Durham report released

Far worse than the contrived J6.
This was election interference and/or an insurrection (attempt to remove a duly elected president with false accusations of treason), and funded by Hillary Clinton. Why isn’t she being charged?

What about Comey? Why isn’t he being charged?
Holy shit, you are an ignorant slob. Democrats do not have any power as the minority. If there wasn't evidence to support that finding the Republicans in charge of that committee wouldn't have come to such a damning conclusion and put it in their report.

Today, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) released “Russian Efforts Against Election Infrastructure,” the first volume in the Committee’s bipartisan investigation into Russia’s attempts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. elections.
Well dumbfuck, had you actually read the interviews with the juror in question you would know that he stated that Durham proved his case, but they thought it unimportant and shouldn't have been prosecuted. So you're admitting you didn't even look at anything before spouting your usual bullshit. Now slink off with your tail between your legs as usual.

Sussman argued that everyone knew he his firm had worked for Clinton. With the FBI agent himself agreeing that he already knew. With Emails confirming the same.

"But emails and meeting records brought up by the defense in court on Wednesday suggest that the FBI knew the Clinton campaign was one of Sussmann’s clients because the bureau’s own agents met with him and members of the campaign in an extortion-related matter just weeks before his meeting with Baker."

The jury apparently found this evidence quite compelling.

“The government had the job of proving beyond a reasonable doubt,” she said, declining to give her name. “We broke it down...as a jury. It didn’t pan out in the government’s favor.”

Asked if she thought the prosecution was worthwhile, the foreperson said: “Personally, I don’t think it should have been prosecuted because I think we have better time or resources to use or spend to other things that affect the nation as a whole than a possible lie to the FBI. We could spend that time more wisely.”

They didn't convict....because Durham's assessment of 'beyond a reasonable doubt' AND his assessment of criminal charges were dogshit. With the jury acquiting in less than 6 hours.

With the 316 page report leaning heavily on Durham's assessment of criminal activity and what is 'beyond a reasonable doubt'.....both of which were already demonstrated to be dogshit by not one but TWO juries. Both of whom acquitted.

Laughing....maybe next time spend a little less time on gatewaypundit?
What about the fifty former intel. agents who perjured themselves
"We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal aSorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case."

Can you say flop?
Today, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) released “Russian Efforts Against Election Infrastructure,” the first volume in the Committee’s bipartisan investigation into Russia’s attempts to interfere with the 2016 U.S. elections.

Their 1st chapter should have been on Hillary, Comey, Brennan, and their fellow traitors.
I've enjoyed slapping you all around tonight with facts and reality. Thanks!
Now you can go do what you do best:

exactly ..it isnt like a corrupt legal and intelligence system is going to prosecute itself ...

Durham had the authority to levy charges. Yet....after his two prosecutorial flops, with acquittals on both cases, he didn't.

Which tells you everything you need to know about Durham's assessment of the strength of his own claims.
Durham had the authority to levy charges. Yet....after his two prosecutorial flops, with acquittals on both cases, he didn't.

Which tells you everything you need to know about Durham's assessment of the strength of his own claims.
the Russian Dossier was fake ..they illegally spied on the a political rival .. we no one will be held accountable ..and so do you .
You know why the left has been so happy in spite of this epic failure in the white house? Because they got away with election theft. They know it, we know it, the whole world knows it.
he stated that Durham proved his case, but they thought it unimportant and shouldn't have been prosecuted.
So the gonna bring down the whole house of cards investigation comes down to two failed indictments and a confession that got a guy 400 hours of community service.

You guys should be embarrassed. But I don't think many of you are. It's on the the next lie the Friendly liars at Faux "Not the News" have in store for you of their flock!
the Russian Dossier was fake ..they illegally spied on the a political rival .. we no one will be held accountable ..and so do you .

Again, if the crimes are as numerous and egregious as you seem to be insinuating, why didn't Durham levy charges?

He had the authority. He'd already done so 3 times. So he was clearly willing to if he thought his evidence was strong enough for a conviction.

He's telling you what he thought of his own claims when he both refused to levy any additional charges AND didn't recommend any in his report.
So the gonna bring down the whole house of cards investigation comes down to two failed indictments and a confession that got a guy 400 hours of community service.

You guys should be embarrassed. But I don't think many of you are. It's on the the next lie the Friendly liars at Faux "Not the News" have in store for you of their flock!

Community Service........no!

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