During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

Some in this thread refuse to assign any level of personal responsibity and in its place draw extremely inaccurate and hyperbolic conclusions as to the intent of those who do assign that self-accountability.
I would take this more serious if most of the ones showing the FAUX OUTRAGE didn't belong to the SAME PARTY that is AND SUPPORTS...PRO CHOICE (the willing killing of ones own child) and has no problems with the TAXPAYERS being asked TO SUBSIDSE them..

So as far as I'm concerned. they are hypocrites and dismiss them..:eusa_hand:
Abortion is an ugly thing under any circumstances - but it's the MOTHER's legal choice! So, since the TeaTards don't have the muscle to actually overturn Roe v. Wade, they are doing everything they can to undermine it. If they are successful, abortions won't go away – they’ll just return to coat hangers and back alleys like before they were legal.

The war on abortions will be no more successful than the war on drugs.

Come to think of it, judging by daily national statistics, the war on murder isn't doing so well either.

Or the war on robbery for that matter.
We can construct a plan that controls these problems.

Sure you can. And then you can have what you have in Europe where no one wants to become a nurse or a doctor because there's no money in it.

Talked to some folks in Canada who told me their daughter is going to gradute from nursing school, and go to the US because there's no money to be made in Canada at the job.
Sure you can. And then you can have what you have in Europe where no one wants to become a nurse or a doctor because there's no money in it.

Talked to some folks in Canada who told me their daughter is going to gradute from nursing school, and go to the US because there's no money to be made in Canada at the job.

Greedy bitch. She needs to adjust to the new TeaTard wage scale.
GOP/t- party base:


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We can construct a plan that controls these problems.

Sure you can. And then you can have what you have in Europe where no one wants to become a nurse or a doctor because there's no money in it.

Talked to some folks in Canada who told me their daughter is going to gradute from nursing school, and go to the US because there's no money to be made in Canada at the job.

And yet, infant mortality rates, life expectancies and healthcare costs are significantly better than in the US
It's shameful that you can be find and go to jail for destroying a sea turtle nest but if you have an abortion it's fine.

The reason why people are fine with abortion while considering the killing of unborn animals a grave sin is because in reality we don't really give a fuck about the lives animals live on a day to day basis in their own little worlds. We don't really give a fuck that they have to go through the trouble of nurturing their young and preparing them for independence in the cruel world. But as people who have to care about OUR own lives, many of us don't want to have to be burdened with the inconvenience of such a thing in the event that we irresponsibly create a life.

That did not make any sense.

You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

If someone destroys a sea turtle nest they have violated the law; if a women has an abortion within the limits imposed by Roe, she has not violated the law.

Remember it was not too long ago that GWB was president and Republicans held the majority in both the House and Senate' by appointing Alito and Roberts, Bush constructed a means to set aside the precedent in Roe and make abortion illegal in every state.

The R's have manipulated the anti abortion crowd for decades now, and these folks still believe the R's will someday outlaw abortion. The R's will never do so, abortion is the best recruiting tool for the GOP; killing a few babies fits right well into their general ideology: The end (R's in the White House and controlling the Congress) justifies such means.
Some in the thread are claiming that just because many in the audience cheered Paul and a few basically called out for the man to die, that it is not representative of the Tea Party to support such things...and yet a good 50% of those posting, support just that.

One thing we know libturds don't support is giving their own money to provide the man with medical care.
The reason why people are fine with abortion while considering the killing of unborn animals a grave sin is because in reality we don't really give a fuck about the lives animals live on a day to day basis in their own little worlds. We don't really give a fuck that they have to go through the trouble of nurturing their young and preparing them for independence in the cruel world. But as people who have to care about OUR own lives, many of us don't want to have to be burdened with the inconvenience of such a thing in the event that we irresponsibly create a life.

That did not make any sense.

You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

If someone destroys a sea turtle nest they have violated the law; if a women has an abortion within the limits imposed by Roe, she has not violated the law.

Remember it was not too long ago that GWB was president and Republicans held the majority in both the House and Senate' by appointing Alito and Roberts, Bush constructed a means to set aside the precedent in Roe and make abortion illegal in every state.

The R's have manipulated the anti abortion crowd for decades now, and these folks still believe the R's will someday outlaw abortion. The R's will never do so, abortion is the best recruiting tool for the GOP; killing a few babies fits right well into their general ideology: The end (R's in the White House and controlling the Congress) justifies such means.

Thats the problem liberals respect the egg of an unborn animal more than they respect human life.
You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

Oh, goodie, so now in addition to braindead Terri Schiavo we're dragging abortion into this discussion. I have a question for you TeaTards: Why is it you almost NEVER show any concern for the mother who is having a fetus aborted for whatever reason? It seems clear that you believe her life is secondary and that she becomes nothing more than a host upon pregnancy. Strange...

Abortion was durg into the discussion long ago. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER MY QUESTION? Why do sea turtle eggs carry more concern with liberals than Human eggs?
You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

Oh, goodie, so now in addition to braindead Terri Schiavo we're dragging abortion into this discussion. I have a question for you TeaTards: Why is it you almost NEVER show any concern for the mother who is having a fetus aborted for whatever reason? It seems clear that you believe her life is secondary and that she becomes nothing more than a host upon pregnancy. Strange...

Abortion was durg into the discussion long ago. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER MY QUESTION? Why do sea turtle eggs carry more concern with liberals than Human eggs?

Don't hold your breath waiting dear.
The reason why people are fine with abortion while considering the killing of unborn animals a grave sin is because in reality we don't really give a fuck about the lives animals live on a day to day basis in their own little worlds. We don't really give a fuck that they have to go through the trouble of nurturing their young and preparing them for independence in the cruel world. But as people who have to care about OUR own lives, many of us don't want to have to be burdened with the inconvenience of such a thing in the event that we irresponsibly create a life.

That did not make any sense.

You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

If someone destroys a sea turtle nest they have violated the law; if a women has an abortion within the limits imposed by Roe, she has not violated the law.

That's the point. What's being questioned is a law against killing unborn sea turtles but no law against killing unborn humans.
That did not make any sense.

You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

If someone destroys a sea turtle nest they have violated the law; if a women has an abortion within the limits imposed by Roe, she has not violated the law.

That's the point. What's being questioned is a law against killing unborn sea turtles but no law against killing unborn humans.

So the egg of an unborn animal out weighs the egg of an unborn human? Liberal minds are sick
The reason why people are fine with abortion while considering the killing of unborn animals a grave sin is because in reality we don't really give a fuck about the lives animals live on a day to day basis in their own little worlds. We don't really give a fuck that they have to go through the trouble of nurturing their young and preparing them for independence in the cruel world. But as people who have to care about OUR own lives, many of us don't want to have to be burdened with the inconvenience of such a thing in the event that we irresponsibly create a life.

That did not make any sense.

You destroy a sea turtle nest you will be fined and or go to jail. You abort a baby it's ok with the liberal crowd.

If someone destroys a sea turtle nest they have violated the law; if a women has an abortion within the limits imposed by Roe, she has not violated the law.

Remember it was not too long ago that GWB was president and Republicans held the majority in both the House and Senate' by appointing Alito and Roberts, Bush constructed a means to set aside the precedent in Roe and make abortion illegal in every state.

The R's have manipulated the anti abortion crowd for decades now, and these folks still believe the R's will someday outlaw abortion. The R's will never do so, abortion is the best recruiting tool for the GOP; killing a few babies fits right well into their general ideology: The end (R's in the White House and controlling the Congress) justifies such means.

Anyone who knows their history knows that Goldwater and his wife not only befriended Sanger but became huge staunch supporters of her effort with Planned Parenthood.

You aint telling me jack shit here.

We're talking the RINO/Rockefeller Republicans.

And they can all kiss my ass because they are liberal pigs who cannot differentiate themselves from liberals if their lives depended on it. It's the McCains of the world who would rather do the dinner circuit with a Kennedy and screw over the American public over
martinis and hors d'oeuvres to get his daughter some sort of gig.
So the egg of an unborn animal out weighs the egg of an unborn human? Liberal minds are sick

Either we're a nation of laws - or we aren't. Which are we, TeaTards...?

oh so rule of law matters? Tell that to those california liberal judges who like to legaslate from the bench
That law should be changed an egg is not life until it's starts breathing.
So the egg of an unborn animal out weighs the egg of an unborn human? Liberal minds are sick

Either we're a nation of laws - or we aren't. Which are we, TeaTards...?

Were not.

See current justice dept.

Exactly! TeaTards only accept the law when they agree with it. It used to be that America was MAJORITY RULE. However, the TeaTards want to change that to MINORITY RULE. Prime example: Roe v. Wade made abortion legal, but that didn't stop TeaTard terrorists from harassing, bombing clinics, and killing abortion providers. Sad...

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