During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

The only conservatives posting in this thread are the idiots. Just realized it. I'm out of here. As I've said before, I am too good to spar with the uninformed. Later, rejects.
Admittedly, I have NOT read all 32 pages of this thread. Tonight, I just do not have the energy to do it.

I did not see that little Ron Paul episode on TV, but if it happened, then IMO his followers are ruthless and the display was a shameless one.

Working in health care as I do, I have seen this issue from both sides of the bed and you can't even begin to imagine what that big picture is. I have worked with all kinds of people, wealthy people, poor people, the criminally insane, the chronic mentally ill, even the dying. Doctors take an oath to prolong life. Nurses take an oath to relieve suffering. Prolonging life does not necessarily relieve suffering. 25 years ago, I buried a husband who died from cancer. Now, as I was looking forward to retirement and spending time with the grandbaby and maybe traveling some, I have a terminal illness. There is treatment for my illness which has a better track record than the treatment for my husband's. My medicine is 20K a month. My insurance pays and I only pay a small copay. I'm sure they have a contracted rate that is nothing like the asking price, though, because that's how insurance works. Still, I know there are people who think that my treatment is a waste of 'their' money. Never mind that I have worked and paid and served humanity all my life. My children never took a dime of financial aid for college, I paid it all myself.

Over the years, I hear the scuttlebutt amongst the employed, the well to do, about how cushy our welfare recipients have it. But in all the years I've worked with them and with the disabled, I have never met one of them that I envied. People who do things like this audience did need to get out and get their hands dirty woring in the service of other people. But, of course, they will not.

Now, as I look at my own bleak future, my concern is how can I do this so that it works out the best for my children. They want me to come live with them and let them support me. I would have the COBRA until I reached the age for Medicare, IF I reached that age. My life would be easier. But it would be so hard on them. And I like working. I like my patients and I like what I do to help them. Is my contribution to society worth the cost of my treatment. Many would say 'no.' Yet, those same people would insist that they themselves or their family members get treatment that would be equally as costly for an equally devastating illness.

The question is not 'who is worth it.' The question is, 'how do we tackle this problem.' And it is a problem. It is a problem that a year ago smug people with what they considered 'private' insurance thought they were invincible in the health care marketplace. Now they are standing in line for unemployment and wishing they could afford the COBRA. Health care for our people here in America is a problem for us all, not just those who have no coverage. An in all honesty, I am very tired tonight after working and I know that I am not expressing any of this very well, nor an I making a very good case for anything. So, if you have the ability you will read the heart of this post and know of what I speak.

Thank you for sharing! Your post was crystal clear! I wish you the very best.
nor is the person in the audience that said let'em die
But hoffa is president of a union

There are only 10 million union members in the US. That's all the unions in the private sector. He represents less than many congressmen who, buy the way, want to take away the rights of those members. I don't see how you can compare the president of a union with the president of the US. You might as well compare the president with the president of the 7th grade science club for all the sense it makes.



obama might not get 10 million votes in 2012 hoffa might have more pull than obama:lol:
Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!


Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

It's shamful that you can be find and go to jail for destorying a sea turtle nest but if you have an abortion it's fine.

The reason why people are fine with abortion while considering the killing of unborn animals a grave sin is because in reality we don't really give a fuck about the lives animals live on a day to day basis in their own little worlds. We don't really give a fuck that they have to go through the trouble of nurturing their young and preparing them for independence in the cruel world. But as people who have to care about OUR own lives, many of us don't want to have to be burdened with the inconvenience of such a thing in the event that we irresponsibly create a life.
The only conservatives posting in this thread are the idiots. Just realized it. I'm out of here. As I've said before, I am too good to spar with the uninformed. Later, rejects.

hummm, does anyone care is the question?:lol:

Right here right now say you are going to treat your dog like Schiavo was treated in her dying days and I'll call PETA and lets see what happens to you.

Or let's say I call the ASPCA? By all means go ahead.

But you wouldn't starve your dog to death would you? Or deny your beast water. You wouldn't do this to a dog would you?

You can call me a Schiavo lunatic when you can say you could let your dog starve to death.

Otherwise fuck off.

It's shamful that you can be find and go to jail for destorying a sea turtle nest but if you have an abortion it's fine.

The reason why people are fine with abortion while considering the killing of unborn animals a grave sin is because in reality we don't really give a fuck about the lives animals live on a day to day basis in their own little worlds. We don't really give a fuck that they have to go through the trouble of nurturing their young and preparing them for independence in the cruel world. But as people who have to care about OUR own lives, many of us don't want to have to be burdened with the inconvenience of such a thing in the event that we irresponsibly create a life.

That did not make any sense.

You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.
You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

Oh, goodie, so now in addition to braindead Terri Schiavo we're dragging abortion into this discussion. I have a question for you TeaTards: Why is it you almost NEVER show any concern for the mother who is having a fetus aborted for whatever reason? It seems clear that you believe her life is secondary and that she becomes nothing more than a host upon pregnancy. Strange...
Have you read the autopsy report?

Did they starve her to death? Yea or Nay? Did they dehydrate her to death? Yea or Nay?

I wouldn't freaking do this to a hamster or a goldfish.

Different issue. I'm sure her husband would have preferred a graceful death through an injection where she would have passed away in seconds

However, right wing right to lifers refuse euthanasia and insist on removing sustenance as the only acceptable way

That's an out and out bullshit lie. I'm sorry that you have bought into it. My druthers are law websites and especially murder. I adore murder.

When it came to Terri this case involved husband who stood to benefit, possible murder or attempted murder, it was quite the case and I followed it from the get go. Oooooh and he wanted to punish her parents for trying to block him.

Her hubby didn't want quick By no means. Really truly if you jump into the case it will blow your mind.

Oh and Obama made sure that the lawyer for her husband was on his panel making recomendations for Obamacare, and I think he's still a head honcho for Obama in the legal department.
You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

Oh, goodie, so now in addition to braindead Terri Schiavo we're dragging abortion into this discussion. I have a question for you TeaTards: Why is it you almost NEVER show any concern for the mother who is having a fetus aborted for whatever reason? It seems clear that you believe her life is secondary and that she becomes nothing more than a host upon pregnancy. Strange...


I've heard this bullshit before. A fetus is a parasite and the mother's womb is the host. yada yada yada. Give me a break.

Brain dead or not, Schiavo was a living beast. I still would not starve her nor a hamster to death.

You asswipes on the left who cheered this on are beyond disgusting. Don't tell me about plastic bags or lightbulbs being banned to save the planet when you can cheer on a mandate for a human being to be starved to death.

Your lack of compassion is duly noted.
It's shamful that you can be find and go to jail for destorying a sea turtle nest but if you have an abortion it's fine.

The reason why people are fine with abortion while considering the killing of unborn animals a grave sin is because in reality we don't really give a fuck about the lives animals live on a day to day basis in their own little worlds. We don't really give a fuck that they have to go through the trouble of nurturing their young and preparing them for independence in the cruel world. But as people who have to care about OUR own lives, many of us don't want to have to be burdened with the inconvenience of such a thing in the event that we irresponsibly create a life.

That did not make any sense.

You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

How did that not make sense? I displayed the hypocrisy of the liberal crowd.

We don't care that animals have to deal with the inconvenience of raising their young, so nothing really stops us from trying to protect them from death. But as humans, now it becomes OUR problem if we happen to create a life and all the sudden it changes and now we're ok with killing the unborn to avoid the inconvenience ourselves.
It's shamful that you can be find and go to jail for destorying a sea turtle nest but if you have an abortion it's fine.

The reason why people are fine with abortion while considering the killing of unborn animals a grave sin is because in reality we don't really give a fuck about the lives animals live on a day to day basis in their own little worlds. We don't really give a fuck that they have to go through the trouble of nurturing their young and preparing them for independence in the cruel world. But as people who have to care about OUR own lives, many of us don't want to have to be burdened with the inconvenience of such a thing in the event that we irresponsibly create a life.

That did not make any sense.

You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.
Reb, I believe Paulie is agreeing with you in a roundabout way, brother.
You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

Oh, goodie, so now in addition to braindead Terri Schiavo we're dragging abortion into this discussion. I have a question for you TeaTards: Why is it you almost NEVER show any concern for the mother who is having a fetus aborted for whatever reason? It seems clear that you believe her life is secondary and that she becomes nothing more than a host upon pregnancy. Strange...

Have a child yourself and see if you can still conceivably make this "host/parasite" connection. I say have a child presumptuously because there's no way in hell you could be a parent and still look at pregnancy in that regard.
Some in the thread are claiming that just because many in the audience cheered Paul and a few basically called out for the man to die, that it is not representative of the Tea Party to support such things...and yet a good 50% of those posting, support just that.
Some in the thread are claiming that just because many in the audience cheered Paul and a few basically called out for the man to die, that it is not representative of the Tea Party to support such things...and yet a good 50% of those posting, support just that.

Some also seem to be assuming the people who cheered were specifically Paul supporters.
God bless Dr. Jack Kevorkian. May you rest in peace.

Dr. Jack is a whole different ball game and a whole different thread. I admired Kevorkian because he completely put the issue of dying with dignity into the forefront. I never thought of him as Dr. Death.

Because of him, he made it possible for people like my father to die at home with honor and surrounded by love in a non sterile environment in a hospital, but in my arms and my mothers arms embracing him.

I'm still not sure about all of his aims and I battle inwardly on this, but I do know one thing for sure.

Dr. Jack let us talk about death openly and honestly. I will be forever grateful.
Some in the thread are claiming that just because many in the audience cheered Paul and a few basically called out for the man to die, that it is not representative of the Tea Party to support such things...and yet a good 50% of those posting, support just that.

Really? And you know who here are members of the Tea Party? And you're going to try and tell us no Democrats MIGHT THINK THAT WAY.?
Some in the thread are claiming that just because many in the audience cheered Paul and a few basically called out for the man to die, that it is not representative of the Tea Party to support such things...and yet a good 50% of those posting, support just that.

Some also seem to be assuming the people who cheered were specifically Paul supporters.

I have to ask. How did one dude in the audience now become a whole batch of people cheering Ron Paul?

Seriously. How did this happen?

The reports originally were one man yelled let him die.
Abortion is an ugly thing under any circumstances - but it's the MOTHER's legal choice! So, since the TeaTards don't have the muscle to actually overturn Roe v. Wade, they are doing everything they can to undermine it. If they are successful, abortions won't go away – they’ll just return to coat hangers and back alleys like before they were legal.

The war on abortions will be no more successful than the war on drugs.

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