Dutch Supreme Court rules doctors can euthanize dementia patients


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

I guess this rules out any state visits to Amsterdam by President Biden.
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.

Can we send all our progressive bureaucrats there for psychiatric review?


If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.

I guess this rules out any state visits to Amsterdam by President Biden.

Environmental Activists aka Global Warming Hoax Activists should be euthanised, this includes Greta "Children of The Corn" Thunberg. They should actually VOLUNTEER to be en masse euthanised, this because by them dying they are saving PRECIOUS oxygen and that is the way we Save The Planet :smoke:

We should also en masse euthanise ALL Vegan bastards, this because they are literally more annoying than The Global Warming Hoax bastards and also ANYONE who wants to prevent ANYONE from eating bacon should be Fast-Track Euthanised :smoke:
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.

They cost alot of money and are not beneficial in any way to society anymore. That is the thinking behind it.
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.

My Mother had bouts of anger at times.
It seemed to do with being told she wasn't doing what was right for her regarding her own care.
She constantly said she was taking her meds when we knew she wasnt.
We tried to put em on the kitchen counter with my pills and she'd sneak em back upstairs.
When the Wife would chastise her she'd blow up..
She once asked if my Wife wanted to wipe her ass and threw her pills at Her.
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.

It says in the OP article that the dementia patients can be euthanised provided the patient expressed a desire for this while still legally capable of doing so:


So as you say that if you ever are in the situation of having dementia you would want someone kind enough to shoot you, would you write down now or not that if you ever are in the situation of having dementia you would like a doctor to do a Mercy Killing on you?

Those with dementia would they even know what was happening if many of them do not even know who their son or daughter is anymore and instead see just a random strange person in front of them?
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.
The article said that the patient in question had to give prior approval while they were still legally competent. We should all have the right to decide it's time to call it quits. There ought to be a suicide pill in a package that says "If you cannot remember what this pill is for, take it".
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.
The article said that the patient in question had to give prior approval while they were still legally competent. We should all have the right to decide it's time to call it quits. There ought to be a suicide pill in a package that says "If you cannot remember what this pill is for, take it".

I fully support Assisted Suicide, I also fully support that if someone is not going to return to a normal healthy life and their body and mind are rapidly failing that they should be helped into the next life and given dignity. It is CRUEL and INHUMANE to put these peoples through constant humiliation of not even being able to go to the bathroom on their own and to have such a TOTAL loss of dignity on ALL levels. What is the actual point of putting them through this? So other peoples in some act of altruism can feel better about THEMSELVES for helping and/or supporting them?

Why do we not allow animals to suffer in pain and humiliation BUT there are peoples who think we SHOULD allow human beings to suffer in pain and humiliation?
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.
The article said that the patient in question had to give prior approval while they were still legally competent. We should all have the right to decide it's time to call it quits. There ought to be a suicide pill in a package that says "If you cannot remember what this pill is for, take it".

I fully support Assisted Suicide, I also fully support that if someone is not going to return to a normal healthy life and their body and mind are rapidly failing that they should be helped into the next life and given dignity. It is CRUEL and INHUMANE to put these peoples through constant humiliation of not even being able to go to the bathroom on their own and to have such a TOTAL loss of dignity on ALL levels. What is the actual point of putting them through this? So other peoples in some act of altruism can feel better about THEMSELVES for helping and/or supporting them?

Why do we not allow animals to suffer in pain and humiliation BUT there are peoples who think we SHOULD allow human beings to suffer in pain and humiliation?
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.
The article said that the patient in question had to give prior approval while they were still legally competent. We should all have the right to decide it's time to call it quits. There ought to be a suicide pill in a package that says "If you cannot remember what this pill is for, take it".

I fully support Assisted Suicide, I also fully support that if someone is not going to return to a normal healthy life and their body and mind are rapidly failing that they should be helped into the next life and given dignity. It is CRUEL and INHUMANE to put these peoples through constant humiliation of not even being able to go to the bathroom on their own and to have such a TOTAL loss of dignity on ALL levels. What is the actual point of putting them through this? So other peoples in some act of altruism can feel better about THEMSELVES for helping and/or supporting them?

Why do we not allow animals to suffer in pain and humiliation BUT there are peoples who think we SHOULD allow human beings to suffer in pain and humiliation?
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

I'm so sorry that your mother and you and your family had to go through something that traumatising for you all.
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.
The article said that the patient in question had to give prior approval while they were still legally competent. We should all have the right to decide it's time to call it quits. There ought to be a suicide pill in a package that says "If you cannot remember what this pill is for, take it".

I fully support Assisted Suicide, I also fully support that if someone is not going to return to a normal healthy life and their body and mind are rapidly failing that they should be helped into the next life and given dignity. It is CRUEL and INHUMANE to put these peoples through constant humiliation of not even being able to go to the bathroom on their own and to have such a TOTAL loss of dignity on ALL levels. What is the actual point of putting them through this? So other peoples in some act of altruism can feel better about THEMSELVES for helping and/or supporting them?

Why do we not allow animals to suffer in pain and humiliation BUT there are peoples who think we SHOULD allow human beings to suffer in pain and humiliation?
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

I'm so sorry that your mother and you and your family had to go through something that traumatising for you all.
I'm seriously don't know if she would have taken the easy way out even if it was available. She was a good Christian lady.
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.

It says in the OP article that the dementia patients can be euthanised provided the patient expressed a desire for this while still legally capable of doing so:

View attachment 327490

So as you say that if you ever are in the situation of having dementia you would want someone kind enough to shoot you, would you write down now or not that if you ever are in the situation of having dementia you would like a doctor to do a Mercy Killing on you?

Those with dementia would they even know what was happening if many of them do not even know who their son or daughter is anymore and instead see just a random strange person in front of them?

The Wife and I have a long standing agreement to off ourselves if things get really bad.
I dont want Her to spend all Her time taking care of me and She feels the same.
We'll hobble out into the pasture and eat a bullet....together.
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

Mine is an enormous-caliber rifle in the ear.
If I am ever in that situation, I hope someone would be kind enough to shoot me.
Damned right. I had to accompany an ex to see her mother in the dementia ward of a nursing home week in and week out for months. Absolutely miserable and heartbreaking as her mother slowly forgot who her daughter was. After that I don't find the jokes funny at all.
It is hard on families, but the dementia patient is usually content. There are rare exceptions. But that gives you no right to take their life for your own benefit.
The article said that the patient in question had to give prior approval while they were still legally competent. We should all have the right to decide it's time to call it quits. There ought to be a suicide pill in a package that says "If you cannot remember what this pill is for, take it".

I fully support Assisted Suicide, I also fully support that if someone is not going to return to a normal healthy life and their body and mind are rapidly failing that they should be helped into the next life and given dignity. It is CRUEL and INHUMANE to put these peoples through constant humiliation of not even being able to go to the bathroom on their own and to have such a TOTAL loss of dignity on ALL levels. What is the actual point of putting them through this? So other peoples in some act of altruism can feel better about THEMSELVES for helping and/or supporting them?

Why do we not allow animals to suffer in pain and humiliation BUT there are peoples who think we SHOULD allow human beings to suffer in pain and humiliation?

They can suffer through the last times in their life if they want to.
But on the flipside if they're done I see no reason to deny them an easy exit.
My mother had a stroke that paralyzed half her body. While in the hospital they discovered she had terminal colon cancer, gave her a colostomy and sent her home to die. Terrible candidate for home hospice but we did our best. What followed were the most hellish and heartbreaking 4 months of my life. She often wept out of shame for putting us through all that. I was out of my mind with grief by the time she died. The beautiful home hospice death was a lie. She died in doped-up emotional agony. That will never be me. I am clever, I will find a way out of a rotten decaying body.

Mine is an enormous-caliber rifle in the ear.
Helium asphyxiation.

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