During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

Dignity and respect???? :eek:

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.


Wow what part of her so called husband was fucking the crap out of a woman and having kids with her in all of this? Just banging her every day while fighting for the right to off his wife?

Hello? So the horny little dude gets to bang his chick daily while pretending to care about Terri and trying to get her offed for insurance bucks.
Ya see, these cowards never want to bring up the fact that she still felt pain. She no doubt suffered dearly during the dying process.

They starved her to death. Can you imagine this? Watching someone die and refusing water and food?

It's unreal to me that anyone on this planet can accept what happened here to Terri. Knowingly starving a woman to death before our eyes. May all of them burn in hell. There is no other way to put this.

Texas offs their murderers in a kinder fashion.
Dignity and respect???? :eek:

What the fuck kind of dignity and respect did she have with the way she was living? You might like that but I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live that way.

And I wouldn't want the GOVERNMENT taking the decision away from my wife, either. YOU may like the idea of GOVERNMENT control over private, family decisions but I will fight that to my dying day.

You and the GOVERNMENT need to stay the fuck out of other peoples' lives and mind your own god damned business.

Yeah, dignity and respect, asshole......Not starved to death, which is a vicious, and undignified way to die.

Christ, her husband was a scumbag who wanted her dead for no other reason then she was an intrusion on his life...... Funny how you fucks never want to discuss the true aspects of the case, and those involved.

And I'll mind whatever business I damn well please, and there isn't a fucking thing you're going to do about it, boy.

As I said. You can live as a vegatable if you want just don't try and force my wife to make a decision that YOU want her to make. You have no right nor any invitation to stick your fat, ugly nose into ANYONE'S business. Who the fuck do you think you are? And stick your nose into MY business and see what it gets you. :Boom2:

Just don't pretend that you're for less government, boy. That just makes you a phony-assed hypocrite.

Yeah, you're a real badass, punk!

This was an issue between the family. This was an issue of a greedy husband, who wanted her dead for no other reason then financial gain. If he wasn't so concernd about money, he could have simply had the marriage annulled, and the parents would have had the right to decision.....That woman still felt pain. It's documented. That womans brain was functioning enough to feel pain, and she did not need full life support to stay alive.

We went through having to make the decision to have my father in-law removed from life support last year. The only ones who had the legal right to make that decision were his kids. It was a hell of a task getting my wife to agree to remove the support. She kept holding out hope, but the hope was gone. He was 100% brain dead. He felt nothing. No pain, not anything. I sat and watched his doctor literally screwing his knuckles down on his sternum, nothing. He Couldn't survive without full life support. My wifes brothers wanted to pull the plug. I had to sit my wife down for a serious talk about what her father would want. I had to convince her that pulling the plug was the just thing to do. She finally came around.......We watched as they disconnected him. We sat for several hours while he held his own, until suddenly he gave a last breath, and flat lined.....It was very peaceful. No suffering. He didn't feel a thing.

Terri Schiavo damn sure felt pain. Damn sure the felt the pain of starvation. And you can damn sure bet her piece o' shit husband damn sure didn't give a shit, while she was no doubt experiencing that agony.

And don't tell me you value life, when you doubt support support state supported murder of innocent life in the womb.....You hypocritical lil' fuck.
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They starved her to death. Can you imagine this? Watching someone die and refusing water and food?

It's unreal to me that anyone on this planet can accept what happened here to Terri. Knowingly starving a woman to death before our eyes.

It was legal. Common occurrence. What made Schiavo so special...?
Yeah, dignity and respect, asshole......Not starved to death, which is a vicious, and undignified way to die.

Christ, her husband was a scumbag who wanted her dead for no other reason then she was an intrusion on his life...... Funny how you fucks never want to discuss the true aspects of the case, and those involved.

And I'll mind whatever business I damn well please, and there isn't a fucking thing you're going to do about it, boy.

As I said. You can live as a vegatable if you want just don't try and force my wife to make a decision that YOU want her to make. You have no right nor any invitation to stick your fat, ugly nose into ANYONE'S business. Who the fuck do you think you are? And stick your nose into MY business and see what it gets you. :Boom2:

Just don't pretend that you're for less government, boy. That just makes you a phony-assed hypocrite.

Yeah, you're a real badass, punk!

This was an issue between the family. This was an issue of a greedy husband, who wanted her dead for no other reason then financial gain. If he wasn't so concernd about money, he could have simply had the marriage annulled, and the parents would have had the right to decision.....That woman still felt pain. It's documented. That womans brain was functioning enough to feel pain, and she did not need full life support to stay alive.

We went through having to make the decision to have my father in-law removed from life support last year. The only ones who had the legal right to make that decision were his kids. It was a hell of a task getting my wife to agree to remove the support. She kept holding out hope, but the hope was gone. He was 100% brain dead. He felt nothing. No pain, not anything. I sat and watched his doctor literally screwing his knuckles down on his sternum, nothing. He Couldn't survive without full life support. My wifes brothers wanted to pull the plug. I had to sit my wife down for a serious talk about what her father would want. I had to convince her that pulling the plug was the just thing to do. She finally came around.......We watched as they disconnected him. We sat for several hours while he held his own, until suddenly he gave a last breath, and flat lined.....It was very peaceful. No suffering. He didn't feel a thing.

Terri Schiavo damn sure felt pain. Damn sure the felt the pain of starvation. And you can damn sure bet her piece o' shit husband damn sure didn't give a shit, while she was no doubt experiencing that agony.

And don't tell me you value life, when you doubt support support state supported murder of innocent life in the womb.....You hypocritical lil' fuck.

First of all I'll say that I'm sorry about your father-in-law. My Sister-in-Law went through the same thing when she had the life support removed from her husband. I would have loved to seen you, a complete stranger, there trying to argue with the decision her and the doctor made (which is exactly what you're trying to do).

How can you say "This was an issue between the family" and yet support the federal government coming in a taking the "decision" away from her husband? That's just plain fucking hypocritical.

And I don't support abortion. Only the freedom that allows the woman and her doctor to make decisions free of you and government control.

And since you want the federal government to have all this power over our private lives and decisions just who's the "hypocritical lil' fuck", eh hoss? You're not a REAL conservative or libertarian. That's for sure.

I'll say it again.....you and the federal government need to stay the fuck out of any decisions me or my wife make regarding one another. You don't like it? Too fucking bad. Call someone who gives a shit.

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Ever starved anything to death?

Get back to me ok. I've seen beasties that are starved. Very involved in animal rescue. Can you imagine denying food and water to a living human being? Well that's how you killed Terri.

He doesn't have the guts to answer it.

Nor you this.............

And I can't believe that you still pretend to be for less government while wanting them to assume complete control over our private decisions.

During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!"

This is the same Party that opposes ABORTION because it believes in the "sanctity" of life?

Can you draw the parallel of self-accountabilty between the two examples ?
It would appear to be self-evident - but if you want me to join the dots, it would appear that the Republican/Tea Party belief in the "sanctity" of life suddenly disappears the moment an American child is born!

How else can you explain the disconnect of a nation preoccupied with the evils of abortion and reversing "Roe v Wade," while at the same time remaining oblivious to the fact that America is currently ranked 46th in the world with respect to infant mortality?

Country Comparison :: Infant mortality rate

This entry gives the number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live births in the same year; included is the total death rate, and deaths by sex, male and female. This rate is often used as an indicator of the level of health in a country.

Rank/country/(deaths/1,000 live births)/Date of Information
173 Belarus 6.25 - 2011 est.

174 Croatia 6.16 - 2011 est.

175 Faroe Islands 6.06 - 2011 est.

176 United States 6.06 - 2011 est.

177 Northern Mariana Islands 5.79 - 2011 est.

178 New Caledonia 5.71 - 2011 est.

179 European Union 5.61 - 2010 est.

180 Hungary 5.31 - 2011 est.

181 Taiwan 5.18 - 2011 est.

182 Greece 5.00 - 2011 est.

183 Canada 4.92 - 2011 est.

184 Cuba 4.90 - 2011 est.

185 New Zealand 4.78 - 2011 est.

186 San Marino 4.72 - 2011 est.

187 Wallis and Futuna 4.67 - 2011 est.

188 Portugal 4.66 - 2011 est.

189 United Kingdom 4.62 - 2011 est.

190 Australia 4.61 - 2011 est.

191 Netherlands 4.59 - 2011 est.

192 Luxembourg 4.44 - 2011 est.

193 Belgium 4.33 - 2011 est.

194 Isle of Man 4.32 - 2011 est.

195 Austria 4.32 - 2011 est.

196 Denmark 4.24 - 2011 est.

197 Slovenia 4.17 - 2011 est.

198 Korea, South 4.16 - 2011 est.

199 Liechtenstein 4.15 - 2011 est.

200 Israel 4.12 - 2011 est.

201 Switzerland 4.08 - 2011 est.

202 Jersey 3.98 - 2011 est.

203 Ireland 3.85 - 2011 est.

204 Andorra 3.80 - 2011 est.

205 Czech Republic 3.73 - 2011 est.

206 Malta 3.69 - 2011 est.

207 Guernsey 3.55 - 2011 est.

208 Germany 3.54 - 2011 est.

209 Norway 3.52 - 2011 est.

210 Anguilla 3.47 - 2011 est.

211 Finland 3.43 - 2011 est.

212 Spain 3.39 - 2011 est.

213 Italy 3.38 - 2011 est.

214 France 3.29 - 2011 est.

215 Iceland 3.20 - 2011 est.

216 Macau 3.18 - 2011 est.

217 Hong Kong 2.90 - 2011 est.

218 Japan 2.78 - 2011 est.

219 Sweden 2.74 - 2011 est.

220 Bermuda 2.47 - 2011 est.

221 Singapore 2.32 - 2011 est.

222 Monaco 1.79 - 2011 est.


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See why they love FDR and his Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments and throwing the Japs in Internment camps?

Do you see why he's their hero?
Schiavo Feels No Pain

By Peggy Peck, Senior Editor, MedPage Today
Published: March 22, 2005
Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

CLEVELAND-Patients in a persistent vegetative state like Terri Schiavo are a subgroup who suffer severe anoxic brain injury and progress to a state of wakefulness without awareness.

It is judged to be permanent after three months if induced nontraumatically. After 3 months, recovery is rare and life expectancy is approximately 2 to 5 years.

Patients in a persistent vegetative state do not feel pain, nor do they "suffer," says Michael De Georgia, MD, head of the neurology-neurosurgery intensive care unit at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation here.

Pain, as well as suffering, requires consciousness, which is lacking in a person in a persistent vegetative state, says Dr. De Georgia.

More: Medical News: Schiavo Feels No Pain - in Primary Care, Preventive Care from MedPage Today
Schiavo Feels No Pain

By Peggy Peck, Senior Editor, MedPage Today
Published: March 22, 2005
Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

CLEVELAND-Patients in a persistent vegetative state like Terri Schiavo are a subgroup who suffer severe anoxic brain injury and progress to a state of wakefulness without awareness.

It is judged to be permanent after three months if induced nontraumatically. After 3 months, recovery is rare and life expectancy is approximately 2 to 5 years.

Patients in a persistent vegetative state do not feel pain, nor do they "suffer," says Michael De Georgia, MD, head of the neurology-neurosurgery intensive care unit at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation here.

Pain, as well as suffering, requires consciousness, which is lacking in a person in a persistent vegetative state, says Dr. De Georgia.

More: Medical News: Schiavo Feels No Pain - in Primary Care, Preventive Care from MedPage Today

Progressives feel no Shame
Kenneth Goodman, director of bioethics at the University of Miami School of Medicine and a co-director of the Florida Bioethics Network said that the "removal of feeding tubes is a common practice." He said that there is no pain involved in dying of dehydration and/or starvation.: "Soon after nourishment is denied to the brain, it begins producing chemicals that act as a natural anesthetic. She is not going to feel a thing. The artificial pain medication that Schiavo will receive is to make sure that if there is [pain], it is adequately handled."

More: Euthanasia and Terri Schiavo: What death by dehydration involves

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