During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

Mega rich elitist Pubs are evil!- Pub DUPES are all we have here, and they're misled, brainwashed, ignorant, and silly. Change the channel. Then of course, there are the racist, arrogant, ugly 'Merican a-holes- some of them here...:lol:
Mega rich elitist Pubs are evil!- Pub DUPES are all we have here, and they're misled, brainwashed, ignorant, and silly. Change the channel. Then of course, there are the racist, arrogant, ugly 'Merican a-holes- some of them here...:lol:

Mega rich elitist Dims are evil!- Dim DUPES are all we have here, and they're misled, brainwashed, ignorant, and silly. Change the channel. Then of course, there are the racist, arrogant, ugly 'Merican a-holes- some of them here.
Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!


Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.
Okay, let me see if I have this straight. TeaTards want to save braindead people like Terri Schiavo at any cost, but not normal poor people. TeaTards don't even want the poor to vote. So, if you're poor, just die quietly and quickly. Is that about it...?
Tell us all about it, Ranger Potty Mouth...
No problem, ''Lil' brown buffalo turd stuck to a cactus" (or whatever the fuck your stupid injun name is).......You're an idiot who offers nothing of substance to any debate, FUCKwad.

There, I just told ya' all about it....You're welcome!

Basically we have a punk Ward Churchill with this guy. Completely fake. And first nations people a bad rep.
Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

What should have been done under the circumstances - send her to Texas for Rick Perry to execute her?
Many right-wing populists do revel in their tough-guy attitudes.
Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

What should have been done under the circumstances - send her to Texas for Rick Perry to execute her?

What should have been done is to give her to her parents who were willing to pay to keep her alive.

And for someone who is "brain dead", she was very active.
Tea Party Debate Crowd on Uninsured Sick Americans: Let Them Die!

You people need to see the clip again.

When Wolf said the man was in a coma, Paul shrugged his shoulders and said he took the risk.

AND turn the sound up. It was more than "a couple" who said, "Let him die".

In this day of video, you guys can't "spin this away". Not this time. Not from the Republican Presidential Debate. It's not happening.

How many time will you fail in your attempt to peg the tea party negatively? Anytime theirs a shooting you cry it's a tea party member until later you fiund out it isn't

Has tthe person who said it been identified? It's going to be real funny when you find out that it might be a liberal.

You say "person" as if it were only one. First the entire crowd loudly applauded, then when Wolf pressed Ron Paul, at least a few dozen said "let him die". Watch the video. The delusion thing isn't working.
Okay, let me see if I have this straight. TeaTards want to save braindead people like Terri Schiavo at any cost, but not normal poor people. TeaTards don't even want the poor to vote. So, if you're poor, just die quietly and quickly. Is that about it...?

Dollars to donuts the dude was a plant. I'd do it. If I was on the left I'd definitely have wingers embedded at these debates.

I know how to play dirty because of years in rock.

Now to Schiavo. So even if you think she is braindead you think it's cool to let her starve to death?

That's ok with you?
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

These people, and by that I mean GOPers, in particular of the TeaBag persuasion, are nothing more than despicable, sadistic, imoral SOBs. They care about nothing other than their own money and well-being. All else be damned. They're the type of people that would push an old woman out of the way while running out of a burning building. They. are. scum!

Iths thimple!
Gee, Mr. MarcArtl, why don't you tell the board what you really think. :rolleyes:

I only know one friend who attended a tea party meeting. In the past year, she organized a $20,000 benefit for Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear power fiasco victims, and before that similar benefits for wounded American soldiers, hospice victims, Alzheimer victims, and on top of all that, endless humanitarian efforts of her church.

The last person I've ever seen her think about is herself. She's too busy taking care of the needs of those who need taking care of.
Mega rich elitist Pubs are evil!- Pub DUPES are all we have here, and they're misled, brainwashed, ignorant, and silly. Change the channel. Then of course, there are the racist, arrogant, ugly 'Merican a-holes- some of them here...:lol:

Mega rich elitist Dims are evil!- Dim DUPES are all we have here, and they're misled, brainwashed, ignorant, and silly. Change the channel. Then of course, there are the racist, arrogant, ugly 'Merican a-holes- some of them here.

A. Mega rich Dems want to raise taxes on THEMSELVES, cut pollution and help workers, dimwit.
B. We don't have the equivalent of Fox or Rush, as you so gleefully point out daily.And they LIE like rugs, and are haters.
C. Ugly 'Mericans are just about ALL RWers...
Mega rich elitist Pubs are evil!- Pub DUPES are all we have here, and they're misled, brainwashed, ignorant, and silly. Change the channel. Then of course, there are the racist, arrogant, ugly 'Merican a-holes- some of them here...:lol:

Here is such an eloquent post from a person who claims to have a Masters degree.


Oh life is good today when I witness moments like this.
Tea Party Debate Crowd on Uninsured Sick Americans: Let Them Die!

You people need to see the clip again.

When Wolf said the man was in a coma, Paul shrugged his shoulders and said he took the risk.

AND turn the sound up. It was more than "a couple" who said, "Let him die".

In this day of video, you guys can't "spin this away". Not this time. Not from the Republican Presidential Debate. It's not happening.

Not a single person in the audience actually yelled 'Let him die', dick-stain.

However, I could clearly hear several people (out of the thousands that attended) say 'yeah', when Wolf said 'let him die?'

That in no way indicates that ALL members of the audience agreed that they should 'let him die', any more that the striking union workers who hurled racial slurs recently indicates that ALL union members are racist, or any of a dozen examples I won't bother with because you're quite simply, too simple to understand them.

When Paul said the government should not be taking care of people and the guy knew the risk, and the audience cheered loudly, why were they cheering? Try to imagine what happens to someone in a coma whom no one is taking care of. The audience knew.
Okay, let me see if I have this straight. TeaTards want to save braindead people like Terri Schiavo at any cost, but not normal poor people. TeaTards don't even want the poor to vote. So, if you're poor, just die quietly and quickly. Is that about it...?

OMG, SHUT THE FXXK UP.. You don't SPEAK for ANYONE but your stupid self. and what the hell would know about getting anything straight.
friggen dumb useful tool is all you are. you bring this board down with your ugly trolling. I'm sure that's how they do it over at thinkprogess though.
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A. The idea that was only one person, a plant, is ridiculous- but I'm sure that'll be Fox/Rush's loudmouth position.
B. Lot's of terminal patients have their food tubes cut off. It's not painful, especially if you're a braindead vegetable...was that what the Pubs were focusing on before 9/11, or was it gay marriage?

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