Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

There is quite a bit of evidence regarding all of those agencies, minus the Supreme Court, whose Democratic members routinely don't do the job they were hired to do, they just rubber-stamp the leftist agenda.

How are some of us believing that any different than leftists continually making false claims about Trump and believing the Russian narrative?
There is no such evidence.
Durham Distances Himself From Furor in Right-Wing Media Over Filing

The special counsel implicitly acknowledged that White House internet data he discussed, which conservative outlets have portrayed as proof of spying on the Trump White House, came from the Obama era.

Democrats didn’t lie to the FISA court? Democrats weren’t behind the fake dossier? Peter Strzok’s text messages were clearly biased against and he was investigating him? You are lost.
One person lied and was convicted of one charge of lying.

How many people in Trump’s orbit lied to the FBI?

An indictment for supposedly lying about the intent of his notifying the FBI about suspicious DNS activity.

Years of investigation and they have a couple of soft charges.

But they say more is coming. They’re going to be disappointed. Durham is trying his case in public because he can’t do it in court.
One person lied and was convicted of one charge of lying.

How many people in Trump’s orbit lied to the FBI?


That ”one” lie was a HUGE, costing the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, needlessly occupying a sitting President’s time and thoughts, and creating a false narrative that many still believe today, possibly changing the minds of many voters. Yes, we are left with a demented old fool like Biden running our country into the ground in part due to that ”one” lie.

I noticed you completely ignore the Peter Strzok text messages. Newsflash, he wasn’t the only one in the FBI or CIA who let their left-wing politics(religion) affect their ability to be non-partisan.
Years of investigation and they have a couple of soft charges.

But they say more is coming. They’re going to be disappointed. Durham is trying his case in public because he can’t do it in court.

You still believe Trump colluded with Russia don’t you?
That ”one” lie was a HUGE, costing the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, needlessly occupying a sitting President’s time and thoughts, and creating a false narrative that many still believe today, possibly changing the minds of many voters. Yes, we are left with a demented old fool like Biden running our country into the ground in part due to that ”one” lie.

I noticed you completely ignore the Peter Strzok text messages. Newsflash, he wasn’t the only one in the FBI or CIA who let their left-wing politics(religion) affect their ability to be non-partisan.
Horse shit. The FBI looked into the Alfabank case and dropped it

It "lead" to nothing
That ”one” lie was a HUGE, costing the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, needlessly occupying a sitting President’s time and thoughts, and creating a false narrative that many still believe today, possibly changing the minds of many voters. Yes, we are left with a demented old fool like Biden running our country into the ground in part due to that ”one” lie.

I noticed you completely ignore the Peter Strzok text messages. Newsflash, he wasn’t the only one in the FBI or CIA who let their left-wing politics(religion) affect their ability to be non-partisan.
The Page warrant led nowhere and the Mueller investigation had basically nothing to do with it. Everything you complain about would have happened if Page had never had a FISA warrant against him

The lies told to the FBI by Trump’s people directly led to the Mueller investigation as they continued to pursue Russian collusion given how suspicious it is for people to be lying about their connections.

So you see, reality is actually the exact opposite of what you claim.

Go ahead and charge Strzok with something if you think he did something so egregious.
You still believe Trump colluded with Russia don’t you?
I never did, however the Mueller report was far worse than I expected. It was investigated due to highly suspicious behavior among Trump and his minions.

You still believe someone other than Russia hacked the DNC don’t you?
The Page warrant led nowhere and the Mueller investigation had basically nothing to do with it. Everything you complain about would have happened if Page had never had a FISA warrant against him
And Sussman had nothing to do with any of that
Horse shit. The FBI looked into the Alfabank case and dropped it

It "lead" to nothing

LOL…wrong lie. We are talking about lying by omission about the origins of the dossier. They knew that wouldn’t get a warrant from the FISA court if the revealed this information, so it was withheld.

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