Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

No, truckers are just making a lot of peoples lives miserable and costing a lot of people a lot of money through their illegal acts.

Did the police only beat the people throwing things at them? No. Obviously not. They beat whoever they wanted. Martin Gugoni spent a month in the hospital after a cop broke his skull. Martin Gugoni he didn’t do shit to anyone.
All the sudden peaceful protests are bad, right colfax_m
Says you citing you.

Says the Mueller report.

"In early 2018, the press reports that in June 2017 the President had directed McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed and that McGahn had threatened to resign rather than carry out the order. The President reacts by directing White House officials to tell McGahn to dispute the story and create a record that he had not been ordered to have the Special Counsel removed. McGahn tells those officials that the media reports are in fact accurate. The President then meets with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressures him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asks McGahn why he told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refuses to back away from what he remembered happening, perceiving the President is testing his mettle."

Remember, just because your entire argument is just you making shit up doesn't mean that I don't have sources.
Thanks Lefties, for driving them RIGHT. INTO. OUR ARMS.

leftist school boards,
crt in schools
vaxx mandates
stolen elections
illegitimate presidents
dishonorable vice presidents
lying democrats
corrupt thieving democrats
incarcerating political opponents
traitorous research organizations
gov't wet teams set on political enemies
fake wars
insulting americans
harassing parents of school children
colluding with our enemies
criminal spying
corrupt biased judges
lying traitorous media and (j)urinal(ists).

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You're absolutely incorrect when you say there was "zero evidence to prove it". Mueller was very clear that there was evidence of collusion, but insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction on a conspiracy charge. "Insufficient evidence" is not the same as "zero evidence".

Carter Page was not an FBI informant, other than in his own imagination. The Trump/Russia narrative has been confessed to by Paul Manafort when he plead guilty to all charges, including handing over the entire Republican Party data base to a known Russian spy.

Please stop repeating the right wing lies being fed to you by the Trump Cult. That's why we call you DumbButtheadAmerican.
Actually, insufficient evidence is exactly the same as zero evidence. Insufficient evidence would have led to an acquittal and an acquittal is exactly not guilty.
You can take any legitimate complaint to the courts, and still can.

You haven't. Why not?

Of course no one should rely on just Trump's word, or any candidate's word only. You have to show proof, in a court of law. We are a Nation of laws, not men.

I assume they can't get the 'bombshell evidence' held in Guilliani's bedroom.

As Borat demonstrated, you do NOT want to go in there.
Dude, Trump had his trial...and dismissed it himself. You knew that, and pretended that Trump never had a chance to present his evidence.

In reality, Trump had EVERY opportunity to do exactly that. And fled instead.

No court has ever found his claims of fraud to be true. All the way up to the Supreme Court itself. No count, recount, hand count, forensic count, or electoral count backs his claims.

Even Trump's lawyers have insisted that no reasonable person would accept the claims they've made about fraud as fact.

What does that say about you?

I wasn't specifically talking about election fraud. I was replying to your comment about being played. Was just pointing out that Democrats are played on a daily basis. Simple as that.
Associate? Most people in the crowd had no idea what was going on.

It was indiscriminate beat downs.

Which is typical when people on the left protest authority.

These truckers are being treated with kid gloves. Hell, the Jan 6th protestors (thugs) didn't get the treatment that the left gets routinely.

Yeah we know. The choir boys and girls of the Democratic Party are never responsible for anything they do or don't do. Seems to be a theme in their daily lives as well.

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All of a sudden illegal protests are good, right.

Nobody said the protests of the left wingnuts were illegal. They become a problem when the thugs start burning and looting. The truckers have done no such thing.
All the sudden peaceful protests are bad, right colfax_m

He doesn't seem to get that if the truckers started acting like the thugs on the left that they would also be treated to some "police "brutality." It is really just willful ignorance and denial of reality.
Says the Mueller report.

"In early 2018, the press reports that in June 2017 the President had directed McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed and that McGahn had threatened to resign rather than carry out the order. The President reacts by directing White House officials to tell McGahn to dispute the story and create a record that he had not been ordered to have the Special Counsel removed. McGahn tells those officials that the media reports are in fact accurate. The President then meets with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressures him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asks McGahn why he told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refuses to back away from what he remembered happening, perceiving the President is testing his mettle."

Remember, just because your entire argument is just you making shit up doesn't mean that I don't have sources.
Sporty. You are interpreting what you feel Mueller SHOULD have decided. He operated from facts and not your feelings.
I wasn't specifically talking about election fraud.

I am. And you've either been badly duped. Or you knew that Trump voluntarily dismissed his own case where he would have been able to present all the allegations of fraud to a court of law.

Either way, it doesn't bode well for your credibility.

I'd like to see that justice but in this climate...i don't expect it. She'll get hers...i do know that.

"I'd like to see that justice but in this climate...I don't expect it." Me neither. That SOB that falsified FISA documents shoulda been incarcerated. He probably didn't even get disbarred from practicing law. So will the people behind this shit go to jail? I'll believe it when I see it.

"She'll get hers...I do know that."

I wish, as you do. But I wouldn't put any money on it. People like her have 'plausible deniability' out the wazoo.
Sporty. You are interpreting what you feel Mueller SHOULD have decided. He operated from facts and not your feelings.

Nope. Mueller said that it wasn't his role to determine charges for a sitting president. But to present the evidence of obstruction of justice.

Which Mueller did in exacting detail, dedicating an entire volume of his report to obstruction of justice. You know, the report I just quoted and you've never read?
I am. And you've either been badly duped. Or you knew that Trump voluntarily dismissed his own case where he would have been able to present all the allegations of fraud to a court of law.

Either way, it doesn't bode well for your credibility.

If you support the Democrats in general, you have no credibility. That was MY point.

Case in point, you likely bought the Trump/Russian collusion narrative. If you didn't, then I apologize in advance.
Nope. Mueller said that it wasn't his role to determine charges for a sitting president. But to present the evidence of obstruction of justice.

Which Mueller did in exacting detail, dedicating an entire volume of his report to obstruction of justice. You know, the report I just quoted and you've never read?

Mueller also stated that there wasn't "sufficient evidence". Do you know what that means to the legal community?
Your entire post is a lie, and no the entire thing was not illegal. It produced over 100 charges, 9 convictions, and $40 million in fines. That could NEVER have happened in any part of the Investigation was illegal.

But thanks for parroting known Russian propaganda. It makes it easier to spot you asshole liars.

Mueller didn't know his own office.....says you. ANd you're nobody. You didn't even know that Trump's own White House counsel testified that he'd been ordered by Trump to create fake documents until I told you.

You claiming to be some expert on investigations, how they are supposed to be conducted, and who the key players actually were is meaningless Dunning-Kruger nonsense.

Why would I ignore a professional iverstigator with literally decades of experience and instead believe some random dude on the internet who insists that he knows better? Dude, you didn't even know what an alibi was until I told you, insisting such a thing was impossible.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Mueller didn't know who Fusion GPS was. He knew nothing at all about the Steele Dossier.

The special counsel appointment and operations violated many laws and constitutional requirements:

Nobody said the protests of the left wingnuts were illegal. They become a problem when the thugs start burning and looting. The truckers have done no such thing.

The truckers are being treated with kid gloves. They're obstructing an entire city center. These kids were obstructing a single sidewalk.

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