Durham report shows likelihood Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey and others colluded with Russia

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
As always, it was DemoKKKrats doing the very thing they claimed Trump did. They colluded with Russian intelligence to interfere with our elections.

The FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane was tasked with investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election, yet a major memo sent from the CIA to lead agent Peter Strzok outlining U.S. intelligence that Hillary Clinton may have hatched a plan to frame Donald Trump — which stood to dramatically alter the investigation — simply went missing, according to the blockbuster report from Special Counsel John Durham.

“In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee,” the report said.

On September 7, 2016, the CIA wrote a “referral memo” addressed to FBI director James Comey and to the attention of Deputy Assistant Director Strzok saying as much. The information was considered so important that then-CIA Director James Brennan immediately briefed President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Comey about it in the Situation Room. Yet not a single FBI employee working for Strzok who was interviewed by Durham could recall seeing it or doing anything with the information.
As always, it was DemoKKKrats doing the very thing they claimed Trump did. They colluded with Russian intelligence to interfere with our elections.

The FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane was tasked with investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election, yet a major memo sent from the CIA to lead agent Peter Strzok outlining U.S. intelligence that Hillary Clinton may have hatched a plan to frame Donald Trump — which stood to dramatically alter the investigation — simply went missing, according to the blockbuster report from Special Counsel John Durham.

“In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee,” the report said.

On September 7, 2016, the CIA wrote a “referral memo” addressed to FBI director James Comey and to the attention of Deputy Assistant Director Strzok saying as much. The information was considered so important that then-CIA Director James Brennan immediately briefed President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Comey about it in the Situation Room. Yet not a single FBI employee working for Strzok who was interviewed by Durham could recall seeing it or doing anything with the information.
LOL. Love it when Alt-Right Nation tries a deal a reverse.
Pssst....4 years. 6 million dollars. 2 cases for low level people brought. No convictions. No jail time.
A report full of "maybes", "could have's", and other assorted "allegations".
A giant snipe hunt.

Now THAT'S embarrassing.
As always, it was DemoKKKrats doing the very thing they claimed Trump did. They colluded with Russian intelligence to interfere with our elections.

The FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane was tasked with investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election, yet a major memo sent from the CIA to lead agent Peter Strzok outlining U.S. intelligence that Hillary Clinton may have hatched a plan to frame Donald Trump — which stood to dramatically alter the investigation — simply went missing, according to the blockbuster report from Special Counsel John Durham.

“In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee,” the report said.

On September 7, 2016, the CIA wrote a “referral memo” addressed to FBI director James Comey and to the attention of Deputy Assistant Director Strzok saying as much. The information was considered so important that then-CIA Director James Brennan immediately briefed President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Comey about it in the Situation Room. Yet not a single FBI employee working for Strzok who was interviewed by Durham could recall seeing it or doing anything with the information.
Democrats will never believe it.
Pssst....4 years. 6 million dollars. 2 cases for low level people brought.

Pssst.... 8 years, 6 billion dollars spent, 150 baseless allegations. All failed. Not one conviction against Trump.

Now THAT is embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as watching the government white-wash another investigation against itself for the good of the DOJ and FBI because the truth cut too far, too deep.
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Included in the Durham Report (from just the last two pages):
  1. We also did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or problems we identified. Page 313.
  2. There was a complete lack of information from the Intelligence Community that corroborated the hypothesis upon which the Crossfire Hurricane investigation was predicated. Page 314.
  3. The FBI generally ignored the significant exculpatory information provided.
  4. The FBI failed to pursue investigative leads that were inconsistent with their theory of the case.
  5. The FBI was willing to make use of the completely unvetted and uncorroborated Steele reporting in multiple FISA applications targeting a U.S. citizen.
  6. The Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not even ask Steele about his role in providing information to Michael Isikoff as contained in the September 23, 2016 Yahoo! News article - information that essentially accused Carter Page of colluding with the Russians. And thereafter the same investigators demonstrated a willingness to contort the plain language of the article.
  7. The FBI ignored the fact that at no time before, during or after Crossfire Hurricane were investigators able to corroborate a single substantive allegation in the Steele dossier reporting.
  8. There was a complete failure on the part of the FBI to even examine - never mind resolve - the serious counterespionage issues surrounding Steele's primary sub source.
  9. The FBI leadership essentially disregarded the Clinton Plan intelligence, which it received at almost the exact same time as the Australian Paragraph Five information. This was despite the fact that at precisely the same time as the Clinton Plan intelligence was received (i) the Clinton campaign made public statements tying the DNC computer hack to Russian attempts to help Trump get elected, (ii) the FBI was receiving the Clinton campaign-funded Steele Reports, and (iii) the Clinton campaign-funded Alfa Bank allegations were being prepared for delivery to the media and the FBI.
  10. The Crossfire Hurricane investigators essentially ignored information they had received as early as October 2016 regarding Charles Dolan, a longtime Democratic operative with ties to the Clintons who also possessed significant ties to Russian government figures who would appear in the Steele reporting, and never interviewed him.
  11. The Crossfire Hurricane investigators provided only partial, and in some instances misleading, information to Department attorneys working on the Page FISA applications while withholding other highly relevant information from those attorneys and the FISC that might cast real doubt on their probable cause assertions.
  12. Finally, the results of the OIG's Audit of 29 Applications also establish significant problems in the Page FISA applications, problems that point to bias and other factors.
  13. Given the foregoing, and viewing the facts in a light most favorable to the Crossfire Hurricane investigators, it seems highly likely that, at a minimum, confirmation bias played a significant role in the FBI's acceptance of extraordinarily serious allegations derived from uncorroborated information that had not been subjected to the typical exacting analysis employed by the FBI and other members of the Intelligence Community. In short, it is the Office's assessment that the FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia. Similarly, the FBI Inspection Division Report says that the investigators "repeatedly ignore[ d] or explain[ ed] away evidence contrary to the theory the Trump campaign ... had conspired with Russia .... It appeared that ... there was a pattern of assuming nefarious intent." An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes.
Put simply, the corruption was so great and went up so high that for the good of the FBI, the government once again whitewashed its own assessment of itself while admitting its flaws in between the lines so as to skirt the absolute intent of the law.
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As always, it was DemoKKKrats doing the very thing they claimed Trump did. They colluded with Russian intelligence to interfere with our elections.

The FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane was tasked with investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 election, yet a major memo sent from the CIA to lead agent Peter Strzok outlining U.S. intelligence that Hillary Clinton may have hatched a plan to frame Donald Trump — which stood to dramatically alter the investigation — simply went missing, according to the blockbuster report from Special Counsel John Durham.

“In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee,” the report said.

On September 7, 2016, the CIA wrote a “referral memo” addressed to FBI director James Comey and to the attention of Deputy Assistant Director Strzok saying as much. The information was considered so important that then-CIA Director James Brennan immediately briefed President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Comey about it in the Situation Room. Yet not a single FBI employee working for Strzok who was interviewed by Durham could recall seeing it or doing anything with the information.

If you want to know what Democrats are doing, listen to what they are accusing you of. Word
Pssst.... 8 years, 6 billion dollars spent, 150 baseless allegations. All failed. Not one conviction against Trump.

Now THAT is embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as watching the government white-wash another investigation against itself for the good of the DOH and FBI because the truth cut too far, too deep.
Well, you'll have to detail those for me. Mueller spent about 45 million, and most of that was recovered via Paul Manafort.
As far as Trump? Give it some time, the indictments are just getting warmed up. We're only in the first inning of this game.
But first, Trump will serve his useful purpose of destroying the Republican party and costing them a chance at any real victory in 2024.

Durham's little snipe hunt produced nothing. Two low level indictments made it to court. Both were dismissed.
A report full of innuendo. Embarrassing.
Included in the Durham Report (from just the last two pages:
  1. We also did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or problems we identified. Page 313.
  2. There was a complete lack of information from the Intelligence Community that corroborated the hypothesis upon which the Crossfire Hurricane investigation was predicated. Page 314.
  3. The FBI generally ignored the significant exculpatory information provided.
  4. The FBI failed to pursue investigative leads that were inconsistent with their theory of the case.
  5. The FBI was willing to make use of the completely unvetted and uncorroborated Steele reporting in multiple FISA applications targeting a U.S. citizen.
  6. The Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not even ask Steele about his role in providing information to Michael Isikoff as contained in the September 23, 2016 Yahoo! News article - information that essentially accused Carter Page of colluding with the Russians. And thereafter the same investigators demonstrated a willingness to contort the plain language of the article.
  7. The FBI ignored the fact that at no time before, during or after Crossfire Hurricane were investigators able to corroborate a single substantive allegation in the Steele dossier reporting.
  8. There was a complete failure on the part of the FBI to even examine - never mind resolve - the serious counterespionage issues surrounding Steele's primary sub source.
  9. The FBI leadership essentially disregarded the Clinton Plan intelligence, which it received at almost the exact same time as the Australian Paragraph Five information. This was despite the fact that at precisely the same time as the Clinton Plan intelligence was received (i) the Clinton campaign made public statements tying the DNC computer hack to Russian attempts to help Trump get elected, (ii) the FBI was receiving the Clinton campaign-funded Steele Reports, and (iii) the Clinton campaign-funded Alfa Bank allegations were being prepared for delivery to the media and the FBI.
  10. he Crossfire Hurricane investigators essentially ignored information they had received as early as October 2016 regarding Charles Dolan, a longtime Democratic operative with ties to the Clintons who also possessed significant ties to Russian government figures who would appear in the Steele reporting, and never interviewed him.
  11. The Crossfire Hurricane investigators provided only partial, and in some instances misleading, information to Department attorneys working on the Page FISA applications while withholding other highly relevant information from those attorneys and the FISC that might cast real doubt on their probable cause assertions.
  12. Finally, the results of the OIG's Audit of 29 Applications also establish significant problems in the Page FISA applications, problems that point to bias and other factors.
  13. Given the foregoing, and viewing the facts in a light most favorable to the Crossfire Hurricane investigators, it seems highly likely that, at a minimum, confirmation bias played a significant role in the FBI's acceptance of extraordinarily serious allegations derived from uncorroborated information that had not been subjected to the typical exacting analysis employed by the FBI and other members of the Intelligence Community. In short, it is the Office's assessment that the FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia. Similarly, the FBI Inspection Division Report says that the investigators "repeatedly ignore[ d] or explain[ ed] away evidence contrary to the theory the Trump campaign ... had conspired with Russia .... It appeared that ... there was a pattern of assuming nefarious intent." 1749 An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes.
Put simply, the corruption was so great and went up so high that for the good of the FBI, the government once again whitewashed its own assessment of itself while admitting its flaws in between the lines so as to skirt the absolute intent of the law.

The FBI knew everything in the dossier before it was released except for the pee tape nonsense.

These Trump sore-losers are too whacked-out to be reasoned with. Each day, they drift further away from reality. We can only write them off as being forever lost to rationality, and focus on talking to normal people.

What drove them insane? Sadly, it was simple butthurt. They couldn't accept losing. Sore-loser butthurt turned them into lunatic traitors. Now they want to send anyone not as butthurt as themselves to the Gulag.

These Trump sore-losers are too whacked-out to be reasoned with. Each day, they drift further away from reality. We can only write them off as being forever lost to rationality, and focus on talking to normal people.

What drove them insane? Sadly, it was simple butthurt. They couldn't accept losing. Sore-loser butthurt turned them into lunatic traitors. Now they want to send anyone not as butthurt as themselves to the Gulag.

Crossfire hurricane wasn't interested in Trump until he fired Comey.

LOL. Love it when Alt-Right Nation tries a deal a reverse.
Pssst....4 years. 6 million dollars. 2 cases for low level people brought. No convictions. No jail time.
A report full of "maybes", "could have's", and other assorted "allegations".
A giant snipe hunt.

Now THAT'S embarrassing.
Squirm harder!
Well, you'll have to detail those for me.
Right, Jack, I'll get right on detailing all those things for you that you'd already know about if you had an ounce of interest in knowing for yourself.

Mueller spent about 45 million
45 million he owes the taxpayers for a report we now know was politically motivated and baseless to begin with.

As far as Trump? Give it some time, the indictments are just getting warmed up. We're only in the first inning of this game.
You need more time? First inning? You mean it took you 8 years, 6 billion and 150 tries just to get going? So you figure on spending what--- about 65 years long past Trump being dead and buried and about 50 billion dollars trying to prove Trump is what? Orange and overweight? :auiqs.jpg:

But first, Trump will serve his useful purpose of destroying the Republican party and costing them a chance at any real victory in 2024.
Probably, but only because we now know the corrupt political machine is in place now to deny voters any real choice. You let the GOP win only when their guy is another RINO like GW Bush, right? Zuckerberg alone spent nearly half a billion dollars funding the steal of the 2020 election as detailed by Molly Ball in Time Magazine.

Durham's little snipe hunt produced nothing. Two low level indictments made it to court. Both were dismissed.
You don't even have that right. THREE people were indicted, two dismissed, the third given community service, but I agree, pretty weenie, but not because the evidence wasn't there--- as I detail above, all part of the same usual coverup.
Faux Not News is burning through a lot of gas, lighting the way for what the herd wants to hear most of all. I bet their ratings are improving. You know deep down for them that's all that really matters.

These Trump sore-losers are too whacked-out to be reasoned with. Each day, they drift further away from reality. We can only write them off as being forever lost to rationality, and focus on talking to normal people.

What drove them insane? Sadly, it was simple butthurt. They couldn't accept losing. Sore-loser butthurt turned them into lunatic traitors. Now they want to send anyone not as butthurt as themselves to the Gulag.
Wow. These Trump sore-losers are too whacked-out to be reasoned with.

ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Try as we might to bury this, the American people aren't going for the SNOW JOB.

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