During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

Wikipedia as your "source"?.......LMAO!:lol:

Nope. Don't need it. Everything I posted was 100% factual. The only reason I threw in the Wiki reference on the MEMO is that most people don't know about it. YOU obviously didn't.

Sure did, doesn't matter......Fact is, her husband wanted her to die a torturous, miserable death. And she did........It's all in the autopsy......And you fools think his intentions were all honorable?

Her parents wanted her to die with dignity and respect, at their expense.

Dignity and respect???? :eek:

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.

oh so rule of law matters? Tell that to those california liberal judges who like to legaslate from the bench
That law should be changed an egg is not life until it's starts breathing.

That may be your opinion - but it isn't the law. Both parties legislate from the bench - but you only want it to be YOUR side doing the legislating.
Either we're a nation of laws - or we aren't. Which are we, TeaTards...?

Were not.

See current justice dept.

Exactly! TeaTards only accept the law when they agree with it. It used to be that America was MAJORITY RULE. However, the TeaTards want to change that to MINORITY RULE. Prime example: Roe v. Wade made abortion legal, but that didn't stop TeaTard terrorists from harassing, bombing clinics, and killing abortion providers. Sad...

Talking about retarded you are by far more retared than Rdean and I never would have thought anyone would have taken that spot from him
Dignity and respect????

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.

Amen! Righties want less government - except when they don't.
Talking about retarded you are by far more retared than Rdean and I never would have thought anyone would have taken that spot from him

I consider that a compliment. However, please tell me what I stated that is untrue.
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

The audience didn't yell--LET HIM DIE--what are you talking about? When asked would you let him die--ONE man in the audience said YEAH. No one applauded that comment nor did any of the candidates state he should die.
Either we're a nation of laws - or we aren't. Which are we, TeaTards...?

Were not.

See current justice dept.

Exactly! TeaTards only accept the law when they agree with it. It used to be that America was MAJORITY RULE. However, the TeaTards want to change that to MINORITY RULE. Prime example: Roe v. Wade made abortion legal, but that didn't stop TeaTard terrorists from harassing, bombing clinics, and killing abortion providers. Sad...

Please. The first whiners about minority rights were the democrats.

When I said current justice dept we are talking about democrats releasing guns to drug cartels, with the result of death to our own. This at minimum is a federal firearm violation and at maximum accessory to murder. There are many other things that can be pointed about this justice dept. However I cant top accessory to murder.
Nope. Don't need it. Everything I posted was 100% factual. The only reason I threw in the Wiki reference on the MEMO is that most people don't know about it. YOU obviously didn't.

Sure did, doesn't matter......Fact is, her husband wanted her to die a torturous, miserable death. And she did........It's all in the autopsy......And you fools think his intentions were all honorable?

Her parents wanted her to die with dignity and respect, at their expense.

Dignity and respect???? :eek:

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.

Yeah, dignity and respect, asshole......Not starved to death, which is a vicious, and undignified way to die.

Christ, her husband was a scumbag who wanted her dead for no other reason then she was an intrusion on his life...... Funny how you fucks never want to discuss the true aspects of the case, and those involved.

And I'll mind whatever business I damn well please, and there isn't a fucking thing you're going to do about it, boy.
Were not.

See current justice dept.

Exactly! TeaTards only accept the law when they agree with it. It used to be that America was MAJORITY RULE. However, the TeaTards want to change that to MINORITY RULE. Prime example: Roe v. Wade made abortion legal, but that didn't stop TeaTard terrorists from harassing, bombing clinics, and killing abortion providers. Sad...

Please. The first whiners about minority rights were the democrats.

When I said current justice dept we are talking about democrats releasing guns to drug cartels, with the result of death to our own. This at minimum is a federal firearm violation and at maximum accessory to murder. There are many other things that can be pointed about this justice dept. However I cant top accessory to murder.

The Fast and Furious program has risen to the top in a major cover-up. Eric Holder is guilty--they even have e-mails going to top White House aids. This isn't going away anytime soon.
Nope. Don't need it. Everything I posted was 100% factual. The only reason I threw in the Wiki reference on the MEMO is that most people don't know about it. YOU obviously didn't.

Sure did, doesn't matter......Fact is, her husband wanted her to die a torturous, miserable death. And she did........It's all in the autopsy......And you fools think his intentions were all honorable?

Her parents wanted her to die with dignity and respect, at their expense.

Dignity and respect???? :eek:

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.


Wow what part of her so called husband was fucking the crap out of a woman and having kids with her in all of this? Just banging her every day while fighting for the right to off his wife?

Hello? So the horny little dude gets to bang his chick daily while pretending to care about Terri and trying to get her offed for insurance bucks.
Sure did, doesn't matter......Fact is, her husband wanted her to die a torturous, miserable death. And she did........It's all in the autopsy......And you fools think his intentions were all honorable?

Her parents wanted her to die with dignity and respect, at their expense.

Dignity and respect???? :eek:

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.

Yeah, dignity and respect, asshole......Not starved to death, which is a vicious, and undignified way to die.

Christ, her husband was a scumbag who wanted her dead for no other reason then she was an intrusion on his life...... Funny how you fucks never want to discuss the true aspects of the case, and those involved.

And I'll mind whatever business I damn well please, and there isn't a fucking thing you're going to do about it, boy.

Can I get a rep for brother jester please?
Where's the bazooka barf smilie. I can't believe libs still argue that this unholy death of Terri was justified.

aye carumba.
This thread is a prime example of why we must reelect President Obama. As weak as he is on Liberal progress, he's the only thing separating us from being ruled by theocratic lunatics who wish to return America to the Dark Ages.
Sure did, doesn't matter......Fact is, her husband wanted her to die a torturous, miserable death. And she did........It's all in the autopsy......And you fools think his intentions were all honorable?

Her parents wanted her to die with dignity and respect, at their expense.

Dignity and respect???? :eek:

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.

Yeah, dignity and respect, asshole......Not starved to death, which is a vicious, and undignified way to die.

Christ, her husband was a scumbag who wanted her dead for no other reason then she was an intrusion on his life...... Funny how you fucks never want to discuss the true aspects of the case, and those involved.

And I'll mind whatever business I damn well please, and there isn't a fucking thing you're going to do about it, boy.

As I said. You can live as a vegatable if you want just don't try and force my wife to make a decision that YOU want her to make. You have no right nor any invitation to stick your fat, ugly nose into ANYONE'S business. Who the fuck do you think you are? And stick your nose into MY business and see what it gets you. :Boom2:

Just don't pretend that you're for less government, boy. That just makes you a phony-assed hypocrite.

Where's the bazooka barf smilie. I can't believe libs still argue that this unholy death of Terri was justified.

aye carumba.

And I can't believe that you Neo-Cons still pretend to be for less gubmint while wanting them to assume complete control over our private decisions. :eusa_liar:

Fucking lying hypocrites. :cuckoo:

Sure did, doesn't matter......Fact is, her husband wanted her to die a torturous, miserable death. And she did........It's all in the autopsy......And you fools think his intentions were all honorable?

Her parents wanted her to die with dignity and respect, at their expense.

Dignity and respect???? :eek:

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.


Wow what part of her so called husband was fucking the crap out of a woman and having kids with her in all of this? Just banging her every day while fighting for the right to off his wife?

Hello? So the horny little dude gets to bang his chick daily while pretending to care about Terri and trying to get her offed for insurance bucks.
Ya see, these cowards never want to bring up the fact that she still felt pain. She no doubt suffered dearly during the dying process.

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