20,000 to a cybersecurity firm at the center of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe,” Chuck Ross reported at the Free Beacon.
According to the Federal Election Commission records uncovered by the Free Beacon, the Biden campaign paid Neustar Information Services $18,819 in 2020 for ‘accounting and compliance work.’
“The Indictment alleges that the defendant lied in that meeting, falsely stating to the General Counsel that he was not providing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client,” the indictment continues. “In fact, the defendant had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including (i) a technology executive (‘Tech Executive-1’) at a U.S.-based Internet company (‘Internet Company-1’), and (ii) the Clinton Campaign.”
The FBI would launch an investigation into the Trump campaign to look into the “odd” Alfa Bank connection. Hillary Clinton even weaponized the political disinformation in an October 2016 tweet.

It turns out it wasn’t just the Hillary Clinton campaign that had a relationship with the tech firm that spied on Donald Trump when he was a candidate and president. The Biden campaign hired the same firm prior to the 2020 election.
The Biden and Clinton campaigns are the only two presidential committees to have ever paid Neustar, the Free Beacon noted, but the DCCC also hired the firm before the 2018 midterms.

So, it turns out the Tech Executive #1's company has a name Neustar.
Just for shits and giggles it just so happens that Joey Xi Bai Dung also used Neustar for the paltry sum of twenty grand.
What a coincidence.

In 2020?
Oh look, yet another clueless rwinger

That internet data is...wait for it...DNS server transactions.

No, "among" and "other data" means there is pertinent exfiltrated data besides DNS traffic.

Durham states, "among the Internet data [Joffe] and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic . . . [Joffe] and his associates exploited [the EOP contract] by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."
I think wiretapping the president is probably a tad more egregious.
Yep. President was wiretaped without any warrant thats why Durgam has charged...no one with anything except a supposed lie about working with Clinton.

Do you spend even a min thinking about what you are saying?
What campaign? Clinton ended her campaign in 2016.

And she stared it well before that . . .

As Durham sets it out, we know he did.

Do you think the contract included sniffing and pulling DNS traffic at the EOP and other locations and then exploiting other data mined by Georgia Tech working in another government contract, for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump and then reporting it to Fusion GPS and Hillary's lawyer so they could establish “an inference” and “narrative”, for the purpose of tying then-candidate Trump to Russia?

Do you really think that was the expected performance / work product contracted for, or was that all extracurricular work performed for some other entity, to some other end, besides resolving DNS requests?

As far as charges, that's gonna be a, "let's see what happens" . . .

Read woodwork201's post UP THREAD HERE
Yea yea, you wait and see.

Durham has stuffed a bunch irrelevent, poorly laid out disclosures into this filing. If he had something serious he wouldn't be playing these contrived small fish games, he be filing indictments.
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No, "among" and "other data" means there is pertinent exfiltrated data besides DNS traffic.

Durham states, "among the Internet data [Joffe] and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic . . . [Joffe] and his associates exploited [the EOP contract] by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."
What "other data"? Durham could have easily explained, but he didn't, because he wants to throw stuff out into the public and give speculative fodder to talking heads.

"other data" comment is meaningless to anyone's understanding of this.
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Yep. President was wiretaped without any warrant thats why Durgam has charged...no one with anything except a supposed lie about working with Clinton.

Do you spend even a min thinking about what you are saying?

The real "wiretapping" was the illegal FISA 702(16)(17) abuses of the NSA databases by Obama's FBI. That began in 2012 with the IRS targeting scandal and went into absolute hyper-drive against Trump through the election and right into his presidency with over 3 million illegal searches in fiscal year 2017 (Oct, '16 to Sept '17). None of that is from Durham, it is all laid out in two orders from the FISA court.


The court's statement about "non-compliance with new requirements" is referring to the earlier court order demanding Obama's FBI end the illegal searches. The court is so frustrated with the non-compliance, it considers closing the FBI's access entirely to the NSA databases.

The Russia Hoax and all that went with it was the cover-up for those crimes.

The Page FISA warrant had to get got, which is why they lied and forged emails to get it and keep it going . . . It was needed to try to get all the spying onto some semblance of plausible, retroactive legality -- the Page Title I FISA would come with an 18 month look-back and the two-hop rule.

That means, in the previous 18 months, if Page talked to 200 people and each of those people talked to 200 people, the FBI had surveillance paper on 40,000 people . . . Hopefully covering everyone they were already spying on in Trumps orbit.

Here's where Fusion GPS comes in again, they were given unfettered "private contractor" access to the FBI's portal to the NSA database. NSA Director Rogers closed that access on April 18, 2016 and the very next day Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson, was at the White House for 14 hours.

By the end of April, Fusion GPS was in the employ of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, no doubt with terabytes of pilfered NSA data.

That partnership was set up by a lawyer from Perkins Coie, a lawyer working for Fusion GPS, the DNC and the Clinton campaign by the name of Michael Sussmann.

Add into this mix that Sussman was also Crowdstike's lawyer and was who brought them in to craft the lie about Russia hacking the DNC email servers . . .

Are you catching on yet, that Sussmann is the hub to so much criminality, that this is a wee bit bigger than just Sussmann's lie to the FBI?

You dummies are in for such a well-deserved kick in the groin . . .
What "other data"? Durham could have easily explained, but he didn't, because he wants to throw stuff out into the public and give speculative fodder to talking heads.

"other data" comment is meaningless to anyone's understanding of this.

In filings such as this, words are chosen carefully and you should always presume a prosecutor knows much more than they share in a public statement.

The statements like this, in a filing like this, in an investigation like this, run as tight and leak-free as this, that you view as cryptic and unclear and showing weakness, are not meant to inform the public at large. They are meant to make uncomfortable those within the criminal enterprise that Durham wants to prod to cooperate or just plain scare the shit out of.

Dozens of people have already testified before Durham's grand jury, many more have made formal statements on the record . . . All of those statements were made without knowing what Durham knows; a little peak of his hand like this filing, while inconsequential to you, could be what forces someone to cry uncle.
Yep. President was wiretaped without any warrant thats why Durgam has charged...no one with anything except a supposed lie about working with Clinton.

Do you spend even a min thinking about what you are saying?

Yeah, clearly you don't. You have been bleating for YEARS about how Trump is going to prison.

Well, yiu have been wrong EVERY. DAMNED. TIME.
Nope. I'll happily accept specific evidence that proves your claim that every vote after 2AM on November 4th was fraudulent.

Your problem...is that you can't back up your claim. Worse, you insist its impossible to factually establish your claim.

But you're gonna demand proof from other folks?

If not for double standards, you'd have none at all.
I didn't make that claim, douchebag. Now go bother someone else.
What "other data"? Durham could have easily explained, but he didn't, because he wants to throw stuff out into the public and give speculative fodder to talking heads.

"other data" comment is meaningless to anyone's understanding of this.
You forget, the indictments of Sussman and Danchenko went before the grand Jury before the indictments were filed.
The support of the people isn't a game. And the claim that Trump had the support of the people is provably false....as demonstrated by the popular votes in both elections going to Trump's opponent.
its a game that's played by every single candidate for POTUS over centuries on both sides of the isle.

The real "wiretapping" was the illegal FISA 702(16)(17) abuses of the NSA databases by Obama's FBI. That began in 2012 with the IRS targeting scandal and went into absolute hyper-drive against Trump through the election and right into his presidency with over 3 million illegal searches in fiscal year 2017 (Oct, '16 to Sept '17). None of that is from Durham, it is all laid out in two orders from the FISA court.

View attachment 602047

The court's statement about "non-compliance with new requirements" is referring to the earlier court order demanding Obama's FBI end the illegal searches. The court is so frustrated with the non-compliance, it considers closing the FBI's access entirely to the NSA databases.

The Russia Hoax and all that went with it was the cover-up for those crimes.

The Page FISA warrant had to get got, which is why they lied and forged emails to get it and keep it going . . . It was needed to try to get all the spying onto some semblance of plausible, retroactive legality -- the Page Title I FISA would come with an 18 month look-back and the two-hop rule.

That means, in the previous 18 months, if Page talked to 200 people and each of those people talked to 200 people, the FBI had surveillance paper on 40,000 people . . . Hopefully covering everyone they were already spying on in Trumps orbit.

Here's where Fusion GPS comes in again, they were given unfettered "private contractor" access to the FBI's portal to the NSA database. NSA Director Rogers closed that access on April 18, 2016 and the very next day Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson, was at the White House for 14 hours.

By the end of April, Fusion GPS was in the employ of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, no doubt with terabytes of pilfered NSA data.

That partnership was set up by a lawyer from Perkins Coie, a lawyer working for Fusion GPS, the DNC and the Clinton campaign by the name of Michael Sussmann.

Add into this mix that Sussman was also Crowdstike's lawyer and was who brought them in to craft the lie about Russia hacking the DNC email servers . . .

Are you catching on yet, that Sussmann is the hub to so much criminality, that this is a wee bit bigger than just Sussmann's lie to the FBI?

You dummies are in for such a well-deserved kick in the groin . . .
^ Best synopsis on the subject
Ya'll have been running cover for Russia since this hit the news.......

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks.com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.
huh? Who's been running cover for that? Russia hacked the DNC server during the Obama admin? Ok....yeah we knew even before they leaked the hacked emails showing corruption, that they were going to try to do just that....the Obama FBI warned the parties and campaigns....the GOP, took steps to protect their servers, that's why even when they attempted to hack it, they got very little....the DNC didn't take those steps....now we know why...they didn't think Putin would turn on them the way he did and release the emails he found that showed how corrupt the DNC was.

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