During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

Mega rich elitist Pubs are evil!- Pub DUPES are all we have here, and they're misled, brainwashed, ignorant, and silly. Change the channel. Then of course, there are the racist, arrogant, ugly 'Merican a-holes- some of them here...:lol:

Here is such an eloquent post from a person who claims to have a Masters degree.


Oh life is good today when I witness moments like this.

Just trying to get thru that ignorant, incredibly thick pub dupe numbskull. Hoping for your recovery. One person, eh? LOL!!
And for someone who is "brain dead", she was very active.

Have you read the autopsy report?

Did they starve her to death? Yea or Nay? Did they dehydrate her to death? Yea or Nay?

I wouldn't freaking do this to a hamster or a goldfish.

Different issue. I'm sure her husband would have preferred a graceful death through an injection where she would have passed away in seconds

However, right wing right to lifers refuse euthanasia and insist on removing sustenance as the only acceptable way
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

You know at least Ron Paul is honest. The current health system isn't much different than Obama care. It is just an unfunded federal mandate and a very inefficient way to deliver health care.

The reason we spend 1.8X the next closet country in health care costs because we want to pretend we don't have subsidized health care when we do via the unfunded mandate. Hypocisy is a very expensive choice the rest of the Republican Party is in that boat.

Seems to me you have 3 choices: 1) support Obamacare or some alternative government funded program which is more efficient 2) Agree with Ron Paul and end un-funded mandates 3) Be a hypocrite and maintain our outrageously expensive system.
A. The idea that was only one person, a plant, is ridiculous- but I'm sure that'll be Fox/Rush's loudmouth position.
B. Lot's of terminal patients have their food tubes cut off. It's not painful, especially if you're a braindead vegetable...was that what the Pubs were focusing on before 9/11, or was it gay marriage?

They are like little children caught being naughty who immediately scream....."I didn't do it "
A. The idea that was only one person, a plant, is ridiculous- but I'm sure that'll be Fox/Rush's loudmouth position.
B. Lot's of terminal patients have their food tubes cut off. It's not painful, especially if you're a braindead vegetable...was that what the Pubs were focusing on before 9/11, or was it gay marriage?

They are like little children caught being naughty who immediately scream....."I didn't do it "
^^And here we have yet another liberal loon, chiming in with zero substance.^^
Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!


Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

What should have been done under the circumstances - send her to Texas for Rick Perry to execute her?

What should have been done is to give her to her parents who were willing to pay to keep her alive.

And for someone who is "brain dead", she was very active.

Okay, let me see if I have this straight. TeaTards want to save braindead people like Terri Schiavo at any cost, but not normal poor people. TeaTards don't even want the poor to vote. So, if you're poor, just die quietly and quickly. Is that about it...?

Dollars to donuts the dude was a plant. I'd do it. If I was on the left I'd definitely have wingers embedded at these debates.

I know how to play dirty because of years in rock.

Now to Schiavo. So even if you think she is braindead you think it's cool to let her starve to death?

That's ok with you?

And for someone who is "brain dead", she was very active.

Have you read the autopsy report?

Did they starve her to death? Yea or Nay? Did they dehydrate her to death? Yea or Nay?

I wouldn't freaking do this to a hamster or a goldfish.

The issue with Terri Schiavo was whether or not the GOVERNMENT (in this case George W Bush and the Congressional Republicans) has the right to overule the wishes of the family (in her case her husband) and the doctor.

Terri was in a persistant vegetative state. Her doctor gave her no hope of recovery. And as the autopsy showed the doctor was 100% correct.

But the Conservative memmbers of Congress and George W Bush thought that the GUBMINT knew better than her doctor and sought to overule the her husband's wishes, effectively exercizing government control over a decision best made by the family.

There was even a "Schiavo Memo" that suggested the Schiavo case offered "a great political issue" that would appeal to the party's base (core supporters) and could be used against Senator Bill Nelson, a Democrat from Florida who was up for reelection in 2006, because he had refused to co-sponsor the bill . As a result it was shown that the GOP was only interested in this case for political gain, not because of some great moral victory.

Schiavo memo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I hope you people will be honest enough to now admit that you want a big, activist government making decisions that truly belong to the family and their doctor? You can't have it both ways.

A. The idea that was only one person, a plant, is ridiculous- but I'm sure that'll be Fox/Rush's loudmouth position.
B. Lot's of terminal patients have their food tubes cut off. It's not painful, especially if you're a braindead vegetable...was that what the Pubs were focusing on before 9/11, or was it gay marriage?

They are like little children caught being naughty who immediately scream....."I didn't do it "
^^And here we have yet another liberal loon, chiming in with zero substance.^^

just another stupid thread brought over from Hufferpost to get all the lefties FIRED UP over some FAUX OUTRAGE. They don't have anything else going for them, with the people HATING the Democrats with the Obama as their UGLY LEADER..
It would be funny if it weren't so PATHETIC.
They even through in that Loser nut job Grayson for good measure...:lol:
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Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!


Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

Have you read the autopsy report?

Did they starve her to death? Yea or Nay? Did they dehydrate her to death? Yea or Nay?

I wouldn't freaking do this to a hamster or a goldfish.

The issue with Terri Schiavo was whether or not the GOVERNMENT (in this case George W Bush and the Congressional Republicans) has the right to overule the wishes of the family (in her case her husband) and the doctor.

Terri was in a persistant vegetative state. Her doctor gave her no hope of recovery. And as the autopsy showed the doctor was 100% correct.

But the Conservative memmbers of Congress and George W Bush thought that the GUBMINT knew better than her doctor and sought to overule the her husband's wishes, effectively exercizing government control over a decision best made by the family.

There was even a "Schiavo Memo" that suggested the Schiavo case offered "a great political issue" that would appeal to the party's base (core supporters) and could be used against Senator Bill Nelson, a Democrat from Florida who was up for reelection in 2006, because he had refused to co-sponsor the bill . As a result it was shown that the GOP was only interested in this case for political gain, not because of some great moral victory.

Schiavo memo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I hope you people will be honest enough to now admit that you want a big, activist government making decisions that truly belong to the family and their doctor? You can't have it both ways.

Wikipedia as your "source"?.......LMAO!:lol:
Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!


Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

It's shamful that you can be find and go to jail for destorying a sea turtle nest but if you have an abortion it's fine.
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

These people, and by that I mean GOPers, in particular of the TeaBag persuasion, are nothing more than despicable, sadistic, imoral SOBs. They care about nothing other than their own money and well-being. All else be damned. They're the type of people that would push an old woman out of the way while running out of a burning building. They. are. scum!

Iths thimple!

lol, when you post shit like this, you wonder why people don't care about you? :lol:
You lefties crack me up..the shit you get your panties in a bunch over. I love threads like this...they are too stupid for words, just good for LAUGHS.

Congratulations, Steph!!! You have finally done it!!! The most worthless, ignorant post you have ever done.
They are like little children caught being naughty who immediately scream....."I didn't do it "
^^And here we have yet another liberal loon, chiming in with zero substance.^^

just another stupid thread brought over from Hufferpost to get all the lefties FIRED UP over some FAUX OUTRAGE. They don't have anything else going for them, with the people HATING the Democrats with the Obama as their UGLY LEADER..
It would be funny if it weren't so PATHETIC.
They even through in that Loser nut job Grayson for good measure...:lol:
No shit......Who's next?



These people, and by that I mean GOPers, in particular of the TeaBag persuasion, are nothing more than despicable, sadistic, imoral SOBs. They care about nothing other than their own money and well-being. All else be damned. They're the type of people that would push an old woman out of the way while running out of a burning building. They. are. scum!

Iths thimple!

lol, when you post shit like this, you wonder why people don't care about you? :lol:
You lefties crack me up..the shit you get your panties in a bunch over. I love threads like this...they are too stupid for words, just good for LAUGHS.

Congratulations, Steph!!! You have finally done it!!! The most worthless, ignorant post you have ever done.
Truth hurts, eh?:eusa_whistle:

Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

Did they starve her to death? Yea or Nay? Did they dehydrate her to death? Yea or Nay?

I wouldn't freaking do this to a hamster or a goldfish.

The issue with Terri Schiavo was whether or not the GOVERNMENT (in this case George W Bush and the Congressional Republicans) has the right to overule the wishes of the family (in her case her husband) and the doctor.

Terri was in a persistant vegetative state. Her doctor gave her no hope of recovery. And as the autopsy showed the doctor was 100% correct.

But the Conservative memmbers of Congress and George W Bush thought that the GUBMINT knew better than her doctor and sought to overule the her husband's wishes, effectively exercizing government control over a decision best made by the family.

There was even a "Schiavo Memo" that suggested the Schiavo case offered "a great political issue" that would appeal to the party's base (core supporters) and could be used against Senator Bill Nelson, a Democrat from Florida who was up for reelection in 2006, because he had refused to co-sponsor the bill . As a result it was shown that the GOP was only interested in this case for political gain, not because of some great moral victory.

Schiavo memo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I hope you people will be honest enough to now admit that you want a big, activist government making decisions that truly belong to the family and their doctor? You can't have it both ways.

Wikipedia as your "source"?.......LMAO!:lol:

Nope. Don't need it. Everything I posted was 100% factual. The only reason I threw in the Wiki reference on the MEMO is that most people don't know about it. YOU obviously didn't.

These people, and by that I mean GOPers, in particular of the TeaBag persuasion, are nothing more than despicable, sadistic, imoral SOBs. They care about nothing other than their own money and well-being. All else be damned. They're the type of people that would push an old woman out of the way while running out of a burning building. They. are. scum!

Iths thimple!

lol, when you post shit like this, you wonder why people don't care about you? :lol:
You lefties crack me up..the shit you get your panties in a bunch over. I love threads like this...they are too stupid for words, just good for LAUGHS.

Congratulations, Steph!!! You have finally done it!!! The most worthless, ignorant post you have ever done.

lol, You would know about worhtless ignorant post. since you post so many of them..:thanks:
Vote Democrat: Beat Death!

Know why the Non-living are the most dependable Democrat Voting Bloc? Buyers remorse! They wished they voted Democrat while alive

You agree with "Let him die"?

I don't. And that's kinda why I will not support Ron Paul for President. Happy now?

I think you're confusing the crowd and Ron Paul here with the "let him die" issue. Paul never said "let him die", he said people live with their choices. Essentially Paul is no different on health care than anyone else on the right. Unless you know someone on the right who's open to government health care?
Admittedly, I have NOT read all 32 pages of this thread. Tonight, I just do not have the energy to do it.

I did not see that little Ron Paul episode on TV, but if it happened, then IMO his followers are ruthless and the display was a shameless one.

Working in health care as I do, I have seen this issue from both sides of the bed and you can't even begin to imagine what that big picture is. I have worked with all kinds of people, wealthy people, poor people, the criminally insane, the chronic mentally ill, even the dying. Doctors take an oath to prolong life. Nurses take an oath to relieve suffering. Prolonging life does not necessarily relieve suffering. 25 years ago, I buried a husband who died from cancer. Now, as I was looking forward to retirement and spending time with the grandbaby and maybe traveling some, I have a terminal illness. There is treatment for my illness which has a better track record than the treatment for my husband's. My medicine is 20K a month. My insurance pays and I only pay a small copay. I'm sure they have a contracted rate that is nothing like the asking price, though, because that's how insurance works. Still, I know there are people who think that my treatment is a waste of 'their' money. Never mind that I have worked and paid and served humanity all my life. My children never took a dime of financial aid for college, I paid it all myself.

Over the years, I hear the scuttlebutt amongst the employed, the well to do, about how cushy our welfare recipients have it. But in all the years I've worked with them and with the disabled, I have never met one of them that I envied. People who do things like this audience did need to get out and get their hands dirty woring in the service of other people. But, of course, they will not.

Now, as I look at my own bleak future, my concern is how can I do this so that it works out the best for my children. They want me to come live with them and let them support me. I would have the COBRA until I reached the age for Medicare, IF I reached that age. My life would be easier. But it would be so hard on them. And I like working. I like my patients and I like what I do to help them. Is my contribution to society worth the cost of my treatment. Many would say 'no.' Yet, those same people would insist that they themselves or their family members get treatment that would be equally as costly for an equally devastating illness.

The question is not 'who is worth it.' The question is, 'how do we tackle this problem.' And it is a problem. It is a problem that a year ago smug people with what they considered 'private' insurance thought they were invincible in the health care marketplace. Now they are standing in line for unemployment and wishing they could afford the COBRA. Health care for our people here in America is a problem for us all, not just those who have no coverage. An in all honesty, I am very tired tonight after working and I know that I am not expressing any of this very well, nor an I making a very good case for anything. So, if you have the ability you will read the heart of this post and know of what I speak.
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The issue with Terri Schiavo was whether or not the GOVERNMENT (in this case George W Bush and the Congressional Republicans) has the right to overule the wishes of the family (in her case her husband) and the doctor.

Terri was in a persistant vegetative state. Her doctor gave her no hope of recovery. And as the autopsy showed the doctor was 100% correct.

But the Conservative memmbers of Congress and George W Bush thought that the GUBMINT knew better than her doctor and sought to overule the her husband's wishes, effectively exercizing government control over a decision best made by the family.

There was even a "Schiavo Memo" that suggested the Schiavo case offered "a great political issue" that would appeal to the party's base (core supporters) and could be used against Senator Bill Nelson, a Democrat from Florida who was up for reelection in 2006, because he had refused to co-sponsor the bill . As a result it was shown that the GOP was only interested in this case for political gain, not because of some great moral victory.

Schiavo memo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I hope you people will be honest enough to now admit that you want a big, activist government making decisions that truly belong to the family and their doctor? You can't have it both ways.

Wikipedia as your "source"?.......LMAO!:lol:

Nope. Don't need it. Everything I posted was 100% factual. The only reason I threw in the Wiki reference on the MEMO is that most people don't know about it. YOU obviously didn't.

Sure did, doesn't matter......Fact is, her husband wanted her to die a torturous, miserable death. And she did........It's all in the autopsy......And you fools think his intentions were all honorable?

Her parents wanted her to die with dignity and respect, at their expense.
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Hoffa is not running for president of the United States.

You just demonstrated a "double standard".

nor is the person in the audience that said let'em die
But hoffa is president of a union

There are only 10 million union members in the US. That's all the unions in the private sector. He represents less than many congressmen who, buy the way, want to take away the rights of those members. I don't see how you can compare the president of a union with the president of the US. You might as well compare the president with the president of the 7th grade science club for all the sense it makes.



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