Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

We don't take kindly to patronizing our country, that is for sure. Democrats don't care too much about that. As far as having our "feelings hurt" or being offended as easily as Democrats...P-L-E-A-S-E
Of course you do. The political right says terrible things about our country. If you listen to the Trump faithful, we are just as corrupt as Russia.
Or maybe Democrats made sure that the election rules were changed, under the premise that the changes were necessary due to the pandemic, in order to enable voter fraud that wasn't easily proven? Weird, they want to keep the same rules going forward. Deep down, even Democratic voters know that the mass mail-in system is ripe for fraud, but they don't care because they believe it will help their cause. They are likely correct being that the Democratic Party is the party of felons and anti-Americans who couldn't care less about election integrity nor the damage done to our country and our democracy. Preserving their ideology is paramount to everything, including the survival of our country. Educational indoctrination works and is coming to fruition, unfortunately.

Nobody in their right mind would argue which party is the party of entitlement. Democrats want government to protect them from cradle to grave on somebody else's dime. That is rather obvious.
Nothing you wrote in the first paragraph is true. And the republican party is the white entitlement party.
Of course you do. The political right says terrible things about our country. If you listen to the Trump faithful, we are just as corrupt as Russia.
I see the butthurt every time I post some factual stuff about racism.
No sleazy scam has been exposed other than the scam that Donald Trump has perpetrated upon the stupid and the gullible.

If this scheme has "all come crashing down", why is the only person facing charges someone who wasn't even assigned to or working with the Clinton Campaign? He's simply a lawyer working in the same law firm as the DNC Campaign lawyers. And the ONLY thing he's been charged with is lying to the FBI about who the client was that provided him with the information. Hint: It wasn't the DNC.

Dunham only charged this guy because the statute of limitations was running out and he had NOTHING else. And you gullible fools have been trying to make a mountain out of this particular mole hill since the day Dunham filed this charge.
Actually, Dragonlady...you on the left have been claiming this was a "molehill" as little by little we've been shown how sleazy the Clinton campaign and the DNC WAS in that race! Hillary Clinton PAID to have her political opponent smeared with totally made up accusations...then used her friends in the main stream media to perpetuate the lies that she paid for! There was only one campaign that was "colluding" with foreign agents in an attempt to steal an election and it WASN'T the Trump campaign! There was only one campaign that was illegally hacking into the other side's computers and once again it WASN'T the Trump campaign!
So one question I have is whether it is legal for a federally funded university to work directly to support a presidential candidate?
So one question I have is whether it is legal for a federally funded university to work directly to support a presidential candidate?
If you are referring to the internet nerds who first uncovered the Alfabank oddness...they were doing so on their own time
If you are referring to the internet nerds who first uncovered the Alfabank oddness...they were doing so on their own time
How do you feel about the "nerds" who were paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to illegally spy on an opposing party's candidate and make up lies about that candidate to smear his reputation, Lesh? Does that bother you at all?
Does it bother you that people like Barack Obama, John Brennan and James Comey knew what the Clinton Campaign was doing and allowed it to happen?
Does it bother you that the liberal media went along for the ride on that smear job for YEARS!
What DOES bother you?
How do you feel about the "nerds" who were paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to illegally spy on an opposing party's candidate and make up lies about that candidate to smear his reputation, Lesh? Does that bother you at all?
I "feel" that you are talking about a fantasy. In fact I know it.

No one was paid to do any such thing. "Illegally spy"? By noting publicly available DNS pings?

Ummm no
No; I don't believe a word you say on the Internet.
But you’ll believe anyone who tells you what you want to hear.

It’s called confirmation bias and it’s especially dangerous in the very poorly informed and gullible.

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