Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Have you ever had a lawyer on retainer? They don't do anything without billable hours. Time being billed is the primary indicator of the focus of a lawyer's (directed) actions.

That we in the gen-pop know of.

Durham has had many people testify before the grand jury and even more interviewed. Do you really think that everything Durham knows has been presented in these motions filed so far?

And I would bet Durham has that testimony / evidence in hand. It is known that the following people have given sworn testimony before the grand jury:

FBI General Counsel James Baker
FBI Assistant Director for Counter Intelligence Bill Priestap (who Baker gave the Sussman Alfa Bank materials to)
FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok
Daniel Jones -- former staffer for Diane Feinstein who secured $50 million to fund Fusion GPS and Steele.
Charles Dolan -- the Clinton ally “source” of Steele primary subsource, Igor Danchenko
An FBI Special Agent who served as case agent for the FBI’s Alfa Bank investigation. Identity currently unknown.
An FBI Headquarters Supervisory Special Agent assigned to the Alfa Bank investigation. Identity currently unknown.
Two former employees of DARPA
Eight current and former employees of the CIA
Eight current and former employees of Neustar
Four current employees of Packet Forensics, LLC and VOSTROM Holdings Inc. (Likely “Internet Company-2” and “Internet Company-3” in the Sussmann indictment.)
The former chairman of Perkins Coie.
A former employee of the Clinton Campaign.
Four current and former employees of Georgia Tech.
An employee of Rodney Joffe.

All that testimony is under court seal and unless the people discussed it afterwards, none know what the others were asked or answered.

There is so much information that at this time, only Durham and his team know . . . We goofballs debating on a web forum are here like boobs on a boat, trying to describe the bottom of the ocean by describing the waves we see . . .

Or it could be Baker simply took Sussmann as he presented himself, a concerned citizen. If Sussmann told Baker of his actual credentials and connections, I would expect that would have been more memorable event for Baker.

It hinges more on who else among Latham and Watkins' clients are going to be called as material witnesses or charged defendants.

The judge extended the discovery deadline to March 18 with any new material to be produced on a rolling basis as it is located.

You pretend to know a lot about what Durham has NOT said.

Who are you?

How do you "know" these things?

And why did Durham state that the press is misinterpreting his filings?
You pretend to know a lot about what Durham has NOT said.

No, I've tried to focus on precisely what he has said, hence the screen grabs I take and post. People on your side have been throwing out, "Durham said" when it is obviously not true.

I use screen grabs to dissuade being accused of "pretending to know". Doesn't work all the time, especially with those who can't be bothered to precisely quote what they think I'm misrepresenting or "pretending to know".

Who are you?

Doesn't matter; try to rebut what I write, not a position you invent for me or to confront who you think I am.

How do you "know" these things?

I read a lot. Primary sources (court documents / pleadings / opinions) and legal commentators on BOTH sides -- none in the mass media though. As examples for this topic, I would offer Technofog and Emptywheel.

And why did Durham state that the press is misinterpreting his filings?

Because they are? Anyone who relies on mass media for anything besides entertainment, is a fool. On the rare occasion I link to a news site, it is for embedded video of a person or for verifiable quotes.

And why did Durham state that the press is misinterpreting his filings?

Because they are? Anyone who relies on mass media for anything besides entertainment, is a fool. On the rare occasion I link to a news site, it is for embedded video of a person or for verifiable quotes.
And YOU are parroting the same garbage.

Funny that huh?
And YOU are parroting the same garbage.

Funny that huh?

Where precisely?

What exactly?

Just who is "pretending"?

Actually, my overall opinion of Sussmann's current charge is one that I have never seen anywhere . . . You can hardly say I'm parroting anything.

As I hinted to you in the other thread in post #165, and the follow-up, #167, Sussmann is the nexus, the hub of the entire Russia Hoax.

He was a the core of the "Russia hacked the DNC" fabrication and Crowdstrike's phony attribution and then Sussmann orchestrated the cabal of Hillary For America and Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie -- all at the end of April, 2016.

This bullshit with Neustar and Joffe et al, creating the Alfa Bank connection to Trump, was just one more (and a lesser one at that) operation in his (and Marc Elias) leftist black-ops resume.

I predict that right as the Sussmann trial goes to the defense, (mid-June?) we will find out there are dozens, perhaps many dozens of sealed indictments, some that have been patiently waiting since the Durham investigation became a criminal investigation back in October of 2019, for the proper time to be served.

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Have you ever had a lawyer on retainer? They don't do anything without billable hours. Time being billed is the primary indicator of the focus of a lawyer's (directed) actions.

That we in the gen-pop know of.

Durham has had many people testify before the grand jury and even more interviewed. Do you really think that everything Durham knows has been presented in these motions filed so far?

And I would bet Durham has that testimony / evidence in hand. It is known that the following people have given sworn testimony before the grand jury:

FBI General Counsel James Baker
FBI Assistant Director for Counter Intelligence Bill Priestap (who Baker gave the Sussman Alfa Bank materials to)
FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok
Daniel Jones -- former staffer for Diane Feinstein who secured $50 million to fund Fusion GPS and Steele.
Charles Dolan -- the Clinton ally “source” of Steele primary subsource, Igor Danchenko
An FBI Special Agent who served as case agent for the FBI’s Alfa Bank investigation. Identity currently unknown.
An FBI Headquarters Supervisory Special Agent assigned to the Alfa Bank investigation. Identity currently unknown.
Two former employees of DARPA
Eight current and former employees of the CIA
Eight current and former employees of Neustar
Four current employees of Packet Forensics, LLC and VOSTROM Holdings Inc. (Likely “Internet Company-2” and “Internet Company-3” in the Sussmann indictment.)
The former chairman of Perkins Coie.
A former employee of the Clinton Campaign.
Four current and former employees of Georgia Tech.
An employee of Rodney Joffe.

All that testimony is under court seal and unless the people discussed it afterwards, none know what the others were asked or answered.

There is so much information that at this time, only Durham and his team know . . . We goofballs debating on a web forum are here like boobs on a boat, trying to describe the bottom of the ocean by describing the waves we see . . .

Or it could be Baker simply took Sussmann as he presented himself, a concerned citizen. If Sussmann told Baker of his actual credentials and connections, I would expect that would have been more memorable event for Baker.

It hinges more on who else among Latham and Watkins' clients are going to be called as material witnesses or charged defendants.

The judge extended the discovery deadline to March 18 with any new material to be produced on a rolling basis as it is located.


Look at you, the legal expert.

I look at the fact that Durham filed this indictment right before the statute of limitations ran out. Furthermore, Durham himself has gone on the record to deny ANY and ALL of the wild claims being made about this filing and the Clinton Campaign.
Where precisely?

What exactly?

Just who is "pretending"?

Actually, my overall opinion of Sussmann's current charge is one that I have never seen anywhere . . . You can hardly say I'm parroting anything.

As I hinted to you in the other thread in post #165, and the follow-up, #167, Sussmann is the nexus, the hub of the entire Russia Hoax.

He was a the core of the "Russia hacked the DNC" fabrication and Crowdstrike's phony attribution and then Sussmann orchestrated the cabal of Hillary For America and Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie -- all at the end of April, 2016.

This bullshit with Neustar and Joffe et al, creating the Alfa Bank connection to Trump, was just one more (and a lesser one at that) operation in his (and Marc Elias) leftist black-ops resume.

I predict that right as the Sussmann trial goes to the defense, (mid-June?) we will find out there are dozens, perhaps many dozens of sealed indictments, some that have been patiently waiting since the Durham investigation became a criminal investigation back in October of 2019, for the proper time to be served.


The moment you post "Russian Hoax", I stopped reading. That's a lie and you know it.

Stop parroting anti-American Russian propaganda.
The moment you post "Russian Hoax", I stopped reading. That's a lie and you know it.

Stop parroting anti-American Russian propaganda.

Do yourself a favor . . . just read my shit for the simple mental insurance that you have been warned just how wrong you are. I don't want you to be totally taken by surprise . . .
As I hinted to you in the other thread in post #165, and the follow-up, #167, Sussmann is the nexus, the hub of the entire Russia Hoax.

He was a the core of the "Russia hacked the DNC" fabrication and Crowdstrike's phony attribution and then Sussmann orchestrated the cabal of Hillary For America and Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie -- all at the end of April, 2016.
That is just so much horse shit.

Jesus. Tell us how Sussman got Papdopolus drunk and blabbing about Russian dirt.

Tell us how Sussman got everyone to believe that Wikileaks hacked the DNC.

I mean you're claiming that didn't happen right?

You have a good imagination
You think anyone NEEDS to read Hillary Clinton's mind, Lesh? Like it's a secret that the thing she wants most in this world is to be President of the United States?
Still playing mind reader huh?

He was a the core of the "Russia hacked the DNC" fabrication and Crowdstrike's phony attribution and then Sussmann orchestrated the cabal of Hillary For America and Fusion GPS and Perkins Coie -- all at the end of April, 2016.

I predict that right as the Sussmann trial goes to the defense, (mid-June?) we will find out there are dozens, perhaps many dozens of sealed indictments, some that have been patiently waiting since the Durham investigation became a criminal investigation back in October of 2019, for the proper time to be served.


Once an indictment is returned, the trial must happen between 30 days and 70 days from that date. An indictment may stay the statute of limitations, but it runs up against the speedy trial (6th amendment) requirement.

An indictment from 2019 has long since expired, and a new indictment can't be brought within the 5 year statute of limitations from the criminal act in 2016.
That is just so much horse shit.

Are you conceding that it is MY horse shit though?

Jesus. Tell us how Sussman got Papdopolus drunk and blabbing about Russian dirt.

There was a concerted effort using "OCONUS lures" all around the world targeting people outside the USA but believed to be associated with Trump, and in communication with people in Trump's orbit. This was all directed to getting a FISA on someone, anyone in Trump's orbit. Papadopoulos didn't win the lottery, Carter Page did.

Tell us how Sussman got everyone to believe that Wikileaks hacked the DNC.

Sussmann was Crowdstrike's lawyer and the DNC's lawyer and pitched Crowdstrike to the DNC to make up the story about Russia hacking the DNC.

Crowdstrike never gave the FBI any access to the DNC's servers and never issued anyhiong but a redacted "draft" report and stated under oath that they only saw data staged to be exfiltrated, but had no evidence that any data actually left.

The "Russia hacked the DNC" cry became the foundation for the wider Russian election interference / Trump collusion narrative. "Russia hacked the DNC" was a narrative accepted at face value by a compliant FBI, shuffled to the DEMedia and carried dutifully and vigorously defended by them.

There's a reason why I call it a hoax.

I mean you're claiming that didn't happen right?

Well, the way you put it there, definitely not . . . Who the Hell has ever said Wikileaks is the entity that hacked the DNC?

The narrative has always been Russia's GRU by way of a hacking outfit called Fancy Bear . . . who then gave the email trove to Wikileaks who then released them publicly.

You have a good imagination

Again, all I use are primary sources; regarding the DNC hack hoax and the statements I've made above, I use a discovery court filing in the Roger Stone case where Stone is asking for the unredacted, final Crowdstrike report on the DNC "hack" . . . and the US government's reply said that no such report exists.



For the statements about Crowdstrike never having "concrete" evidence that any data was ever exfiltrated from the DNC servers, I use the sworn testimony of Crowdstrike President Shawn Henry when interviewed by the House Intelligence Committee in December 2017. Screen grab from page 32, there are more instances of the "not having concrete evidence" theme from this testimony:


This means the FBI and DOJ, and all of the subsequent "Russia hacked the DNC" claims in the Joint Analysis Report and Brennan's Intelligence Community Assessment, all the way to the Weissmann/Mueller witch hunt and all their perfectly tuned choral hack claims; were just based on them accepting a hunch of a hired contractor for the Democrat party.
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Once an indictment is returned, the trial must happen between 30 days and 70 days from that date. An indictment may stay the statute of limitations, but it runs up against the speedy trial (6th amendment) requirement.

Under normal circumstances . . . but in the last two years, 'cause COVID, all manner of judicial proceedings including Sussmann's have had untold delays and postponements without any penalty for prosecutors.

For Sussmann the speedy trial clock has been tolled repeatedly from immediately after his arrest; from 9/22/2021 through 10/26/2021, again from 10/26/2021 through 12/8/2021, again from 12/8/2021 through 1/7/2022 and then . . . it restarted yesterday, Feb 18, which is of course why Sussmann filed his motion to dismiss on the 17th . . .


I betcha whatever sealed indictments that are sitting in Durham's bottom drawer are still valid . . . COVID has been devastating dontcha know!

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