Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Muller did not connect Trump to Russia in a prosecutable way
Hurt feelings and disappointment does not change that.

He did not. He indicated that there were numerous connections between Russia and the Trump campaign. But none rose to the level of criminality.

Mueller however did find 5 specific and rather blatant instances of potential obstruction of justice by Trump which he laid out in detail in volume 2 of his report.

Bill Barr shut those charges down.
You're absolutely incorrect when you say there was "zero evidence to prove it". Mueller was very clear that there was evidence of collusion, but insufficient evidence to obtain a conviction on a conspiracy charge. "Insufficient evidence" is not the same as "zero evidence".

Carter Page was not an FBI informant, other than in his own imagination. The Trump/Russia narrative has been confessed to by Paul Manafort when he plead guilty to all charges, including handing over the entire Republican Party data base to a known Russian spy.

Please stop repeating the right wing lies being fed to you by the Trump Cult. That's why we call you DumbButtheadAmerican.

Hey idiot...

Sufficiency of the Evidence: “A conviction rests upon insufficient evidence when, even after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, no rational factfinder could have found the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Notice it says "reasonable." Democrats aren't.

Carter Page was an informant and Manafort didn't plead guilty to treason you numbskull. Conspiracy to defraud the US government had to do with money laundering on his part(not Trump) but had absolutely NOTHING to do with Russian collusion. This was one of the process crimes that the Mueller investigation turned up. Great, but irrelevant. Democrats are too stupid to realize that they are conflating these process crimes with Russian collusion of the Trump campaign. I can assure you that if a special prosecutor spent as much time to investigate Hunter Biden's dealings and virtually everybody he has done business with, process crimes would be an absolute guarantee and likely much more.
Yes he did, and your denials are meaningless. The prosecutions and guilty verdicts still stand.
Perhaps your safe space tells you Trump was charged.
But here in the real world he never was and multiple entities were eager and well paid to do so but there was so much NOTHING THERE that they could not.
Let me know when someone winds up in the hospital with an intracranial bleed from a frozen bank account.

LOL...don't throw stuff at the police. Truckers aren't doing that.

The "peaceful protester" in question had been atop the maintenance structure in Lafayette Square the night before and was among those who set it on fire, he said. In fact, being shot by the rubber bullets of riot-clad park policemen and other law enforcement agents excited him enough to make him want to burn everything down, including the White House itself.

"Why did they shoot you off the roof?" I asked.

"We were giving it to them good," he laughed. "Bricks, rocks, bottles — they decided to get us back."

It all sounded like good fun: the rioting, the vandalizing of revered public monuments, the smashing of windows, the burning, the looting — exactly what you'd do on a dull Sunday night during lockdown after you've seen everything there is to see on Netflix.

Yes, freezing bank accounts (which have they done this or threatened to do it) is kid gloves.

No, that is the kind of stuff they do in Communist countries when there is dissent. Maybe the US government should start freezing the bank accounts of BLM protestors. Better yet, maybe they should just take them over to pay for all the damage they have done in the last 2 years. Yeah, pretty sure you wouldn't be in favor of that.
The narrative that Trump/GOP lost every case is bullshit.

There were 26 suits brought by Trump himself as plaintiff.
Eight of them were heard on the merits and Trump won four of them.

There were 59 suits brought by others (let's just call them collectively, "GOP").
Thirteen were heard on the merits and the GOP won eleven of them.

No cases are still alive with Trump as plaintiff, thirteen are alive with GOP as plaintiff.

The cases that Trump 'won' were for extending poll hours, or procedural issues with ballots before the election. These had nothing to do with his 'big lie' as these cases were before the election.

The ONLY case that Trump won after the election.....was Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Kathy Boockvar....in which he won a procedural ballot issue. Not fraud. Late ballots without ID were not counted. The number of votes in question had no impact on the outcome of Pennsylvania.

All the cases for the Big Lie lost. Every single one.

And its even worse than you think. As Trump's biggest talking point was that his horrid record in court was because his cases were dismissed for issues of standing. That they weren't reviewing the evidence of fraud.

Welp, then came Trump v. Raffensperger, No. 2020CV343255 (GA Superior Court, Fulton County). Trump was going to get his trial, was going to be able to present evidence in a court case on the merits of his fraud allegations.

Guess what happened?


That's right. The chickenshit voluntarily dismissed his own case ONE DAY before it going to trial.

You rubes have been played.
LOL...don't throw stuff at the police. Truckers aren't doing that.

The "peaceful protester" in question had been atop the maintenance structure in Lafayette Square the night before and was among those who set it on fire, he said. In fact, being shot by the rubber bullets of riot-clad park policemen and other law enforcement agents excited him enough to make him want to burn everything down, including the White House itself.

"Why did they shoot you off the roof?" I asked.

"We were giving it to them good," he laughed. "Bricks, rocks, bottles — they decided to get us back."

It all sounded like good fun: the rioting, the vandalizing of revered public monuments, the smashing of windows, the burning, the looting — exactly what you'd do on a dull Sunday night during lockdown after you've seen everything there is to see on Netflix.

No, that is the kind of stuff they do in Communist countries when there is dissent. Maybe the US government should start freezing the bank accounts of BLM protestors. Better yet, maybe they should just take them over to pay for all the damage they have done in the last 2 years. Yeah, pretty sure you wouldn't be in favor of that.
No, truckers are just making a lot of peoples lives miserable and costing a lot of people a lot of money through their illegal acts.

Did the police only beat the people throwing things at them? No. Obviously not. They beat whoever they wanted. Martin Gugoni spent a month in the hospital after a cop broke his skull. Martin Gugoni he didn’t do shit to anyone.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong.

The evidence has been uncovered in AZ, PA, GA, and WI....Refusal to look at it doesn't mean it's not there
Courts refusing to hear the evidence on flimsy procedural grounds IS NOT hearing and adjudicating the evidence.

Dude, Trump had his shot at a day in court. He was going to get his trial, present evidence, and have the court weigh the merits of his claims based on the evidence.

Everything Trump and his ilk ever said they wanted. Guess what happened next?


That's right. The little chickenshit voluntarily dismissed his own case one DAY before the trial was to begin rather than having to make his case in a court of law.

You've been played, rube.
No, truckers are just making a lot of peoples lives miserable and costing a lot of people a lot of money through their illegal acts.

Did the police only beat the people throwing things at them? No. Obviously not. They beat whoever they wanted. Martin Gugoni spent a month in the hospital after a cop broke his skull. Martin Gugoni he didn’t do shit to anyone.

If you associate with thugs, you are likely to get treated like one.
You've been played, rube.

Democrats are played every single day by the MSM. The stuff you folks choose to believe and not to believe is not based on reality, ONLY politics and ideology.
Democrats are played every single day by the MSM. The stuff you folks choose to believe and not to believe is not based on reality, ONLY politics and ideology.

Dude, Trump had his trial...and dismissed it himself. You knew that, and pretended that Trump never had a chance to present his evidence.

In reality, Trump had EVERY opportunity to do exactly that. And fled instead.

No court has ever found his claims of fraud to be true. All the way up to the Supreme Court itself. No count, recount, hand count, forensic count, or electoral count backs his claims.

Even Trump's lawyers have insisted that no reasonable person would accept the claims they've made about fraud as fact.

What does that say about you?

FLASHBACK: In 2017 Jake Sullivan Pushed Collusion Hoax Using Misleading Info Got By Spying On Trump​

You see...thet all were in it. Clinton, Obama, Biden.

In other words. APODICTIC.....Hattip to The Sage of Main Street
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There has been abundant evidence. Your standard of evidence is a conviction in a court of law for every disputed vote. That's an absurd standard, or course. That's why it's pointless to argue with sleazy lying douchebags like you. You're only interested in power, not truth. All your answers are just tactics designed to prevent the truth from being exposed. The election regulations were designed to prevent verification of valid ballots.
You can take any legitimate complaint to the courts, and still can.

You haven't. Why not?

Of course no one should rely on just Trump's word, or any candidate's word only. You have to show proof, in a court of law. We are a Nation of laws, not men.
If you associate with thugs, you are likely to get treated like one.
Associate? Most people in the crowd had no idea what was going on.

It was indiscriminate beat downs.

Which is typical when people on the left protest authority.

These truckers are being treated with kid gloves. Hell, the Jan 6th protestors (thugs) didn't get the treatment that the left gets routinely.
You can take any legitimate complaint to the courts, and still can.

You haven't. Why not?

Of course no one should rely on just Trump's word, or any candidate's word only. You have to show proof, in a court of law. We are a Nation of laws, not men.
Samo-samo. You know the reason why.

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