Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

No, and you don't appreciate the full impact of this, if you did, you would not just toss it up and leave it at, "is anyone surprised?" This was an act of war against the United States, the target was not Trump, it was us, the American people, and the pandemic just the next step in a massive coup d' tat against us! These are the same people currently hoping to distract you by picking a fight with Russia, do you fucking even begin to grasp ramifications of this act of war???

This story, is the greatest act of espionage every perpetrated in modern world history, they hacked into the "White House" servers, and planted fabricated evidence against the lawfully elected president and his government, and very likely many many other acts of treason against the nation and its president!

I spent many years in the military, understand this people, if a foreign power did this, we would have immediately gone to war, period, no exceptions! They have levied war upon the United States, and I can absolutely assure you, these are the same people who manufactured the bat virus, and then released it worldwide, it didn't leak, it was launched, as I knew from day one!
The same people laughing. Ask them about the HORRIFIC CRIME they cockledoodledoo about in regards to Nixon.

They are such hypocrites and I genuinely fear for them.
In filings such as this, words are chosen carefully and you should always presume a prosecutor knows much more than they share in a public statement.

The statements like this, in a filing like this, in an investigation like this, run as tight and leak-free as this, that you view as cryptic and unclear and showing weakness, are not meant to inform the public at large. They are meant to make uncomfortable those within the criminal enterprise that Durham wants to prod to cooperate or just plain scare the shit out of.

Dozens of people have already testified before Durham's grand jury, many more have made formal statements on the record . . . All of those statements were made without knowing what Durham knows; a little peak of his hand like this filing, while inconsequential to you, could be what forces someone to cry uncle.
Yea yea good luck with all that, but fact remains that "other data" mention remains meaningless without further clearification.

Durham Accused Of Stoking Trumpy Conspiracy Theories In Blistering Counterattack By Target Of His Probe​

Durham did not specify in the filing under what administration the alleged “gathering” by the tech executive — identified by the New York Times and others as Rodney Joffe — took place. But the narrative seemed to tee up a conclusion that conservative outlets quickly leapt to: that the White House had been monitored during the Trump administration.

This led to an outpouring of rage on the right, which cast the filing as proof that Trump was right about the spying allegations all along.

Kash Patel, the former Devin Nunes operative, said that Durham had revealed a plan to “infiltrate” Trump Tower and the White House. Fox News used that quote to headline an article claiming that the filing demonstrated that the Clinton campaign masterminded the effort.

Per Sussmann’s and Joffe’s attorneys, that is not true.

“The Special Counsel is well aware that the data provided to Agency-2 pertained only to the period of time before Mr. Trump took office, when Barack Obama was President,” reads the filing from Sussmann. (Agency-2 is widely reported to be the CIA, to which Durham alleged Sussmann relayed Joffe’s findings.)

Joffe’s attorneys separately told the New York Times that Joffe only examined data from the Executive Office of the President while Obama was in office, and that it was part of an attempt to see whether there was malware on White House servers — a job for which he had been hired.

Sussmann’s attorneys added that Durham didn’t allege anything to do with the supposed spying scheme in the initial indictment, and questioned how it was relevant to the case.

“Sadly, the Special Counsel seems to be succeeding in his effort to instigate unfair and prejudicial media coverage of Mr. Sussmann’s case,” the filing reads. “Indeed, since the Motion was filed, numerous outlets published stories suggesting that the Special Counsel’s latest filing revealed a vast conspiracy involving Mr. Sussmann and the Clinton Campaign.”

Now just a minute. Durham, the guy Billy the Bagman picked to discredit the FBI's investigation for the Orange Messiah's sake, is doing Trumpy things!! Perish the thought.
The real "wiretapping" was the illegal FISA 702(16)(17) abuses of the NSA databases by Obama's FBI. That began in 2012 with the IRS targeting scandal and went into absolute hyper-drive against Trump through the election and right into his presidency with over 3 million illegal searches in fiscal year 2017 (Oct, '16 to Sept '17). None of that is from Durham, it is all laid out in two orders from the FISA court.

View attachment 602047

The court's statement about "non-compliance with new requirements" is referring to the earlier court order demanding Obama's FBI end the illegal searches. The court is so frustrated with the non-compliance, it considers closing the FBI's access entirely to the NSA databases.

The Russia Hoax and all that went with it was the cover-up for those crimes.

The Page FISA warrant had to get got, which is why they lied and forged emails to get it and keep it going . . . It was needed to try to get all the spying onto some semblance of plausible, retroactive legality -- the Page Title I FISA would come with an 18 month look-back and the two-hop rule.

That means, in the previous 18 months, if Page talked to 200 people and each of those people talked to 200 people, the FBI had surveillance paper on 40,000 people . . . Hopefully covering everyone they were already spying on in Trumps orbit.

Here's where Fusion GPS comes in again, they were given unfettered "private contractor" access to the FBI's portal to the NSA database. NSA Director Rogers closed that access on April 18, 2016 and the very next day Mary Jacoby, wife of Fusion GPS's Glenn Simpson, was at the White House for 14 hours.

By the end of April, Fusion GPS was in the employ of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, no doubt with terabytes of pilfered NSA data.

That partnership was set up by a lawyer from Perkins Coie, a lawyer working for Fusion GPS, the DNC and the Clinton campaign by the name of Michael Sussmann.

Add into this mix that Sussman was also Crowdstike's lawyer and was who brought them in to craft the lie about Russia hacking the DNC email servers . . .

Are you catching on yet, that Sussmann is the hub to so much criminality, that this is a wee bit bigger than just Sussmann's lie to the FBI?

You dummies are in for such a well-deserved kick in the groin . . .
Well looks like someone got packed to hilt with Russian propaganda.

Russian interference in 2016 election was not a "hoax" it was a fact and FBI ran a significant counter intelligence effort to get to the bottom of it.

The fact that FBI made secret Trump campaign investigation underway during election, while publicly T-boning Clinton on email investigation tells you all you need to know about how much say Obama had in Comey's FBI.
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Since no charges related to the DNS access have been filed, its not anything yet.

If its civil, its possible that someone might be able to sue for damages....depending on when this was discovered. And any direct damages that can be established.

If its criminal, the statute of limitations has run out.

Neither of which ever called for executions.
Yet, is the key word.
At this stage, the Trump cultists here understand that they've been lying. They're just power-pouting now at the awful liberals who humliated them again with facts and logic. The rest of their cult is still lying, so they feel compelled to bleat along.

And this is going to be one of those fun threads that we can keep bringing up over and over for months, just to keep laughing at how gullible and dishonest the Trumptards were.
At this stage, the Trump cultists here understand that they've been lying. They're just power-pouting now at the awful liberals who humliated them again with facts and logic. The rest of their cult is still lying, so they feel compelled to bleat along.

And this is going to be one of those fun threads that we can keep bringing up over and over for months, just to keep laughing at how gullible and dishonest the Trumptards were.
And in other news on Planet Earth.......

Durham is doing work and liberals are scared to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Durham is doing work and liberals are scared to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That assertion sounds vaguely familiar. Hmmmmmmmm. Hey, I know why. Because you folks have been making the same claim for almost three years. Going all the way back to when Durham was assigned the job of digging up something Trump could use in his second run for the presidency.

“The Special Counsel is well aware that the data provided to Agency-2 pertained only to the period of time before Mr. Trump took office, when Barack Obama was President,” reads the filing from Sussmann. (Agency-2 is widely reported to be the CIA, to which Durham alleged Sussmann relayed Joffe’s findings.)

Joffe’s attorneys separately told the New York Times that Joffe only examined data from the Executive Office of the President while Obama was in office, and that it was part of an attempt to see whether there was malware on White House servers — a job for which he had been hired.

Sussmann’s attorneys added that Durham didn’t allege anything to do with the supposed spying scheme in the initial indictment, and questioned how it was relevant to the case.

When did I fucking use the word “nefarious”? You have your stupid head up your idiot ass. You lying fuck.
It's always fun pointing out how incredibly fucking stupid you are.

Idiot, Joffe had access but then used that access for nefarious means

I mean, do you have the memory of a goldfish? Did you suffer brain trauma? How come you can never remember things you've said?

Oh god, are you literally disabled. If so, I sincerely apologize. It's not my intent to be mean to people who have suffered hardship.
That assertion sounds vaguely familiar. Hmmmmmmmm. Hey, I know why. Because you folks have been making the same claim for almost three years. Going all the way back to when Durham was assigned the job of digging up something Trump could use in his second run for the presidency.

“The Special Counsel is well aware that the data provided to Agency-2 pertained only to the period of time before Mr. Trump took office, when Barack Obama was President,” reads the filing from Sussmann. (Agency-2 is widely reported to be the CIA, to which Durham alleged Sussmann relayed Joffe’s findings.)

Joffe’s attorneys separately told the New York Times that Joffe only examined data from the Executive Office of the President while Obama was in office, and that it was part of an attempt to see whether there was malware on White House servers — a job for which he had been hired.

Sussmann’s attorneys added that Durham didn’t allege anything to do with the supposed spying scheme in the initial indictment, and questioned how it was relevant to the case.

You know all of this stuff all the time with excuses. All I know is you told us things would be better with Biden. You lied. I help no one unless I know them now. And reciprocate to those who help me. This is what you have done.

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