Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

If Mueller though Trump was lying ge would have nailed him.

Mueller said quite clearly that he didn't feel he had the authority to charge a sitting president and that it was Congress' duty to hold him accountable.

His job was to present the evidence. And he had an entire 200+ page volume of the Mueller Report on the evidence of obstruction of justice.
You're beating your own strawman. I'm not arguing for or against the charges against Sussman. I'm noting that they are the only charges that have been levied.

Thus, all the babble about 'heinous crimes' and 'wire tapping' and 'executions' is just wild speculation. ANd conservatives have an absolutely horrid record on legal predictions.
And that is all I am asking. You're asking me to answer for other in this thread. That doesn't make any sense. You cannot answer one simple question but it is a critical one and this is why Durham has a case potentially.
Mueller said quite clearly that he didn't feel he had the authority to charge a sitting president and that it was Congress' duty to hold him accountable.

His job was to present the evidence. And he had an entire 200+ page volume of the Mueller Report on the evidence of obstruction of justice.
He never once recommended an indictment. You're lying again. Amazing.
He never once recommended an indictment. You're lying again. Amazing.

You're too eager. You're not reading. Try again. I'll even highlight the part you missed:

"Mueller said quite clearly that he didn't feel he had the authority to charge a sitting president and that it was Congress' duty to hold him accountable."

Now if Mueller didn't feel he had the authority to charge a president....why would he indict anyone?

Read first, then comment. When you do it the other way around, its embarrassing.
Associate? Most people in the crowd had no idea what was going on.

It was indiscriminate beat downs.

Which is typical when people on the left protest authority.

These truckers are being treated with kid gloves. Hell, the Jan 6th protestors (thugs) didn't get the treatment that the left gets routinely.
Puh leeze. Right wingers don't burn entire downtown areas to the ground. Most of the people arrested in the BLM riots were released without charges. Anyone who claims that scumbag left-wingers get unfairly abused is living in a dreamworld.
Mueller said quite clearly that he didn't feel he had the authority to charge a sitting president and that it was Congress' duty to hold him accountable.

His job was to present the evidence. And he had an entire 200+ page volume of the Mueller Report on the evidence of obstruction of justice.
No his job was to see ifTrump had committed criminal acts and refer. He found no such acts to refer and you emotetards have parsed his conclusion to create fake commentary to quell your addled feelings.
Because you don't have legitimate complaints. You have the garbage people toss around on the internet where anything is believable. You don't hav any kind of evidence that would hold up in a court of law.
seems funny that all the garbage on the left is bullshit garbage.

all the garbage on the right is a perfect example of why the entire right is garbage.

pretty fucked up, dude.
Puh leeze. Right wingers don't burn entire downtown areas to the ground. Most of the people arrested in the BLM riots were released without charges. Anyone who claims that scumbag left-wingers get unfairly abused is living in a dreamworld.
Entire downtowns were not burned down. Right wingers not only burn shit up, they blow it up. And for no reason.
No his job was to see ifTrump had committed criminal acts and refer. He found no such acts to refer and you emotetards have parsed his conclusion to create fake commentary to quell your addled feelings.
Actually he did. He referred crimes to SDNY
Nonsense. Conservatives ooze entitlement.

Trump didn't earn the votes of enough people and electors to win the election. Yet as is so typical of conservatives, he still felt entitled to the office. Your ilk still tried to seize power, overturn the election results and had his people arrange fraudulent docs be delivered to the National Archive from fake electors.

And then when that didn't work, your ilk attacked the capitol to stop the peaceful transition of power (and of course, blamed everyone else for your own violence - Antifa, the Media, even the FBI)

With Trump sniveling and whining about what a victim he is......as recently as last month.

"I love Arizona. We had a tremendous victory in Arizona that was taken away .....

....Last year we had a rigged election and the proof is all over the place. We have a lot of proof and they know it’s proof. "

Winners win. Losers snivel about why they lost. And your ilk are just clinging to their sniveling.

Or maybe Democrats made sure that the election rules were changed, under the premise that the changes were necessary due to the pandemic, in order to enable voter fraud that wasn't easily proven? Weird, they want to keep the same rules going forward. Deep down, even Democratic voters know that the mass mail-in system is ripe for fraud, but they don't care because they believe it will help their cause. They are likely correct being that the Democratic Party is the party of felons and anti-Americans who couldn't care less about election integrity nor the damage done to our country and our democracy. Preserving their ideology is paramount to everything, including the survival of our country. Educational indoctrination works and is coming to fruition, unfortunately.

Nobody in their right mind would argue which party is the party of entitlement. Democrats want government to protect them from cradle to grave on somebody else's dime. That is rather obvious.
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Says the Mueller report.

"In early 2018, the press reports that in June 2017 the President had directed McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed and that McGahn had threatened to resign rather than carry out the order. The President reacts by directing White House officials to tell McGahn to dispute the story and create a record that he had not been ordered to have the Special Counsel removed. McGahn tells those officials that the media reports are in fact accurate. The President then meets with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressures him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asks McGahn why he told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refuses to back away from what he remembered happening, perceiving the President is testing his mettle."

Remember, just because your entire argument is just you making shit up doesn't mean that I don't have sources.
The president is perfectly within his authority to have the special counsel removed. You put a quote mark on that statement, but it isn't in the report. I checked.

Muller didn't write the document you linked to. From this pseudo Mueller report:
Who am I and why did I make this version of the Mueller report?

I am an academic scientist: a professor (now emerita) at a medical school. Part of my day job is to develop curricula that make complex scientific concepts accessible to high school students. One of the biggest barriers to understanding professional language is the ‘embedded concept’ that lurks in a statement and makes the whole thing inaccessible to the normal reader. So when I first saw the Mueller report I knew we were dealing with an obvious, but huge, problem: All the footnotes, examples and most of all the legal language construction might be critical to a professional appraisal of the material, but would make it impenetrable for most readers. I have to say I barely got through the executive summary, which I had understood to have been written for a lay person like me. No! Fail!!!. So I decided to do something about it to make it readable for normal human beings.
Entire downtowns were not burned down. Right wingers not only burn shit up, they blow it up. And for no reason.
Does Seattle and Portland shake anything in your memory bank?
Nope. Mueller said that it wasn't his role to determine charges for a sitting president. But to present the evidence of obstruction of justice.

Which Mueller did in exacting detail, dedicating an entire volume of his report to obstruction of justice. You know, the report I just quoted and you've never read?
That's obvious horseshit.

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