During GOP Debate, when RP asked about sick young man audience yells "Let him DIE!".

well if you don't believe in god and are a darwinest and evolutionist then you should let him die...survival of the fittest....

and by extension believe there should be no social programs whatsoever....

the people will take care of the sick and infirm not the government....

How much you get paid for posting every shit leftwing site or rag in this country?

Then you wonder why Liberals are such miserable creatures, they visit every hate site on the Internet.

Reporting the truth makes you a "hate site"? Don't you like liars being told they are lying? What happened to all those right wing "morals" and "values"?

hey, write to Mr. Ellison again.?? And according to you and your leftie buddies on this board, only you guys have morals and values.. your all's self righteousness is really a joke. as are you..
Oh and you lying son of a bitch, the audience did not start cheering wildly.

Every report had one person who yelled it.

But then you are a lying motherfucker to beat all lying motherfuckers.

Can't you just talk normal?? That's the problem with you nutbucket extremists. I think Rick Perry finally saw it last night. About time.

TAMPA, FL -- The morning after a sometimes-rocky appearance in front of a Tea Party debate audience, Gov. Rick Perry said he was "taken aback" by cheers from some crowd members on a hypothetical question of whether a young man who decides not to buy health insurance should be refused care if he develops a life-threatening illness and be left to die.

"I was a bit taken aback by that myself," Perry told NBC News and the Miami Herald after appearing at a breakfast fundraiser in Tampa.

"We're the party of life. We ought to be coming up with ways to save lives."

First Read - Perry 'taken aback' by debate crowd reaction

Why can't you be normal?

I wasn't talking to you, twit. Why can't YOU mind your business???
Double standard. No guiding principles whatsoever.

Hoffa is not running for president of the United States.

You just demonstrated a "double standard".

nor is the person in the audience that said let'em die
But hoffa is president of a union

There are only 10 million union members in the US. That's all the unions in the private sector. He represents less than many congressmen who, buy the way, want to take away the rights of those members. I don't see how you can compare the president of a union with the president of the US. You might as well compare the president with the president of the 7th grade science club for all the sense it makes.
Can't you just talk normal?? That's the problem with you nutbucket extremists. I think Rick Perry finally saw it last night. About time.

TAMPA, FL -- The morning after a sometimes-rocky appearance in front of a Tea Party debate audience, Gov. Rick Perry said he was "taken aback" by cheers from some crowd members on a hypothetical question of whether a young man who decides not to buy health insurance should be refused care if he develops a life-threatening illness and be left to die.

"I was a bit taken aback by that myself," Perry told NBC News and the Miami Herald after appearing at a breakfast fundraiser in Tampa.

"We're the party of life. We ought to be coming up with ways to save lives."

First Read - Perry 'taken aback' by debate crowd reaction

Why can't you be normal?

I wasn't talking to you, twit. Why can't YOU mind your business???

funny, people asked you to do the same thing, but you never did..:meow:
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

These people, and by that I mean GOPers, in particular of the TeaBag persuasion, are nothing more than despicable, sadistic, imoral SOBs. They care about nothing other than their own money and well-being. All else be damned. They're the type of people that would push an old woman out of the way while running out of a burning building. They. are. scum!

Iths thimple!
And dispcable racist cowards such as yourself, have no qualms about the states sponsored torture and murder of innocent lives in the womb.

You peoploe are so fuckin' stupid, you don't even have the ability to understand that no one is talking about causing granny any harm. It's about making seriously needed reforms to a system that is unsustainable, and seriously broken, thereby putting future grannies i serious jeopardy.

Ignorant, fuckin' moronic COWARD is all you are.
Tea Party Debate Crowd on Uninsured Sick Americans: Let Them Die!

You people need to see the clip again.

When Wolf said the man was in a coma, Paul shrugged his shoulders and said he took the risk.

AND turn the sound up. It was more than "a couple" who said, "Let him die".

In this day of video, you guys can't "spin this away". Not this time. Not from the Republican Presidential Debate. It's not happening.
One guy is now a "Crowd"

One of the best things that ever happened was the lying scumbag Progressives losing their media monopoly.

Do you see how critical that was to their position?
hahahahaha, Ole Alan Grayson that person who got his ASS kicked to the curb BY THE PEOPLE of this country has again surfaced..oh yawn..
Tea Party Debate Crowd on Uninsured Sick Americans: Let Them Die!

You people need to see the clip again.

When Wolf said the man was in a coma, Paul shrugged his shoulders and said he took the risk.

AND turn the sound up. It was more than "a couple" who said, "Let him die".

In this day of video, you guys can't "spin this away". Not this time. Not from the Republican Presidential Debate. It's not happening.

How many time will you fail in your attempt to peg the tea party negatively? Anytime theirs a shooting you cry it's a tea party member until later you fiund out it isn't

Has tthe person who said it been identified? It's going to be real funny when you find out that it might be a liberal.
One guy is now a "Crowd"

One of the best things that ever happened was the lying scumbag Progressives losing their media monopoly.

Do you see how critical that was to their position?

Franks thats ok let'em call the peson a tea party member, sooner or latter the person will be identified and the shit that will be shoved back in these whennies face will be great when it's found out that the person might not be a tea party member but a liberal who was allowed to attend.
During the Republican Debate, Ron Paul was asked about a hypothetical young man without insurance who gets sick. Ron Paul said you have to live by your choices.

When the moderator asked, "So we should let him die?" and then the audience started wildly cheering, "Yea, let him die!".

And how many of those people in the audience were old and fat? Well, from what they were showing, most of them. How many have Medicare and Social Security? And they were cheering, "Let him die?" because he had no insurance?

I thought it was bad enough when they cheered when Rick Santorum talked about ending "Medicare".

These people are insane. What other explanation could there be?

These people, and by that I mean GOPers, in particular of the TeaBag persuasion, are nothing more than despicable, sadistic, imoral SOBs. They care about nothing other than their own money and well-being. All else be damned. They're the type of people that would push an old woman out of the way while running out of a burning building. They. are. scum!

Iths thimple!

Yet..no matter what the irght says...NO MATTER WHAT...idiots in here will defend them. Its so rare for a righty to just say, damn, that was dumb what our side just did. So rare.

I've yet to hear a leftie admit the same thing!!!
Since when is 1 guy shouting something, the same as "the Crowd shouting it"?

Dude was either a complete fucking idiot, or A democrat Plant. Either way he clearly does not reflect the views of the Crowd. Rdean trying to say he does, is just...well Rdean Being Rdean. A lying, Super Partisan Liberal Hack.
Tea Party Debate Crowd on Uninsured Sick Americans: Let Them Die!

You people need to see the clip again.

When Wolf said the man was in a coma, Paul shrugged his shoulders and said he took the risk.

AND turn the sound up. It was more than "a couple" who said, "Let him die".

In this day of video, you guys can't "spin this away". Not this time. Not from the Republican Presidential Debate. It's not happening.

Not a single person in the audience actually yelled 'Let him die', dick-stain.

However, I could clearly hear several people (out of the thousands that attended) say 'yeah', when Wolf said 'let him die?'

That in no way indicates that ALL members of the audience agreed that they should 'let him die', any more that the striking union workers who hurled racial slurs recently indicates that ALL union members are racist, or any of a dozen examples I won't bother with because you're quite simply, too simple to understand them.
Friggen Huffington post is having a meltdown..

I hope they blow the site up..:lol:

the left has nothing else except to try and take away the FACT their PARTY has now kept Unemployment up over 9% for almost three years, have been paying 3.50 cents for a gallon of gas for that LONG, anyone buy a pound of BACON recently? We've been downgraded under Obama, POVERTY IS UP under Obama..

and the Obama is sitting in the toilet with the people of this country. But hey, lets all FRIGGEN FRET over what some person in the Audience says at a debate instead..

you gotta love them..
Yet..no matter what the irght says...NO MATTER WHAT...idiots in here will defend them. Its so rare for a righty to just say, damn, that was dumb what our side just did. So rare.

The only idiot is you dude. Not one fucking Person on this thread, or on TV anywhere is defending what the 1 gut shouted in the crowd. Were defending the Crowd against the lefts attempt to claim they all shouted it, or all believe it, Because 1 guy, who has yet to even be Identified shouted it.

Oh, and by the way, when was the last time you pointed out something dumb your side did? I know I do it all the time. The Dude that shouted that shit is an idiot, and a scum bag. Inexcusable. However it is also inexcusable for you guys to be trying to paint everyone in that crowd, and by extension all Tea party Types, with the same brush as that 1 idiot.
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The jubilant shouts of members of the GOP audience encouraging the death of a hypothetical uninsured man bring to mind the 2009 House floor speech delivered by former Florida Rep. Alan Grayson, in which he famously charged: "The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick." Members of the crowd at the Tampa debate agree with Grayson.

More: Alan Grayson Blasts Tea Party Debate Audience's Reaction To Health Care Question: 'It's Sadism'
Why are you posting a has-been (Never Was) twerp like Alan Grayson that had his ass shellacked by his constituients?

Must be a hero of yours eh?

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