Durham report released

So this failure led to the Mueller report that found Trump had acted illegally but could not be charged under current DOJ rules and regulations.
: Special Counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation."

No surprise to anyone except the liars and the ignorami amongst us.
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

But, as he stated in the report, nothing prosecutable.

After four years, and Trump and the right saying John "heads will roll' Durham is going to bust everyone for a fake russia investigation, the Durham probe, itself, is basically a bust. 2 of the forgettable 3 prosecutions failed and the one that stuck, hell, I can't even remember who it was. None of the key players were indicted. Trump must be pissed.

No bombshells, the FBI poor judgement is old news, and poor judgement isn't prosecutable.

Overall, a fizzle.
Ultimately, Robert Mueller investigated the ordeal and found that there were numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Due to a Justice Department policy, there was no investigation directly into Trump, however, part two of Mueller's probe found at least ten cases of obstruction of justice by the former president. It has never been prosecuted.

Durham was unable to reveal a deep state conspiracy, as Donald Trump had previously indicated he would find.

Collusion and obstruction by Trump proven beyond any doubt.

A big nothing burger on everything else.
From the NYT:

John Durham, the Trump-era special counsel who for four years has pursued a politically fraught investigation into the Russia inquiry, accused the F.B.I. of a “lack of analytical rigor” in a final report made public on Monday that examined the bureau’s investigation into whether the 2016 Trump campaign was conspiring with Moscow.

Mr. Durham’s 306-page report appeared to show little substantial new information about the F.B.I.’s handling of the Russia investigation, known as Crossfire Hurricane, and it failed to produce the kinds of blockbuster revelations impugning the bureau that former President Donald J. Trump and his allies had once suggested that Mr. Durham would find.

Hey Merrill Garland. This guy just wasted 4 years of tax payer money to find out it was Trump that committed all of the crimes. When are you going to indict Trump, and fire this political hack?
Don't you have a spam thread to start?
No wholesale changes was ever the intent of his investigation but he sure closed the coffin lid on the Trump Russia hoax and witch hunt
Republican investigations to investigate republican investigations. If Gym Jordan investigates Durham's investigation (after the anti inflation bill of course) it will be like that Leonardo Decaprio movie...Inception I think it was.

Republicans have lost their minds.
The only people who actually colluded with Russia were on the Trump campaign team.

Don Jr. also tried to collude with Russia, but he bungled it, because that's the kind of idiot he is.


In addition to the Russian infiltration of DNC and DCCC computer systems, between March and August 2016, the FBI became aware of numerous attempts to hack into state election systems. These included confirmed access into elements of multiple state or local electoral boards using tactics, techniques, and procedures associated with Russian state-sponsored actors. 163 The FBI learned that Russian efforts also included cyber-enabled scanning and probing of election related infrastructure in several states.

It was in this context that the FBI received information on July 28, 2016, about a conversation between Papadopoulos and an official of a Friendly Foreign Government (FFG) in May 2016 during which Papadopoulos "suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion" from Russia that it could assist this process with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to candidate Clinton and President Obama. As described below, the FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation 3 days after receiving this information.
Separately, on August 2, 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort met in New York City with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik requested the meeting to deliver in person a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel’s Office was a “backdoor” way for Russia to control part of eastern Ukraine; both men believed the plan would require candidate Trump’s assent to succeed (were he to be elected President).


And in February 2019, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia found that Manafort lied to the Office and the grand jury concerning his interactions and communications with Konstantin Kilimnik about Trump Campaign polling data and a peace plan for Ukraine.


Manafort instructed Rick Gates, his deputy on the Campaign and a longtime employee, to provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump Campaign—including internal polling data, although Manafort claims not to recall that specific instruction. Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.

Just to fill you in on Deripaska:

Paul Manafort served on the Trump Campaign, including a period as campaign chairman, from March to August 2016. Manafort had connections to Russia through his prior work for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and later through his work for a pro-Russian regime in Ukraine. Manafort stayed in touch with these contacts during the campaign period through Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime Manafort employee who previously ran Manafort’s office in Kiev and who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence.

Don Jr. also tried to collude with Russia, but he bungled it, because that's the kind of idiot he is.

Getting dirt on Hillary from a Russian is colluding?
Rehash of what Mueller did not find but liberals feel he should have.
Now same for Durham

The report is clear dimwit.

Collusion and obstruction by Trump

Nothing burger in everything else.

And that’s the way the history books will write it.

Though there were t be any mention of your cult delusions. There will be another whole chapter on that.
: Special Counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation."

No surprise to anyone except the liars and the ignorami amongst us.
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

Do you feel we should trust a Trump led government?
: Special Counsel John Durham found that the Department of Justice and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation."

No surprise to anyone except the liars and the ignorami amongst us.
There is absolutely no reason to trust our government.

Lol remind me how many convictions Durham got again? How many convictions did the Russian scandal produce? Just asking for a friend.
The evidence that we are now a lawless, third world shithole nation just continues to pile up.
It would help if you guys had a relationship with reality before you make such dire assertions.

It’s not a problem with the rule of law. The problem is that you desperately want to use the law to punish your political opponents.

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