During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

That's Jan Brewer's health plan. She's the Republican Governor of Arizona and Conservative heroine.

I live in Arizona and you are 100% on point about her. Her policy actually killed people here. Seriously. The transplant thing. After the last death, she finally changed a bit on it. It took people dying for her to change.

And they cheer her here. Just like this idiot. Ron Paul.

Arizona? Really? I figured you for New Orleans with your entitlement attitude.

People like you are impossible to deal with. You don't listen to reason and you think you know everything. This is the only way to talk to your likes.

Why don't you just not collect your social security or use medicare?? You're so damn pompous. Oh, wait. I'll bet you're not even entitled to them. Well, I am!!! I've been working since I was 16 years old and I want those benefits. I'm talking a lot of years. So take your crap about being, "entitled", and stick it where the sun don't shine, you big jerk!!
Oh and you lying son of a bitch, the audience did not start cheering wildly.

Every report had one person who yelled it.

But then you are a lying motherfucker to beat all lying motherfuckers.

God you are so abrasive.

Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

I wouldn't do that to a dog or a cat or a bird. It was one of the most appalling moments in American history where we allowed this to happen.

And if there is a hell, I sure hope everyone involved in killing that woman so slowly, day by day watching her suffer into death burns forever. It was cruelty beyond.

So yeah, I get ticked off and lose it occaisionally. But how about taking your dog outside if you have one. Look that dog in the eye as you tie him up and then go "I love you but you must die" and leave that beast to starve to death and to have no water.

I'll be abrasive on this topic till the day I die.
Keep your eyes on the BIG PICTURE folks. and that is voting out the Obama and his disgusting comrades in Arms come 2012.

they will try many more of these types of distractions...

Oh and you lying son of a bitch, the audience did not start cheering wildly.

Every report had one person who yelled it.

But then you are a lying motherfucker to beat all lying motherfuckers.

God you are so abrasive.

Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

I wouldn't do that to a dog or a cat or a bird. It was one of the most appalling moments in American history where we allowed this to happen.

And if there is a hell, I sure hope everyone involved in killing that woman so slowly, day by day watching her suffer into death burns forever. It was cruelty beyond.

So yeah, I get ticked off and lose it occaisionally. But how about taking your dog outside if you have one. Look that dog in the eye as you tie him up and then go "I love you but you must die" and leave that beast to starve to death and to have no water.

I'll be abrasive on this topic till the day I die.

What do they expect. They would not play nice if their side was constantly attacked like this. This, everyone on the Right, all Republicans, want to see the Poor stay poor and starve, and the old and sick to die, and are all Racists, and Islamaphobes crap is getting pretty fucking OLD!

I am finding it harder and harder to remain Civil, when responding to these baseless accusations constantly.

If you want less abrasiveness, stop the Class warfare, Race Baiting, Republicans are EVIL, fucking Stereo typing of every person who dares not be a card Carrying Liberal.
Hoffa is not running for president of the United States.

You just demonstrated a "double standard".

nor is the person in the audience that said let'em die
But hoffa is president of a union

There are only 10 million union members in the US. That's all the unions in the private sector. He represents less than many congressmen who, buy the way, want to take away the rights of those members. I don't see how you can compare the president of a union with the president of the US. You might as well compare the president with the president of the 7th grade science club for all the sense it makes.

You just demonstrated a "double standard" the person who said let'em die is not running for president.
Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!
God you are so abrasive.

Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

I wouldn't do that to a dog or a cat or a bird. It was one of the most appalling moments in American history where we allowed this to happen.

And if there is a hell, I sure hope everyone involved in killing that woman so slowly, day by day watching her suffer into death burns forever. It was cruelty beyond.

So yeah, I get ticked off and lose it occaisionally. But how about taking your dog outside if you have one. Look that dog in the eye as you tie him up and then go "I love you but you must die" and leave that beast to starve to death and to have no water.

I'll be abrasive on this topic till the day I die.

What do they expect. They would not play nice if their side was constantly attacked like this. This, everyone on the Right, all Republicans, want to see the Poor stay poor and starve, and the old and sick to die, and are all Racists, and Islamaphobes crap is getting pretty fucking OLD!

I am finding it harder and harder to remain Civil, when responding to these baseless accusations constantly.

If you want less abrasiveness, stop the Class warfare, Race Baiting, Republicans are EVIL, fucking Stereo typing of every person who dares not be a card Carrying Liberal.

Speak your mind. the left doesn't care what they say just as long as they are attacking the tea party. I understand all there plans where shot down the drain in 2010 Thats why they are so pissed.
Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!

Terri Schiavo was a person do you only want to give healthcare coverage to certain people are you a fucking hypocrite?
Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!
Holy shit, the Lactating lil' indian brave has nothing of substance to add to an issue, yet again.
Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

Holy shit, another Terri Schiavo lunatic!
Holy shit, the Lactating lil' indian brave has nothing of substance to add to an issue, yet again.

Don't act so surprised, he wasn't on any mercy mission...

...several transmissions were beamed to him from his Democratic handlers.
God you are so abrasive.

Normally I'm not. I try to be decent on message boards. But if some left wing nutbar is going to try to lecture the hell out of those on the right who tried desperately to stop the starvation and dehydration death of Terri Schiavo, I get pissed off beyond 10 on the freaking richter scale.

I wouldn't do that to a dog or a cat or a bird. It was one of the most appalling moments in American history where we allowed this to happen.

And if there is a hell, I sure hope everyone involved in killing that woman so slowly, day by day watching her suffer into death burns forever. It was cruelty beyond.

So yeah, I get ticked off and lose it occaisionally. But how about taking your dog outside if you have one. Look that dog in the eye as you tie him up and then go "I love you but you must die" and leave that beast to starve to death and to have no water.

I'll be abrasive on this topic till the day I die.

What do they expect. They would not play nice if their side was constantly attacked like this. This, everyone on the Right, all Republicans, want to see the Poor stay poor and starve, and the old and sick to die, and are all Racists, and Islamaphobes crap is getting pretty fucking OLD!

I am finding it harder and harder to remain Civil, when responding to these baseless accusations constantly.

If you want less abrasiveness, stop the Class warfare, Race Baiting, Republicans are EVIL, fucking Stereo typing of every person who dares not be a card Carrying Liberal.

Somewhere about 2006 I decided I'm never playing nice in the sandbox with these lunatics ever again.

This crop is not from the Democrat Party. These are left wingers without souls. I still know a few good Democrats. Their party is gone though. Sad.

Those were days of decency where policy issues could be debated but not one person involved in the debate ever ever did not have the desire to make the world and America a better place.
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